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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Samsung BD-C6900

46 user region code comments

February 07, 2022 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by wildbull1984, May 09 2010:

This device is sold in Australia as a locked region 4 DVD and region B Blue-ray player. There is no current procedure for unlocking the Blue-ray and it is probably not necessary because over 80% of released disks are region free anyway. (Just don't ever buy the other 20% and they will get the message soon enough!)

To change the DVD from region 4 (Pacific/Australia) to region 9 (region free) follow these steps using the remote control. (Adapted from for Australian conditions).

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray.

2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is necessary to clean-boot the firmware.

3. Wait until the main menu page appears and the player stops doing anything.

4. Press the eject button to open the tray. (The button is between the "Power" and "TV Power" buttons at the top of the controller.)

5. Press the eject button to close the tray.

6. Wait while the player searches for a disk.

7. As soon as the "No Disk" message appears at the top left corner do the following.

8. Press the REPEAT button – just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller.

9. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad.

10. The region code "4" should appear at the top left corner of the screen.

11. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.)

12. Power down and power up again.

13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change.


Now the tricky bits. This process is timing dependent.

Firstly, you must start entering the code just after the "No Disk" message is shown and before the message disappears. If you jump the gun or miss the boat (isn't English great!) it won't work.

Secondly, the REPEAT key is part of the code. All six keys must be entered smoothly as "REPEAT 7 6 8 8 4". The entry gets timed out so you can't stop in the middle and restart. Don't bash away like crazy, just do it smoothly and briskly.

If you don't see the "4" the first time, don't worry. Just repeat the process. It took me about a dozen tries before I got it to work.

I can't guarantee that this player does not have a region change counter so I would be a bit careful about changing regions back and forth. I also can't guarantee that this will work with all released firmware. Samsung seems to take this crazy region bastardry very seriously for some reason.


For people from other parts of the world, all region codes are as follows

1 – 2 9 3 3 4
2 – 5 7 5 3 8
3 – 5 6 7 3 2
4 – 7 6 8 8 4
5 – 5 3 8 1 4
6 – 2 4 4 6 2

PostRegion code posted by philh, May 31 2010:

The above hack doesn't work for me, and seems to have been mosted by the same person for a number of different Samsung models. If someone can verify that this works, that would be great. Thanks.

PostRegion code posted by Jedit, June 14 2010:

Confirming that this hack does NOT work. 30+ attempts at every speed possible and no result.

PostRegion code posted by catflap, June 21 2010:

region code hack DOES NOT WORK!

PostRegion code hack posted by jstanthrcnsumr, June 23 2010:

Just wanted to confirm this hack worked for my new 3D Blu-ray player, but am
not sure if I pressed repeat again after the code or not. I do know my US DVD's
(Region 1) now work along side my Australian (Region 4) ones.

It took me many attempts to get the timing right, but it does work.

I haven't been able to verify any Blu-ray discs because I only have 2 Australian
(Region B) discs, but am hoping to find a way to test soon.

Good luck.

PostRegion code hack posted by jv3702, June 23 2010:

didn't work for me either (being in Europe region 2)
which firmware version are you using?
I currently use the latest available: BSP-C6900WWB-1011.0

PostRegion code hack posted by Kiwibody, June 23 2010:

Turn on player. Once the menu displays, press the "Repeat" button and quickly type your code (I am in New Zealand so typed 76884) wait for a second, the region code for your player should display in a black rectangle at the top right of your screen, immediately hit the "9" button. Open and close the tray, power off... success! (you will definitely notice the box if you keyed the code correctly)(if the region code for where you are did not display you will have to start again from power off.)
I did this about 15 times before I got it (and it got quite annoying in the process). I called Samsung twice and was starting to think it was all a bunch or rubbish as I was getting no-where!
I didn't do the "Open tray", "Close tray" thing at the start, I just started from the main menu, and keyed it pretty quickly. In fact I mis-keyed and was about to swear when the number "4" came up on screen... I was trying to key 768849 but missed the 9 and hit the "Audio" button directly beneath it. I quickly hit the "9" key, saw it come up on screen, openned and closed te tray and then turned it off and started watching a zone 2 disc... instead of getting the infuriating message again.
If only they sold thiem this way...

