What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.
DVD Player | Hacks | Updated | Add |
Samsung BD-C5500 | 69 user region code comments |
February 02, 2013 | Post region code/hack comment |
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SAME HACK FOR BD-C5500, BD-C6500 & BD-C6900 This device is sold in Australia as a locked region 4 DVD and region B Blue-ray player. There is no current procedure for unlocking the Blue-ray and it is probably not necessary because over 80% of released disks are region free anyway. (Just don't ever buy the other 20% and they will get the message soon enough!) To change the DVD from region 4 (Pacific/Australia) to region 9 (region free) follow these steps using the remote control. (Adapted from http://tinyurl.com/2acybpj for Australian conditions). 1. Ensure that there is no disk in the tray. 2. Switch the player off and then back on. This is necessary to clean-boot the firmware. 3. Wait until the main menu page appears and the player stops doing anything. 4. Press the eject button to open the tray. (The button is between the "Power" and "TV Power" buttons at the top of the controller.) 5. Press the eject button to close the tray. 6. Wait while the player searches for a disk. 7. As soon as the "No Disk" message appears at the top left corner do the following. 8. Press the REPEAT button just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller. 9. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad. 10. The region code "4" should appear at the top left corner of the screen. 11. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.) 12. Power down and power up again. 13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change. Now the tricky bits. This process is timing dependent. Firstly, you must start entering the code just after the "No Disk" message is shown and before the message disappears. If you jump the gun or miss the boat (isn't English great!) it won't work. Secondly, the REPEAT key is part of the code. All six keys must be entered smoothly as "REPEAT 7 6 8 8 4". The entry gets timed out so you can't stop in the middle and restart. Don't bash away like crazy, just do it smoothly and briskly. If you don't see the "4" the first time, don't worry. Just repeat the process. It took me about a dozen tries before I got it to work. I can't guarantee that this player does not have a region change counter so I would be a bit careful about changing regions back and forth. I also can't guarantee that this will work with all released firmware. Samsung seems to take this crazy region bastardry very seriously for some reason. For people from other parts of the world, all region codes are as follows 1 2 9 3 3 4 2 5 7 5 3 8 3 5 6 7 3 2 4 7 6 8 8 4 5 5 3 8 1 4 6 2 4 4 6 2 | |||
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I tried the remote control and the repeat button followed by the codes published here. However it did not work. I bought my samsung bd-c5500 from the USA. Does anyone knows how to switch the firmware to Singapore one so that it supports the remote control hack? | |||
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In ITALY, some Samsung players BD-c5500 and BD-c5300 seem to be REGION FREE for Blu Ray and REGION 2 for DVD. I checked this with the following title: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0024F08KQ/?tag=hashemian-20 To get REGION FREE also on DVD, you must to do the following operations FROM THE REMOTE CONTROL: 1) turn ON the player WITHOUT any disc inserted 2) when in the upper left corner of the TV appear the message NO DISC, you must be press REPEAT 5 7 5 3 8 3) after this, in the upper left corner of the TV will be appear the regional code 2 4) press 9, wait several seconds and then turn OFF the player. Now the Samsung player is REGION FREE also for DVD. I have succesfull tested this Hack on both ITALIANS models BD-c5500 and BD-c5300 P.S. i apologize for my bad English | |||
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Doesn't seem to work with a brand new unit bought at Wal-Mart in Canada using the REPEAT 29334 sequence. Tried it numerous times. | |||
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Tried all the methods mentioned in this hack post on an Amercan Region 1 BD-C6500. So far I have not been able to get it to work using code 29334. Thanks for the info anyway guys. | |||
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I can confirm that the crack in the post from wildbull1984 works on the HT-C5550 model sold in Australia in 2010. It needs to be reiterated that the process will only work if done correctly. Follow the process exactly. Important points: Start entering the code as soon as the NO DISK graphic is displayed. You will need to anticipate its appearance, dont be hesitant. Methodically and rhythmically PRESS each key in a smooth sequence. Dont just tap and move on. Use deliberate purposeful motions. It took me about 30 attempts over 2 days. Dont give up. We should all be able to play our legally purchased disks on our legally purchased systems. Thanks to those of you who did the research to get this crack sorted. You have made my day. | |||
