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Ronin DVD P215

55 user region code comments

February 10, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by brian, August 23 2003:

1 open cd draw

2 press setup button on the remote control

3 enter 1369888 on the remote control

4 scroll down to the version option in the menu and press enter

5 highlight region code on the menu and change it to region 0

6 press enter on the remote to save the new region

have used this this morning and all worked on my unit

PostRegion code hack posted by James Broadway, August 28 2003:

1 open cd draw

2 press setup button on the remote control

3 enter 13698888 on the remote control (You need to enter 4 x 8's to get the version option to appear)

4 scroll down to the version option in the menu and press enter

5 highlight region code on the menu and change it to region 0

6 press enter on the remote to save the new region

Tried playing region 1, 2 and 4 DVD's and they all worked without me having to do anything else after I'd done the above hack.

PostRegion code hack posted by Kawa & suki, October 12 2003:

This hack will also working for de Ronin DVD palayer DVD-215 F

PostRegion code hack posted by xx, October 19 2003:

...Also see or

PostRegion code hack posted by The General, October 30 2003:

The above code did not work for me, so i searched the web and found out that it's missing one "8". The the code that should be entered is: "13698888".

Also, the tray was not open, and i had a dvd in it.

PostRegion code hack posted by Peter Haley, November 04 2003:

The Ronin 215F cannot be hacked with the same code as the 215. The method for this machine is:- Switch on, enter 8561 with the remote and a menu should appear. Scroll down to "Region" and set it to region 0.
I sent this from a different computer earlier today but I think I got the code wrong.

Peter H

PostRegion code hack posted by Jason, November 05 2003:

Tried entering 13698888 and all I see is a line at bottom of the TV in back colour "PABC0021/13111213.B5" but I don't see any version menu which I can select the region code.

If I press play nothing happens and if I press scroll down the line will disapear and still no version option in menu.

Anyone can help?

PostRegion code hack posted by Barry, November 07 2003:

I've also tried all of the above (except cd hack method and only ger a bin version no.. My model is Ronin 215.... No mention of a "P" or an "F".
I bought it yesterday. Also there is no "enter" button on the remote. I will try the cd hack tomorrow and get back.

PostRegion code hack posted by Kaan, November 07 2003:

Like a lot of you I tried key-ing the numbers with the remote but it didn't work so I tried the install(as given at and I was able to watch region 1, 2 & 4. I have no other regions to try!! but I did try an RCE movie and it wouldn't play that.
To those who got the remote way of workin - does yours play RCE's??


PS - The upgrade is a bit of a hassle but it's pretty easy, the instruction on how to do it is pretty easy to follow.
Phewww, my kids can now watch all their US Reg1 Disney flicks

PostRegion code hack posted by Barry, November 08 2003:

I can confirm that the last post will work. I had done the cd hack and all seemed to have gone well but the machine was still locked at Region 2. The bit I hadn't done was to go to preferences and tap in 1379 and then just press down twice to "0". Job done! I've tried it with Region 1,2 & 3 and all seems well. Follow the last post to the letter and you won't go far wrong. Well Done SHAHID!

PostRegion code hack posted by Andy Beswick, November 15 2003:

Can confirm that the hack posted by Shahid will work but you must follow his instructions carefully. Mine now is multi-regional after all the other hacks failed. I even downloaded Nero to make sure the instructions made sense (you need to copy a file to cdr to upgrade the player). Well worth doing even if a little complicated.

PostRegion code hack posted by Tamz, November 18 2003:

ok this is the only hack that does actually work for me on the Ronin 215F model. Open the CD drawer and type in on your remote 8561 and it open the extra menu. Most sites don't tell ya to open CD drawer.....Don't use the CD hack - You must be mad upgrading the firmware using a CD.... to much to go wrong! Tamz - Whos your daddy - I am

PostRegion code hack posted by SHAHID BASHIR, November 18 2003:


PostRegion code hack posted by Pete, November 22 2003:

It worked for me too, didnt have any problems upgrading.