PostRegion code posted by Jedit, June 29 2010:

So it's looking like the hack works for Region 4 players but not for any others. That means either the codes for other regions are wrong or it's a hack specific to the R4 version of the firmware. This suggests you may be able to get it working by kludging in the R4 firmware.

PostRegion code posted by philh, July 01 2010:

Only problem is - try as I might i can't apply firmware from other regions. Is there a way to force an upgrade?

I keep getting the "latest firmware already" message.

PostRegion code hack posted by confirmhack, July 11 2010:

I can confirm that this hack worked using a Region 3 Firmware box (from Singapore).

Just follow the instructions carefully and you will see the new code above.

I did notice that if you screw up the timing in pressing '9' you will set your region code to something else. So if you saw a confirmation code that was NOT '9' you will need to try the hack again.

PostRegion code posted by freohag, July 16 2010:

THis hack doesn't seem to work for me either (Norwegian Region 2 player). I never saw the "2" code in upper left corner after typing the REPEAT 57538 code. I've tried this about 50 times now, still no luck. I use the newest firmware availiable, BSP-C6900WWB-1013.3.

PostRegion code hack posted by marlahe, July 16 2010:

Confirm that hack doesn't work for reg 2. Tried over over again with 3 diffent firmwares.

PostRegion code posted by philh, July 20 2010:

You tried 3 different firmware? How is there a way to change manually? or do you mean you've updated the FW 3 times?

PostRegion code hack posted by dlormans, August 11 2010:

Just to confirm, New Zealand BD C6900's can be hacked.

Open and close disc drawer is not necessary. At menu type return, 7, 6, 8,
8, 4 and a code will appear TOP LEFT of screen. Press 9 for all region
DVD. The code does not show on the right as a previous poster has
claimed. It took me about 50 goes before I realized that waiting for the no
disc message was not required and that the region code appears on the
left and not the right. A very frustrating experience but it does work.

PostRegion code hack posted by hoopsnake, August 18 2010:

Can confirm that this hack works with firmware: BSP-C6900WWB-1014.0

When you see the region code show up I waited till it went away (abt 2sec) and then pushed 9, ejected and reloaded tray, waited for no disk and shutdown.

Worked like a charm.

PostRegion code hack posted by patus, August 21 2010:

This hack doesn't work for region A: i have the firmware: BSP-C6900WWB-1014.0
Open and close disc drawer,wait No disc message, I typing the Return 29334 code
There are no confirmation code that appear on the TOP LEFT of the screen.

PostRegion code hack posted by hoopsnake, August 22 2010:

That's probably because your pushing Return instead of Repeat.

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray.

2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is necessary to clean-boot the firmware.

3. After the "No Disk" message appears, do the following.

4. Press the REPEAT button – just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller.

5. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad.

6. After a sec or two, the region code (for whatever region it is currently set to) should appear at the top left corner of the screen.

7. Wait till this number disappears.

11. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. Wait till the number 9 disappears.

12. Power down and power up again.

13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change.

Just tested and changed my player from 9 to 1 and back to 9 again.

It works. just take your time when you push the keys. Just do it nice and slow and it will work first(or second) time.

PostRegion code hack posted by martinjgreen, September 06 2010:

I can confirm this works on an Australian BD-C6900 (Region 4). The Open/Close is not required, the reboot is.

After doing it 10 or so times with no luck, I was about to give up. I gave it one last try and saw a 5 come up then a 7 - obviously it was working but I hadn't done it right.

Do it SLOWLY, else you'll do what I did and set the region wrong (don't panic - even if u change it to 7, the region 4 code still works to activate the unlock sequence).

Copied below lest there may be more posts :)

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray.

2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is necessary to clean-boot the firmware.

3. After the "No Disk" message appears, do the following.

4. Press the REPEAT button – just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller.

5. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad.

6. After a sec or two, the region code (for whatever region it is currently set to) should appear at the top left corner of the screen.

