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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Ronin DVD P703

33 user region code comments

April 18, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Chow, April 29 2003:

To change player to multi-region mode:
1. Press SETUP on Remote Control
2. Enter 13698888
3. Select VERSION from menu by pressing ENTER
4. On REGIONAL CODE press RIGHT (>) button
5. Use DOWN button to change REGIONAL CODE to '0'
6. Press ENTER on Remote Control to save

PostRegion code hack posted by W@RF, June 13 2003:

My P703 used 13798888, not the reported 13698888
I have tried this and it works. They maybe Different
based on when player was made. I tried BOTH, but
could only get 13798888 to work.


PostRegion code hack posted by Geo, June 18 2003:

13698888 works for me although when you recheck the set up menu region still shows as GB.

PostRegion code hack posted by victoria272, August 31 2003:

Both my parents and my p703 worked with the 13798888 as reported by someone else, did not work atall with the other code.

PostRegion code hack posted by Chris Heaton, October 09 2003:

Neither of the codes work on my machine!

PostRegion code hack posted by C l e r i c, October 31 2003:


This is for the newer version of ronin p703 players.


Full Instructions and bin file can be got below.

Regards C l e r i c

PostRegion code hack posted by Cleric, October 31 2003:

To change player to multi-region mode:
2. Press SETUP on Remote Control
3. Enter 13698888 or 13798888 like I had to.
4. Select VERSION from menu by pressing ENTER
5. On REGIONAL CODE press RIGHT (>) button
6. Use DOWN button to change REGIONAL CODE to '0'
7. Press ENTER on Remote Control to save

P/S Leave a mesage if it works f4r u. Good Luck

Regards C l e r i c

PostRegion code hack posted by moose, November 14 2003:

Just purchased a Ronin P703.
Tried all the above hacks incl the upload file and none of them worked...
You can pop up the screen showing the region but cannot access any of it.

On the back it gives a serial and what looks like a revision p803033201575 v2.2 manufactured in Aug2003

Any ideas?

PostRegion code hack posted by K, November 14 2003:

Check out the hacks for P80H

PostRegion code hack posted by Darren, November 16 2003:

Ronin DVD-P703

Serial No# Starting P803

1. Turn on and open cd draw
2. Press setup
3. enter 1,3,7,9,8,8,8,8
4. a new option appears VERSION
5. select with PLAY (enter)
6. Using left and right selct region
7. Using up and down select '0' for REGION FREE
8. move back to main page and press PLAY (enter) again

You will now be able to play any region without changing the set up.

Mine was purchased SEPT 03 and works fine with this hack.

Happy hacking ........... Darren

PostRegion code hack posted by noy, November 17 2003:

Still cant get mine region free.........

get to the version screen but cant seem to change region from 2..............

anyone else having probs

PostRegion code hack posted by Bowmanera, November 18 2003:

None of the hacks work on mine

Darren when was it manufactured

PostRegion code hack posted by C l e r i c, November 20 2003:

To change player to multi-region mode:

This is f4r the peep's that are still having prob's with this.

2. Press SETUP on Remote Control
3. Scroll along right till ur over Preference Page Icon
3. Now enter 1379 like I had to.
4. Use the up an down arrow keys on ur remote to select '0'
6. Then press enter on Remote Control to save.

P/S Leave a message if it works f4r u. Good Luck

Regards C l e r i c

PostRegion code hack posted by noy, November 21 2003:


Have done this numerous times.

you can get the box up by pressing 1379....versions screen, with the region code at the bottom.

mine is currently set to 2.

you are unable to move the hightlighted box to the coding box.

any other peeps getting this exact prob???????


****To change player to multi-region mode:

This is f4r the peep's that are still having prob's with this.


2. Press SETUP on Remote Control
3. Scroll along right till ur over Preference Page Icon
3. Now enter 1379 like I had to.
4. Use the up an down arrow keys on ur remote to select '0'
6. Then press enter on Remote Control to save.

P/S Leave a message if it works f4r u. Good Luck

Regards C l e r i c ********

PostRegion code hack posted by Michael Bradley, November 21 2003:

Ronin p803
Having the same problem, none of the hacks seem to work

Any help much appreciated,

Mike B

PostRegion code hack posted by Micsten, November 25 2003:

no luck here either :(

I have tried the instructions mentioned, and no menu comes up with 'Version' as its title. I just get this displayed -


anyone one have the same problem?


PostOther hack posted by C l e r i c, November 25 2003:


Go here and try ur luck.
Hack type : New Firmware for models starting with "P803...."

