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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Samsung BD-C5300

6 user region code comments

December 22, 2012 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Bagmouss, October 08 2010:

* Switch on.
* Move cursor to the videos section (rather than Internet)
* Now smoothly and consistently press REPEAT 5 7 5 3 8 REPEAT
* It shows "2" in the top left. Press "9" for multi region
* Switch off and back on again

PostRegion code hack posted by pierorosso, October 30 2010:

I bought a C5300 in Italy. I tried this hack and it works.
Thank you.

PostRegion code hack posted by one2watch, March 02 2011:

This Hack Actually work...

From region 2 --> 9



PostRegion code hack posted by raindancerob, March 04 2011:

1) power off then power on again, wait until it gets to the start-up selection screen.
2) eject disc tray and then close disc tray without a disc in.
3) wait until 'no disc' message has stopped displaying.
4) use the remote and press REPEAT 57538
5) A '2' should appear in the top left corner.
6) Press 9 to make the player region free.
7) Power off and and powe on again, and try a foreign disc.

Just tried on mine, AFTER applying latest firmware update, and it works.
Note though that this sequence is for Region 2 locked (UK) machines only.

PostRegion code hack posted by Chris08520, August 19 2011:

I was just able after a lot of unsuccessful attempts to get it done.

Everyone else was right, but you need to be patient (usually I am not).

I am quoting RABSP:

"1) Turn on the player with no disc in the tray
Wait till the unit is at the Samsung logo screen.
2) Open then close the tray, wait to see the No-Disc Message in the top Left Corner
3) Now press the REPEAT button on the remote, followed by a five digit code.
In this case Repeat 57538

Now it to me about 20 tries to get this to work, It needed to be done without delay.
So if you don’t get it to work straight away don’t loose heart.

4) When it works a 4 (depending on your region the region code, for me it was a "2") will appear in the top left corner

5) Press 9 to make it regionless.
6) Press Eject to OPEN to open the disc tray.
7) Press Eject to CLOSE to close the disc tray.

8) Power the unit off

9) Now power the unit on again, it should now read all regions of DVD Disc."

PostRegion code hack posted by Willybilly, December 22 2012:

Please note
When making the samsung bd-5300 regiofree
The repeat button is the same as the return button
When using the ak59 -00113a remote control.

Just did the normal unlocking method.
And it still works

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