7. Wait till this number disappears.

11. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. Wait till the number 9 disappears.

I pressed repeat here - may not be required.

12. Power down and power up again.

Tested with a UK DVD (Region 2) and works fine.


PostRegion code hack posted by shayno, October 16 2010:

i did as directed and changed the 4 to 9 powered down. tried step into liquid surf
movie and still tells me mismatch with area codes.the 9 does not free all area
codes. Any other ideas?

PostRegion code hack posted by marwin, October 17 2010:

The hack did not work for me on a (norwegian) region 2 player. I tried different timings and variations on the same region hack (as suggested on other forums), 50-100 times. It's also worth noting that I've never seen anyone claim that they got it working on a region 2 player.

Firmware versions:
BSP-C6900WWB-1013.3 (original)
BSP-C6900WWB-1015.4 (after upgrade)

I returned the player for a refund and bought a Panasonic DMP-BDT300 instead.

PostRegion code posted by mchayo, November 24 2010:

Just updating how it work very nice for me, it was region 4
from Mexico

1. Turn on player
2. On main screen I moved to video (instead of internet where
actually is by default)
3. REPEAT 7 6 8 8 4
4. SHOWED ACTUAL REGION "4", Wait until disappear and then
click 9.
5. Worked excellent, with just released firmware version and
at the first time.

Hope this is useful for the people who can't unlock it until

PostRegion code hack posted by hollywoodau, November 25 2010:

I can confirm this worked on a Singapore purchased BD-C6900 (Region

Worked successfully after two attempts.

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray. 

2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is necessary to clean-boot
the firmware. 

3. After the "No Disk" message appears, do the following. 

4. Press the REPEAT button – just above the TV channel selector at the
bottom right of the controller. 

5. Enter your REGION CODE (as listed elsewhere in this forum)

6. After a sec or two, the region code (for whatever region it is currently
set to) will appear at the top left corner of the screen. 


11. Then quickly enter a "9" to make the player region free. Wait till the
number 9 disappears. 

12. Power down and power up again. 

It is important to note that whilst this has made the player region free for
DVD it has not done the same for Blu-ray. You will still only be able to
play Blu-ray discs from the region where the player was purchased.

Good Luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by dgtalfun, December 12 2010:

My player shows region 5 but region 4 procedure below worked at first attempt only:
Turn on player. Once the menu displays, press the "Repeat" button and quickly type your code 53814 wait for a second, the region code for your player should display in a black rectangle at the top left of your screen, immediately hit the "9" button. Open and close the tray, power off... success!

PostRegion code hack posted by lhaugerud, December 14 2010:

I bought a Samsung BD-C6900, region 2, and can confirm after several days and hundreds of tries, that this hack does NOT work on region 2. I went back and returned it in exchange for a BD-C5900, region 2. This hack worked THE FIRST TIME. My suggestion for region 2 hacker on this one is to get the other model.

PostRegion code hack posted by GusCFI, December 20 2010:

Tried this hack in Region 1 and no matter how many times it doesn't work here in the US wish it did

PostRegion code hack posted by amirante, January 03 2011:

Well, if region 4 and 3 C6900 players work with the remote hack method and region 2 players dont. There must be a hardware difference. I downloaded the firmware (1018.1)from 3 regions,using PAL system.(2, 3 and 4) Used a HEX file editor and did a comparison analysis on all files. They are identical. The computer analysis came up with that answer, they are identical down to every digit. That rules out changing firmware. Since region two users dont succeed, there must be a hardware difference, or we are just being clumsy.

PostRegion code hack posted by stew, January 04 2011:

This is just to say that I used the Blue ray region code hack on an Australian 3D blue ray player and it worked, you don't have to keep turning it on and off just open and close the tray and keep trying, only took me about 4 or 5 tries

PostRegion code hack posted by yngveny, January 30 2011:

Worked perfectly on my region 2 BD-C6900

Started player, waited for menu page
Entered: Repeat 5 7 5 3 8 (slow and steady)
The zone code 2 appeard in upper left corner
As soon as the 2 disappeard I pressed 9
and a 9 appeared in place of the 2

PostRegion code hack posted by Marlboris, February 03 2011:

I just receive my new BD-C6900 (switzerland zone 2). I updated the last firmware (1019.0 I think) and software.
After that, I tried to change the zone with the code 5 7 5 3 8 but it didn't work. :-(
Any suggestions ?