Regard's C l e r i c

PostRegion code hack posted by Mac, November 29 2003:

I have tried the hacks. none of them worked I also tried it with the firmware on disc. . Ronin 703 hack file came up on screen but nothing happened when I pressed "play"

anyone know of any other options


PostRegion code hack posted by Bowman, November 30 2003:

There is a new seperate software hack on

This is specifically for serial numbers starting P803... and of later manufacture (mine is August 2003 according to the box)

Worked ok for me after trying everything else unsuccessfully

PostRegion code hack posted by Angel, December 04 2003:

The P703 can be hacked by using a CD from the link Bowman and Cleric provided.

No codes seam to work on the August 2003 version of this player. I've bought a few and the others were fine, but this one needs a software change.

Download the image and burn exactly as it tells you in the instructions. Look at the 'P703 Serial number starting with "p803..."'. This is the new section and the hacks above wont work.

I've spent far too long trying to hack this but its working now.

Happy region free playing everyone,


PostRegion code hack posted by test, December 04 2003:


PostRegion code hack posted by test, December 04 2003:


PostRegion code hack posted by test2, December 04 2003:


PostRegion code hack posted by XY!, December 08 2003:

Frequently check ... updates are continually posted and questions are usually answered.
Also all info is from a reliable source. Any comments or updates to instructions on their will be greatfully recieved by the site also!

ALSO a new serial number engine is soon to be released on there in the next week or two which will give you exact detailed instructions for your specific DVD player.

Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by GMM, December 12 2003:

I have carried out a sucessful Multiregion hack on two of these machines recently. The first on a player which was made in May 2003 was carried out with the simple code and remote control method. The second player, which was made in August 2003 has a serial number commencing P803 and needed the firmware upgrade detailed via the link. Follow the instructions exactly but dont be put off by the randomly generated extension to the file displayed on the setup screen. The correct extension is 'BIN' and this should be used when you rename the downloaded file.

PostRegion code hack posted by Rob, December 13 2003:

followed instructions by Cleric and have got both my Ronin PV703 to work great.

Thanks for your help


PostRegion code hack posted by Chris, December 26 2003:

i went to the ronin hack website followed instructions, my serial began with the p703,

tried both remote hacks neither worked
and i think i've b0rked the player now with firmware upgrade cos it won't do nowt when turned on.

Major oops...

PostOther hack posted by utilly, January 03 2004:

I bought a P703, the box claims that it was manufactured August 03. It didn't respond to the two handset hacks.

I downloaded the firmware upgrade and burnt it to CD. That did seem to do the trick it would read both the region 1 and 2 disks that I had in the house.

However, I noticed that the region 2 rental copy of "the others" that I rented from the library played, but the screen kept going light and dark throughout the film rendering it pretty much unwatchable.

I borrowed a retail region 2 copy of "Lord of the rings" from a neighbour and that played fine. So I put the problem with "the others" down to it being a duff copy.

I then rented a rental region 2 version of "Curse of the black pearl" and it was back to doing the light and dark thing on screen again.

The setup that I have it set up to is a phillips TV/Video combo via scart (with a freeview box hooked up to the Combo unit via the rf cable). Both DVDs that I had a problem with work fine on my laptop.

Is this irritating light/dark thing caused by the firmware upgrade, the setup with the TV/Video combo, some sort of issue with the encoding of rental DVDs or a faulty DVD player?

Anyone else getting similar problems?

PostRegion code hack posted by Samar, January 18 2004:

I went to and upgraded my P703 player's firmware. It worked right to the very end, when it suddenly froze and stopped working. Now when I switch it back on nothing happens. Basically my player is screwed up. So, my advice: first try all the normal methods for upgrading your player to multiregion. If they work that's great. If they don't work then think very carefully before upgrading the firmware, or you could just end up with a useless player like mine :(
Best of luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by Mike Bradley, January 26 2004:

Bought to Cd from Julian and it worked first timme with no problems.
Best six pounds i have spent.

Michael Bradley

PostRegion code hack posted by Samar, March 28 2004:

I went to and upgraded my P703 player's firmware. It worked right to the very end, when it suddenly froze and stopped working. Now when I switch it back on nothing happens. Basically my player is screwed up. So, my advice: first try all the normal methods for upgrading your player to multiregion. If they work that's great. If they don't work then think very carefully before upgrading the firmware, or you could just end up with a useless player like mine :(
Best of luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by xx, April 03 2004:

New 2004 models remote hacks now available on
All remote hacks as well as support supplied free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Silver Surfer, April 18 2004:

Many thanks to 'CLERIC' RE:DRAWER OPEN,and 13798888 this worked OK, the Firmware disk I first used locked the player,being in gaurantee period 'Repairtech' the Ronin service centre exchanged it,perhaps this will help others who have locked their players

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