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I was able to unlock Code-1 DVD playback my Samsung BD-C5500 (as sold in Switzerland) using the previously stated code: press REPEAT 5 7 5 3 8 in the upper left corner, the current region code appears (2 in my case) press 9 (for region free) I had to try countless times until I was successful, but I think when I was successful, I started pressing the buttons NOT while the 'no disc' message was on the screen. I waited a little longer, until that message disappeared, and started pressing the buttons then. I'm not sure, about that timing, though. Unfortunately, I cannot try it again, 'cause I don't want to lose region free playback again :-) | |||
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Hack above also works for HT-C5500 (Home Theatre System) sole in Australia which I think/assume uses the BD-C5500 Blu Ray Player. Like others I had trouble with the timing and on the successful attempt waited until JUST AFTER the No Disc message disappeared off the screen before entering sequence. Thanks to all who contribute to making our world just a little freer :-) | |||
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Just succesfully applied this hack and can confirm it works for HT-C5500 samsung hometheatre system. I tried unsuccesfully several times to do it by trying to enter the code when the "No Disc" message was displayed. The key is wait until No Disc message disappears, and make sure your rhythm is very even. When I did it, I counted one- two-three-four as I pressed the buttons. try and press every button for same period of time and with same rhythm. when it works you will see the four come in the top left corner, then press 9 for multi-region. Thanks to eveyrone involved in working this out.. | |||
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Hi Just got the htc 5500 and tried the hack, it worked quickly enough but will not play any dvd's at all. it will play au BD, Tried taken it back to r4 but with no luck. tried upgrading the firmware from samsung webpage but it states its not compatible with this model.. I did notice that there was one instruction missing from this hack I have since seen on other pages, and that is open and close the tray after changing the region and before powering down. don't know if this makes a difference. I'm now at a loss as to what I should do next. Also noting from your comments, I got the region number up, after the no disck sign went. | |||
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Very frustrating. Applied this hack and had no trouble displaying the region after keypad sequence. Following region 2 instructions followed by '9', but now it seems to be set to region 5 and doesn't want to change again! Tried changing back/to region free multiple times after first change. Also tried updating the firmware and tried change again but no luck. Don't know of any other options to try now. | |||
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Bought the unit yesterday in Walmart, USA, the code for region 1 doesn't work. i can confirm it. | |||
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Hello, anyone can confirm if this hack work in a Samsung HT-C555, I have tried many times with no lucky. My region is 4. Many thank in advance. | |||
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I tried the long version of this, however it did not work for me. although whilst playing around and practicing getting the timing right for the code, i ended up changing the region code to 6, through this i have discovered a much quicker and easier way to change it to 9. While on the main menu page, and having the video icon highlighted (as opposed to the internet TV one as it does automatically on boot up) follow these steps But remember to ender the code smoothly and that the repeat button is part of that code. 1. Press the REPEAT button just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller. 2. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad. 3. Press the REPEAT button again 4. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.) 12. Power down and power up again. 13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change. | |||
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Has anyone tried changing the firmware to the Brazilian firmware and then doing the remote hack for Region 1 players? | |||
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I have found that the <repeat>76884 works on a BD-C5500 purchased in Australia (with the latest firmware as at 28/08/2010). It required persistence, but did NOT require the opening and closing of the tray and the subsequent wait for the "No Disk" message. FYI, the same method worked on the Samsung BD-P1600. | |||
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Je confirme à l'attention des utilisateurs français que le hack fonctionne parfaitement sur ce lecteur de DVD acheté aujourd'hui même à la FNAC. Je redonne la séquence en français (attention, le choix du moment pour appuyer sur Repeat est capital !) : 1. Ouvrir le tiroir 2. Fermer le tiroir 3. La mention "Pas de disque" s'affiche en haut à gauche 4. Aussitôt après que cette mention a disparu (et pas avant !), entrer la séquence suivante : Repeat, 5 7 5 3 8 5. Le code région 2 s'affiche en haut à gauche 6. Appuyer sur 9 7. Le code Regionfree (9) s'affiche désormais en haut à gauche. Le lecteur est maintenant Regionfree | |||