PostRegion code hack posted by catflap, February 04 2011:


what country are you in? you're the first
person here who reports you can do the hack with
an RC machine.

I'm in switzerland. so is Marlboris and we
both have the newest firmware but the code
will not work.

PostRegion code hack posted by, February 14 2011:

THis worked for me i am using samsung BD-C6900 region code 5 (india) and i changed it to region 9 and now i can play dvds of region 4 realy worked

PostRegion code hack posted by felo2011, March 15 2011:

I power up with no DVD in the tray, waited until the menu appears, then I pressed Repeat button and 76884 slowly and then a number 4 appears in the top left corner. Then I press 9 and a 9 was displayed in the top left corner. Then powered off the unit. It works! I have the firmware BSP-C6900WWB-1019.0 and buyed yhe C6900 in Chile.

PostRegion code hack posted by Corelianer0, March 21 2011:

Player: BD-C6900/EDC
Firmware: 1019
Orginal RC: 2
Result: Doesn't work

The posted Hack doesn't work for me.I tried it with open and closed tray, different speeds, with reboot and without reboot. I treid also other codes. I am now contacting Samsung to get help, you should do the same because it seem to be a product bug.

PostRegion code hack posted by vesrim, April 02 2011:

BD-C6900XAX bought in Mexico, region code 4: Hack ON-OPEN-CLOSE-wait-REPEAT-76884-9 works with both original 1008.0 and new 1019.0 firmwares. Please note, however, that even after region code hack, it is still NTSC only, so if you are planning to play European DVDs recorded with PAL system, it won't work.

PostRegion code hack posted by kw13, April 14 2011:

I tried the hack instructions on this forum and I confirm it worked.

My tip for those who are still trying is, you don't need to turn on and off again
after a failed attempt. You don't even have to eject and close the tray. Just enter
REPEAT and your unlock code again. Try at different speed. I did different
things on the fly after several failed attempts following thru step by step. It
worked quite quickly.

Good luck!

My region is 3 (Bangkok)

PostRegion code hack posted by kiwi153, April 28 2011:

For those of you still having problems, please see the hack for the Samsung BD-C5500 - it works for my Region 4 BD-C6900.

Thanks to George777 for the following instructions

1. Highlight the video icon in the main screen

2. Press the REPEAT button

3. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 and the black box with a 4 inside appears in the upper left screen after a few seconds and then disappears

4. After it has disappeared, press the 9 key and the black box appears again with the 9 inside it.

5. Press the REPEAT button again and power off with the RC.

I am running the latest firmware for this player - BSP-C6900WWB-1019.0 and now both Region 1 and 4 DVDs play - I have no other options to test.

PostRegion code hack posted by Skrebok, June 04 2011:

My player showed region 5 but procedure below worked at third attempt:

Turn on player. Once the menu displays, press the "Repeat" button and
quickly type your code 53814 wait for a second, the region code for your
player should display in a black rectangle at the top left of your screen,
immediately hit the "9" button.

Checked by repeating the procedure, 9 appears as RC instead of 5

Software BSP-C69000WWB-1020.4

Good luck

PostRegion code hack posted by manishk123, June 11 2011:

For Samsung bluray players sold in India -
Don't need to do the disc tray in-out part

Just turn the power on and let the main screen load.
Then press - Repeat 5 3 8 1 4
It showed me a 6 on the left hand corner of my screen
Press 9 quickly, it will show 9 on the screen.
Turn off your player and turn on again
Your player is now unlocked.

Had to try it a couple of times before it worked so be patient. If all else
fails you can call the Samsung helpline. In India they will send someone
over to unlock your player as long as it's in the warranty period.

