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Samsung BD-D6500

8 user region code comments

December 06, 2015 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by globaldude, July 09 2011:

The same hack for the BD-C5500 works on the BD-D6500 purchased here in Germany. It appears it can only be used twice though.

PostRegion code hack posted by nonzuga, October 15 2011:

I was able to make my BD-D6500 region free (changed from Region 2).

I pretty much followed the instructions given here

But it was not necessary to press "Eject" because it doesn't have a tray to come out. Here are the steps adapted to the BD-D6500:

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray.

2. Switch the player off and then back on.

3. As soon as the display on the player shows "No Disc" immediately enter REPEAT 5 7 5 3 8 with the remote. Timing is important and you might need a few tries. Code sequence depends on your current region (see below).

4. The region code "2" should appear at the top right corner of the screen (this just flashed on then off, so keep an eye on the screen)

5. Enter a "9" to make the player region free.

12. Power down and power up again.

13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change.

Codes for other regions are:
1 – 2 9 3 3 4
2 – 5 7 5 3 8
3 – 5 6 7 3 2
4 – 7 6 8 8 4
5 – 5 3 8 1 4
6 – 2 4 4 6 2


PostRegion code hack posted by conway2, October 24 2011:

I followed earlier instructions according to BD-D6500, however this did not work.

I succeeded with changing the region code with the following procedure:
1. Ensure there is no disc in tray
2. switch player off and on again
3. as soon as display on the dvd player shows: NO DISC push the REPEAT button and press 57538
wait a moment and do this procedure again, i.e. press REPEAT and enter 575387

4. the region code 2 should appear at right top corner of tv screen - (just in a flash on and then off)
5. Press 9 to make player region free
6. Power dvd player down and UP again
7. Play foreign DVD to verify the change
For other countries see appropiate region codes

PostRegion code hack posted by dark4est, November 06 2011:

This does not work for Region 1 players purchased in the US. Can someone please provide more info on how to unlock Region 1 players!

PostRegion code hack posted by dave906, December 31 2011:

I have successfully done the posted (nonzuga & conway2) region free hack on a Samsung BD-D6500 region 3 from Thailand. However, I had to do step 3 three times.

(i.e. Step 3. as soon as display on the dvd player shows: NO DISC push the REPEAT button and press 56732;
wait a moment and do this procedure again, i.e. press REPEAT and enter 56732;
wait a moment and do this procedure again, i.e. press REPEAT and enter 56732)

I can now play my Australian Region 4 DVDs on my region 3 player.

PostRegion code hack posted by emmaddy, January 06 2012:

new help

PostRegion code hack posted by Sanderious, March 31 2012:


I noticed that ALL samsung hacks apparently do not work anymore after having installed new firmware on your BD-player...

Normally this is good behaviour, but apparently not in this case. Can anyone confirm this?

I bought a new Samsung BD-D6500 (has an AK59-00125A remote)), and tried everything.

Maybe a silly question by me, but where do the hacks come from? Does Samsung give them out? Can you find it somewhere in a hidden file?

Would love to hear some hopeful news as I have a lot of different region DVD's...

PostRegion code hack posted by roadkingtc88, December 06 2015:

I was able to change the region code to "9" as outlined in this forum to Samsung BD-D6500 for a
player purchased in the U.S>, region 1. It is now able to play Blu Ray DVD's purchased in
Germany, region 2. I reset it to factory defaults first, using the STOP icon on the Player, set
it back up, etc, power off/on.

The key for me, I think, was using a different remote that DID have the REPEAT key. My remote did
NOT have one.

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