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Yes this hack works fine for the Australian sold HT-C5500. After the "no disk" just punch in the code, if it doesn't work right away, just input it again (no need to power cycle and eject again) A "4" will appear in the top left side of the screen when the code has been input correctly. Press '9' to change the "4" to a "9" then power off Power on and you are ready to play | |||
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I just tried dozens of times to apply this hack (using the Region 2 string 57538) but failed to get the region in the top left corner every time. I was about to give up when on my last attempt I made a mistake in the number sequence and went back to 'Repeat' and started again - without re- ejecting etc. So, it went something like this: Off, On, eject (open), eject (close), Menu, No Disk message... Pressed 'Repeat' 5 7 5 8 8 (***error***) 'Repeat' 5 7 5 3 8 Oddly, this time it worked and I managed to change the region code to 9. I suspect that the timing to press 'Repeat' which has been posted is inaccurate. Maybe it should be just after 'No Disk' disappears. Anyway, I hope this helps somebody. | |||
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I tried the hack instructions posted here on my BD-C5300 (original region code 2) and it worked perfectly. At my first attempt I pressed the keyes too slowly and nothing happened. I switched off the player, activated it again and tried anew - AFTER the "no disc"-message dissappeared on the screen. I pressed: REPEAT - 5 7 5 3 8 (for region 2) - a "2" in a black field appeared in the left corner of the screen - I waited until the "2" dissappeared, then immediately pressed "9" for the region-free-hack. For half a second appeared a "9" in the left corner of the screen. Then I pressed "Power" to turn off the device, activated it again - and that's it! Runs now perfectly with region-1-DVDs (and region-2-DVDs also, of course). I needed only twenty minutes reading this site and five minutes for the hack! Many, many thanks for all helpful instructions posted here. | |||
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I've just succeeded unlocking my brazilian BD-C5500, but I still haven't tested it yet. I didn't need to eject/close the disc tray, I just kept repeating the REPEAT + 76884 several times, in different timings, until it worked (until the number 4 appeared on the upper left corner of the screen). Just be careful if you try this because I ended up changing the region for others because there is small lag between finishing the sequence and the number appearing, and had to do it again to change it for 9 (region free). | |||
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Hi! Thank you all, I just tried and it worked, so the Player is now without a regional code. The thing is, however, that with most of my American DVDs, the player would switch to black-and-white, and that includes the menu. Does anybody have an idea what to do? Thank you! | |||
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I have tried this like 50 times and there's no way I can make it work on my BD-C6500. I tried when the no disc sign appears, right after it dissapears, tried typing the code fast, slowly, smoothly.. just doesn't work! :( I am on 1010.4 firmware. Anybody can help? J | |||
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Region 1 owner here -- "REPEAT 29334" did not work, either - via several tries. Oh well. | |||
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Yes this hack works fine for the NZ sold HT-C5500 from JB-HIFI. After the "no disk" just punch in the code, (no need to power cycle and eject again) A "4" will appear in the top left side of the screen when the code has been input correctly. Press '9' to change the "4" to a "9" then power off Power on and you are ready to play This is a dvd region hack only , not for the BLURAY side. | |||
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What was posted by Swift (thanks much) works and easiest to follow. Used it to change from Region Code 3 to Code 9. I have extracted and simplified below for easy reference: 1. Turn off and on the player. 2. On the main menu page navigate to the video icon (as opposed to the internet TV which is defaulted from boot up) 3. Using the remote control, press the REPEAT button followed by the number for the region your player is originally set to (e.g. 5 6 7 3 2 for Region 3). 4. If done correctly the region code will be displayed on the screen. 5. Using the remote press the REPEAT button followed by "9" (this makes player region free) 6. If done correctly "9" displayed on the screen. That's it! Test with DVDs from various regions. For easy reference following is the various numbers for corresponding region codes courtesy of wildbull1984 (thanks to you too) 1 2 9 3 3 4 2 5 7 5 3 8 3 5 6 7 3 2 4 7 6 8 8 4 5 5 3 8 1 4 6 2 4 4 6 2 | |||