PostRegion code hack posted by catflap, July 02 2011:

I had my player for exactly one year. My store warranty was still valid and although the RC2 hack wouldn't work, it had several other problems. The store's own repair people fixed it but it still had the same other problems, so I got a new machine yesterday from the store.

The hack doesn't work on my new machine either.

There's no point in asking Samsung for the code. They will not give it to you. I know because last year I actually called their head office here in Europe and they refused. I even asked the tech people from the store's workshop to call them and email them. They did and were also refused.

I know of only one store (an online one) in Switzerland that sells the machine AND can make it code free. BUT it costs an extra hundred bucks. I could send them my machine to hack it, but it will cost me a hundred bucks plus delivery charges. They obviously have very good tech people who can hack any machine - every machine they have they can sell as code free.

So I asked the store's repair people to call them and ask if they would give them the code or procedure as a professional courtesy. They asked and they refused to tell them the secret.

So if your code doesn't work, don't bother contacting Samsung. They will not give you the code or help you find a shop that will do it. Look on the net for stores or companies that sell the machine code free and see if they will do it for you. But it will cost.

PostRegion code hack posted by eross, October 28 2011:

I found that the "Repeat >CODE" hack works if you press
"Repeat>CODE>Repeat" . That's when I saw the zone number
displayed and could change it.
I have since upgraded the firmware twice, and the zone 9 did
not change.

PostRegion code hack posted by penkethman, December 30 2011:

I bought my C6900 from India and it was fixed as region 5.
This was big problem when I returned to UK.

Tried this hack a dozen or so times without success, then skipped the "eject / close" step (as suggested by a few people) and it worked first time.

I have tested it with 3 UK DVDs and they all now work!

As it was region 5, I had to use the code - 53814.

Many many thanks.

PostRegion code hack posted by lariatapelona, January 28 2012:

ok this is for the mexas!!!
amigos mexicanos yo lo hice y estubo peluche:
1.- apagar y prender
2.-lo puse en video en lugar de internet
3.-le di REPEAT 76884 salio arriba izquierda el numero 4 y se desaparecio, inmediatamente le presione el 9 y "a wi wi" ya estufas.....

aproposito! no salio a la primera, pero tampoco fue necesario estar apagando y prendiendo el aparato simplemente le intente una y otra vez hasta que salio.... saludos desde Mexicali, B.C.

PostRegion code hack posted by corveau, April 12 2012:

The hack that worked for me was posted by lariatapelona,
I have a BD-C6900 R4 (Mexico), latest firmware (April 2012)
No disk on the tray, No WiFI adapter

1.- Turn it ON, wait for the Main Menu
2.- Move cursor from Internet to VIDEOS
3.- No need to turn it on & off if the hack doesn't work
4.- No need to wait for "NO DISK"
5.- Just type REPEAT 76884 several times until you see the "4" on the screen, wait until the number 4 disappears,
6.- Type 9 & turn the player off

Best wishes,

PostRegion code hack posted by ttentelh, May 06 2013:

I have Samsung BD C6900 region 1(USA)Software version 1025.0 tried all methods mentioned previously but nothing worked. Please help me or let me know if I can make it region free.

PostRegion code hack posted by George Ripple, April 06 2020:

Change to play region 1

PostRegion code hack posted by John A, February 07 2022:

I can confirm this works on an Australian BD-C6900 (Region 4). The Open/Close tray is not required. Reboot Player

After doing it 2 times it worked as follows:

Do it SLOWLY and I waited after the NO DISC sign came up on the top left side of the Blue Ray Menu.

1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray.

2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is ensures a clean reboot at start up.

3. After the "No Disk" message appears and then leaves do the following.

4. Press the REPEAT button – just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller.

5. Followed immediately with 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad.

6. After a sec or two, the region code (for whatever region it is currently set to)appearsat the top left corner of the screen.

7. Once this number disappears.

11. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. Please wait until the number 9 disappears.

12. Power down and power up again.

Tested with a UK DVD (Region 2) Hazell series and works fine. Woww success!!!

I hope this helps with other regions.

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