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I just want to state that I've tried the method below and it works with my brazilian BD5500 with the latest firmware (till this date) installed. +++++++++++++++++++ I tried the long version of this, however it did not work for me. although whilst playing around and practicing getting the timing right for the code, i ended up changing the region code to 6, through this i have discovered a much quicker and easier way to change it to 9. While on the main menu page, and having the video icon highlighted (as opposed to the internet TV one as it does automatically on boot up) follow these steps But remember to ender the code smoothly and that the repeat button is part of that code. 1. Press the REPEAT button just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller. 2. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad. 3. Press the REPEAT button again 4. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.) 12. Power down and power up again. 13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change. +++++++++++++++++++ Em português... Tenha paciência pois é preciso tentar algumas vezes. Mas não é necessário ser bem na hora que aparece o "Sem Disco" na tela, não. Pode ser depois. Com o BD-5500 ligado e sem disco nenhum e com o "Video" selecionado no menu na tela da TV, digite: (na ordem e com calma...umas 2 teclas por segundo tá bom) REPEAT 7 6 8 8 4 Vai aparecer um 4 no canto superior direito. Logo em seguida, digite: REPEAT 9 Desligue e ligue o aparelho. Pronto. Teste com DVDs area 1. O meu BD 5500 estava com o último firmware instalado (hoje é 1 de novembro de 2010) e funcionou direitinho. | |||
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This does not work for me here in Australia as there only seems to be about 1 second to key in 6 numbers while the 'no disc' sign is on - clearly an impossible feat. | |||
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I am here in Australia and, as others have said above, the full code needs to be entered JUST AFTER the "No Disc" sign disappears in the top left of the screen. Then, when the '4' appears you enter the '9'. That is what worked for me too. Thanks so much guys. Phil. | |||
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Samsung BD-C5500 Hello all! My first posting here. The hack worked for me like follows: No need to open and close the disk-tray. Just repeat the following (for Region code 2 countries, Germany): 1. <repeat> (between Change TV and the blue D button on bottom right) 2. 57538 3. <repeat> If you find the right rhythm of this sequence a little number on top left of your screen appears. No need to open and close the DVD-tray between these attempts! And against many advices here the 3 step is important. Probably new on my model. Than you enter the wished region code ( 9 is region free) 4. enter 9 Switch off the power of your BluRay-Player restart and test! It works :-) Thank you for all the helpful postings here. marek ps: what a shame of the film industry, to not allow an DVD collector to watch films legally bought in different continents, like US, Europe or Russia. Shame on you! | |||
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Region code hack posted by marek_mac, November 21 2010: Samsung BD-C5500 The above hack needs a little justification. Because there is no correct-button I post it here again: No need to open and close the disk-tray. Just repeat the following (for Region code 2 countries, Germany): 1. <repeat> (between Change TV and the blue D button on bottom right) 2. 57538 3. <repeat> (The actual region code [2 for Europe] is appearing shortly left upside on your screen) 4. enter 9 5. <repeat> (the changed region code [9] is appearing shortly left upside) 6. Shut down the BluRay Player and restart 7. look your region code making step 1 and 2 again Greetings to all marek | |||
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the method doesn´t seem to wirk with newest devices... (In my case bought on 28. November 2010. | |||
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I just bought a BD player Samsung HT-C5900. I have tried many times to apply the region free code hack Repeat 57538 for the region 2, without any luck, I never got the region 2 display on the top left corner. Tried anything from waiting the end of No disk, to using the sequence Repeat 57538 with the video icon on, or during the display of no disk after opening and close the tray. The remote control of the Samsung HT-C5900 is different from the remote control of the Samsung BD-C5500 where the button repeat is below the TV program key. For the C5900, the Repeat key is below the 9 key. An other key could trigger the hack, but found yet. The current firware HTB-C6930WWB-1011.4 may be an issue and prevent the application fo the hack | |||
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Sweet as! Bought my BD-C5500 yesterday and used the hack today. As has already been said, you just need to wait till the 'no disk' disappears before pressing 'repeat 7 6 8 8 4'. Cheers! | |||
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Well, I just bought the samsung BD-C5500... and discovered something awful. Although it´s very simple to make the region number appear on the left of the screen following the instructions given, and still easier to change the number to 9 (no "timing" necessary at all), it still will be region 4 in my player. I even tried to change it to region 2 and still it didn´t play my european dvds. Good news is that it plays both region 1 and 4 dvds, regardless of the number you put in - actually, it does it from the start, apparently following the blu-ray pattern. Maybe most people here (from Brazil and Australia) checked the "multiregion" feature with an american dvd, without trying it with a region 2 to make sure... I´m pretty disapointed, as I have loads of them. That´s what happened to me... Can anyone of you who made it make sure it played american AND europeans dvds? | |||
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Hi All Am new to this forum and just found out the Samsung BD-C5500 bought for the kids was locked to Australian region ... a fact not mentioned by anyone on the JB sales desk! I can confirm that the long version of this hack (with opening and closing of the DVD tray) did NOT work despite 2.5 hrs tuning the timing of my key pressing. what DID work however was this gem of a hack reproduced below .... While on the main menu page, and having the video icon highlighted (as opposed to the internet TV one as it does automatically on boot up) follow these steps But remember to enter the code smoothly and that the repeat button is part of that code. 1. Press the REPEAT button just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller. 2. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad. 3. Press the REPEAT button again 4. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.) 12. Power down and power up again. 13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change. Google really is your friend .. many thanks to all | |||
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Hello all I bought my Samsung BD-C5500 unit in the United States intending using it in Brazil. I knew already the Blu-ray disks weren't an issue due to Brazil and US been at same region area for the Blu-ray standards, meanwhile reading DVD disks would need the hacking handling. After installing and testing the Blu-ray disks in my home, I tried the hacking codes presented in this topic, but after REPEAT key been pressed, and numbers typed, nothing seemed have happened. I did the procedure once more without any success. My expectation was seeing a region code 1 on the screen ... but nothing. I decided move on and try the DVD disks anyhow, and for my surprise (and happiness) all my region 4 disks worked out. So, I am not saying that all c5500 in the US are DVD region free... but: 1. the hack didn't work 2. even though the region 4 dvd disk are working for me Cheers and happy new year. | |||
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I have now hacked five different BD-C5500 Blu-Ray players (in Australia). With each player, I've had to enter Repeat-7-6-8-8-4 many times. However, I've found I only need to turn the player off and on once, and open and close the tray intermittently - often the region code (4 in Australia) comes up top-left when I have NOT just opened and closed the tray (to get the "No Disk" message) before I enter Repeat-7-6-8-8-4. So Repeat-7-6-8-8-4 often works WITHOUT the "No Disk" message. I hope this helps. | |||
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I tried the previous method many times and was about to give up when it finally worked with the following mods. Select VIDEO, not Internet/TV Press the REPEAT button as soon as the "No Disc" message appears Enter 7 6 8 8 4 I think I was being too deliberate at first as on my successful attempt, I selected the REPEAT and number sequence with about half a seconds pause between presses. 4 appeared and 9 has worked. Thanks for the info. | |||
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Dear all! For me it worked after the no disk message disappeared, did not matter how long after this I failed to enter the codes or timing was not correct. Finaly the 2 appeared (W-Europe) in a black box. But I had to wait until this disappeared too and then I entered the 9 and this was answered with the 9 in a black box in the same kind as the 2 appeared. Thanks and good luck Lao | |||
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Sitting with a BD-C5500 bought here in US. The hack will not work. I have the latest firmware: BSP-C5500WWB-1020.1 What can I do now? Have any one with this firmware made a succeful hack? /Ball | |||
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Thanks to wildbull1984.This Hack works. A second press of the repeat button after the region code has been entered is a must. If sucsessful then the machines region code flashes up in the top left of the screen where the 'no disc' apears after the load attempt. You need to be quick to press 9 to make your machine region free. You can ignore steps 1-3 for subsequent attempts. It took me about an hour to get this to work. I also looked elsewhere on the net but always ended with this hack. My machine was purchased in March 11 and was region 4 although odley would play a region 1 disk although it wouldn't play region 2 disks until I managed to complete this hack. Thanks again to wildbull1984 | |||
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I can confirm that this hack from dadandmad worked on Australian bought Samsung BD-C5500. Only two attempts: While on the main menu page, and having the video icon highlighted (as opposed to the internet TV one as it does automatically on boot up) follow these steps But remember to enter the code smoothly and that the repeat button is part of that code. 1. Press the REPEAT button just above the TV channel selector at the bottom right of the controller. 2. Enter 7 6 8 8 4 on the number pad. 3. Press the REPEAT button again 4. Enter a "9" to make the player region free. (Enter a region code if you want to lock the player to another region for some obscure or perverse reason.) 12. Power down and power up again. 13. Play a foreign DVD to verify the change. | |||
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I bought yesterday a Samsung BD-C5500 - region code 4 and A (Argentina). I can confirm that I could make the player regionfree. Before I atempted to hack it, I tested region 1 and 2 and they didnt work First I tried the longer version ( power on - open tray - close tray - wait for 'no disk',etc..) I tried several times different speeds, but I didn't manage to get the 4 in the black box this way. After that I tried the shorter version, highlighting the video icon, on main menu. This worked flawlwssly. No need to power on , open or close tray steps. What i did is: Having it on and having tried unsuccesfully the longer version, I simply highlighted the video icon and entered: 1) REPEAT 2) 7 6 8 8 4 and the black box with a 4 inside appeared very short time in the upper left screen and dissapeared. 3) After it dissapeared , maybe 3 seconds later I pressed the 9 and the black box appeared again with the 9 inside it. After that I pressed REPEAT, and power off with the RC. I powered it on again (with the RC) and tested Region 1 and 2 DVD's which now played perfectly on the DVD player I also want to add that PAL DVD's are output as standard PAL-B (PAL 4.43) on this player, (not as argentine format PAL-N (3.58) and NTSC as standard NTSC (3.57) output, which for my uses is perfect :) There is no setting in the settings menu which allow to select the output format. This means it has no PAL->NTSC or NTSC->PAL output converter inside. I am sure the same hack will work for the SAMSUNG 3D BD-C6900 which is here on the market too. I also tested DIVX 5.0 AVI's which play perfect from the USB pendrive, but will not play when burned on a CD-R (at least the ones I tested) I dont know yet if this normal for this SAMSUNG blueray dvdplayer, or it needs a special container/format. But these same DIVX files play perfect on my other older (not Samsung) DVD players. Maybe anyone knows? Note: I bought the SAMSUNG player as my last choice after many unsuccesful attempts to hack LG BD 560/570 and 3D BX-580 Blueray DVD players. 1) There was no way to get them regionfree. 2) nor any possibility to play PAL DVD with PAL output. All these 3 LG players I tested convert all PAL DVD to a forced NTSC output signal. CHEERS SAMSUNG! | |||
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I can confirm the earlier POST from George777 that his hack also works on my Samsung BD-C6900. It only played Region 4 DVDs (New Zealand) and after following George777's instructions and setting the code to 9, it now plays both Region 4 and 1 DVDs - I don't have any other options to try. I am running the latest firmware for this player - BSP-C6900WWB-1019.0 Thanks George777 | |||
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This hack has not worked for me on a region 1 player. I have tried both while the "No disc" is displayed and just after. I don't see anyone reporting success with a region 1 player in the US or Canada. I hope someone proves me wrong. | |||
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I bought the Samsung HT-C5500 in Brazil last week. Just applied the DVD hack for the Samsung BD-C5500 and it worked 100%! In PORTUGUESE for Brazilians: Comprei o Samsung HT-C5500 semana assada. Acabei de usar o hack para desbloquear os DVDs e funcionou 100%! Leia abaixo para seguir os passos. Here how it goes: With your REMOTE CONTROL turn the unit on. Move to VIDEO. Press the REPEAT button and in sequence press 7 6 8 8 4 (Now you WILL see the number 4 on the upper left corner of your TV) As soon as the 4 disappears PRESS 9 (TV will show 9 on TV). PRESS REPEAT again. Now turn your unit OFF. Turn it ON again and test with a different region DVD from the one you have in your country. PORTUGUES: DESBLOQUEANDO DVDs para todas as regiões Com o controle remoto, ligue o aparelho. Selecione VIDEO Aperte a tecla REPEAT e em sequencia aperte 7 6 8 8 4 (Você VERÁ o número 4 no canto esquerdo superior de sua TV). Assim que o 4 sumir APERTE 9 (TV mostrará 9 na tela). Então APERTE novamente REPEAT. Em seguida DESLIGUE o aparelho. LIGUE novamente e teste com DVDs de regiões que não sejam a região 4 do Brasil. | |||
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Thanks so much for all this help. Just successfully used your code to unlock our NZ bought Samsung HT-D5300. Had it on video mode. Also, entered code (Repeat-76884) a few times on the trot as we mistakenly were watching the Home Theatre screen (where the 'no disc' displays) and not the TV for the region code to appear (it was up at the top right of the TV screen)! Cheers :-) | |||
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Samsung BD-C5500 Free region codes are not working for region 1 players. None of them. | |||
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See http://www.videohelp.com/dvdhacks/samsung-bd-d5500/11406 for latest updates. | |||
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On the Samsung BD-C5500 UK player I can't get this (or the alternative with the stop button to work) with the latest firmware. Doesn't seem to matter how fast or slow I do it nor at what point after start up. | |||
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I believe that the reason why the none of the proposed hacks work for the US/Region 1 Samsung BD-5500C is that this unit apparently lacks an NTSC/PAL converter as evidenced by the fact that it will not play PAL DVD discs, even if these are not region coded or coded "0" or "All Regions". | |||
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hey guys! actually, this is not exactly a hack. i was able to watch my Up UK Region B on my Region A locked C5500. when i load the bd, i still encounter the initial 'This disc will not play due to the region coding . . .' message. I then press the Menu button and voila! after a few seconds of reading the disc, the main Menu for the UP bd is now displayed on my LG 42PW350 and i can now watch one of my fave movies of all time in full HD glory! HTH. :) | |||
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I posted the original hack on whirlpool.net.au which is quoted in the first post here but it is based on the post by http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/228268-Make- Samsung-BD-C5500-region-free-for-DVD BobJones should be credited for allowing us to utilize our players fully, without this crazy hindrance. I am also pleased that so many of you have successfully unlocked your various players using the same process. Those who are still struggling to unlock their device I have a couple of suggestions. 1. I have just updated my player with the latest firmware from Samsung - 1022.3. The region change hack still works here in Australia! I suggest you also do this as the new code seems to be a little more stable and the timing of the unlock code seems a bit more loose. 2. Some of you have been able to display regions from the main menu by entering the unlock code after selecting the movie icon. The region code flashes up for 1 or 2 seconds and disappears. Some posts suggest that you can change the region code from here. I mentioned this in the original thread but did not test it fully. I have now found that it is true: you can change the region from here, but you have to be very quick. On my player, after the old code disappears, I have only about a second to enter the new code before the process locks me out. 3. Some people have suggested that there is no need to open and close the tray before unlocking the device. This is only partially true. The region unlock may or may not work in this circumstance. Tray cycling is a cheap way of resetting the firmware to a known condition. In fact, after talking with a couple of others who bought the player on my recommendation, I would add the following to the process. 4. If you find that you cannot get this change to work, you should include the following step Before retrying the unlock sequence, power down the C5500, wait for 30 seconds and power up again. This is a major pain in the donkey especially if you have to repeat it a few times, but it is the only way to ensure that you are running clean boot code. This whole region change process seems to be a hack within the firmware (possibly based on timing loops, a notoriously unstable technique) and as there is no feedback while pressing the remote keys it is important to get to a known and repeatable state in the software before you start. Power cycling is the way to do this, and while it wastes some of your precious time it may get you over the line, and you only have to do it once during the lifetime of the player. Please remember that I am only talking about the BD-C5500 with the latest firmware and only the Australian version. However this may help with other players as well. Good luck to all! | |||
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Samsung BD-C5500 I tried everything: entering the code just when "no disk" appears, just when it disappears, with video icon highlighted, when the menu appears... Every method was tested thoroughly, trying to enter the numbers fast or slow, but always in a smooth sequence (at least I tried). I did this for more than 2 hours yesterday, and again about 2 hours tonight... I think by now, I've become a skilled remote control ninja - but still: no success, the region code ("2" in my case) will never magically show up in the top left corner of my TV. But I know in the past some European players have been succesfully hacked in the past (Nico72, flamesong, marek_mac...) I just updated with the latest firmware from Samsung (1022.3), as joemol suggested, and tried different methods (concentrating on the recent ones, that is "after no disk" and "video highlighted"), but still, no success :-( Has anyone recently been able to hack a European Samsung BD-C5500 player, with a recent firmware? | |||
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It seems that as of a few versions ago the UK versions of this machine have been locked down and nobody has been able to crack them. I would be interested to know if someone who has managed to break in before can do it again on the latest firmware. | |||
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@magicstrip Did you try "Repeat>CODE>Repeat" ? (press repeat after the code) . That worked for me on the C6900. | |||
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I live in Western Europe and bought a Samsung BD-C5500, I went from a region 2 device to a region 9 (all regions) device following the region code hack posted by: marek_mac, November 21 2010 It works just fine. Thanks to all Regards ! | |||
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Hi guys, I have a BC C5300 and I made the player region free with the help of Region code hack posted by ali_khan, May 24 2011:. Now the new firmware 1024.1 came in and I worred about weather the regionfree will stay. After update, I tested it and it still works fine. I read the other coments and my experience are it takes some tries but it finally will work. Thanks for the help!!! | |||
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I just hacked my BD C5500 in Thailand using the first hack. I tried a few times doing it while the No Disc message was still up but that didn't work. I then tried waiting for it to disappear before entering the code and that did it. I saw the 3 come up in the left hand corner and hit 9. It took me a few times to get this step right. At this step, you have to be quick on the trigger and make sure you press 9 while the 3 is still showing. If the number doesn't change from 3 to 9, you haven't done it completely and you need to start over. When you see that number change, you know you've done it!!! | |||
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I also battled with this method on more than one occasion although the method described is in indeed correct; I found that the secret for the machine accepting the '9' key is to press the '9' button just after the number '2' disappears off the TV screen? This may assist others as it definately helped me! | |||
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Region 4 hack works beautifully... 1 Pwr up no disc and select video 2 press repeat button 3 press 76884 4 press repeat button 5 see '4' on screen wait until it disappears press '9' 6 Pwr off then Pwr on 7 Start up takes a little longer eject and test different region DVDs 8 Start dancing and laughing and post praise and thanks to wildbill :) Sweet as! | |||
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Hi Guys, first post here on the basis that the previous posts were very helpful and worked (Region 4) except for one small detail. The detail that I discovered after several minutes was that I was looking at the wrong screen! Might be a result of all the beer we drink down here but the hack "turn player on/off open/close disk then pressing 'Repeat 76884' for Australia is spot on - as long as you are looking at the TV screen and NOT the DVD screen. As you go through the hack process all the information appeared very quickly up in the right hand corner of my TV. As soon as you then see the 4 - press 9. Power down the back up and good to go! Ok this might seem straight forward for most, but worked first time once I realised this little detail. | |||
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For those finding that their remotes no longer have the REPEAT button included, do a search online (usually at places like ebay) for a Samsung AK59-00104R remote. This still has the REPEAT BUTTON. Warning: does not work with newer models starting with the 8000 series. | |||
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I bought samsung ht-6950w bluray home theater system in mongolia. It has been produced for russia market. I used 5 - 53814 code to change default settings for dvd region code. But how to change BD player read all region disk? | |||
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Please note that this beautiful Blu-Ray player CANNOT be modded if it comes from Region 1. I repeat: if you want to remove region lock, note you cannot do it if you bought it in Region 1. Any other contrary information is welcomed if PROVEN true. So buyers from Regions: * 2, 3, 4, 5 => no problems * 1 => cannot remove the region coding thx | |||
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The '57538' sequence worked with my South African Samsung BD-D5500 Blu-Ray as well. Wait until the "no-disc" notice disappears before entering the code. The current region code just flashes up, but pressing "9" did the trick. Thanks to all. | |||
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samsung disc player bd5500 | |||
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It seems that the latest firmware revision killed the hack, dang Samsung, as I cannot enter the hack anymore... That's version 1027.0. |
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