The draw opened for me too I just waited I'd say maybe 5mins for it to close again, and a min after it did the trick!

PostRegion code hack posted by Iain Key, November 30 2003:


Can confirm the 2nd Hack (at the top of the page) from
James Broadway does work via the remote for the

Would advise people to try that before downloading stuff !!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Sean, November 30 2003:

Hi Ian (previous successful hack report on 30th Nov),

the remote control with the ronin dvd215 that i have does not have an 'enter' button on it. does your remote control have that button or did you use another in is place when doing the hack?


PostRegion code hack posted by sean, December 01 2003:

Martin (message left on 29/11):

I have just come up against this too. lots of players are advertised as multiregion but have to be modified. i suppose in theory all players are multiregion but then they just get disabled depending on where they get sold perhaps. read the buyer comments for the medion 4028 (?. it's the cheap one on amazon £39.99 and that does appear to be hackable by the remote - he gives the procedure which is also available on this site.

PostRegion code hack posted by xxx, December 01 2003:

"The remote control with the ronin dvd215 that i have does not
have an 'enter' button on it. does your remote control have that
button or did you use another in is place when doing the hack?"

Yep use the setup key, worked for me...

PostRegion code hack posted by deno, December 06 2003:

Tried the remote control hacks but non worked. The firmware update one did. For Jason's info the PABC0021... code is actually used in the firmware hack.

The .B5 at the end and the 4 character suffix Bill got can be ignored, just put .bin

For example my unit showed PABC0021/13111213.Bxxx, where xxx were just block characters. So I named the disc PABC0021 and the file 13111213.bin This will make sense to those who read the instructions for the hack.

One thing to watch is the instructions tell you to rename the .bin file to the second part of the version number, when you do this you may find that when you use Win XP it renames it to .binbin Make sure you just have the one .bin I noticed I had this before trying to update - This could be 'stupid steve's' problem.

Out of interest the unit was bought last week so it seems all the new units need the firmware hack.

Hope this helps

PostRegion code hack posted by Jason, December 06 2003:


I have just done the same as Dino. works fine!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Sly, December 08 2003:

I received a Ronin 215F from Savastore today (8/12/03). Saw it said region 2 only on the box (despite advertising on Savastores site that it is Multiregion).
It's a christmas present so I thought I'd better test it. Sure enough it was region 2 only. Phoned Savacentre and 25 minutes of Musak later I was told to use the code supplied in their FAQ section.
Unfortunately this didn't work
Did a Google search and came up with this site - tried every fix (except the firmware - too scary for me!)
In frustration while typing in 8561 with the drive in/out/dvd in draw etc - I keyed 8888.(power on,draw in, no DVD, no setup screen)
This gave me the version screen - selected region 0 and every region 1&2 disk I have now works. Strangely enough the version screen lists the password as 8888
Out of interest the manufacture date says July 03 and it is a version 1.0. S/N PABC033000823. Good Luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by XX, December 08 2003:

Frequently check ... updates are continually posted and questions are usually answered.
Also all info is from a reliable source. Any comments or updates to instructions on their will be greatfully recieved by the site also!

ALSO a new serial number engine is soon to be released on their in the next week or two which will give you exact detailed instructions for your specific DVD player.

Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by Mike C, December 25 2003:

Whoever sorted this hack out for this machine deserves at least two gold stars and a lollipop.

It worked like a charm and all region dvd's now run like grease.


Mike C

PostRegion code hack posted by Mitchg, December 26 2003:

Can confirm that i could only hack the region code by following the instructions too... Tried all the codes and stuff but no responce till i followed the instructions although i didnt use Nero i used Easy cd just make sure using easy Cd, you use the data cd option and using the cd properties under the file option header you used cd properties and change the volume label in there...
Good luck all who try

PostRegion code hack posted by Mitchg, December 27 2003:

Why did you change the file number from the original file name, the instructions tell you to rename it as it was set on the dvd. Where did you get the newer version you have tried. I done as instructed and my region code was highlighted in a green box and i could change it by using one of the arrows ..umm up down i think but not sure would have to look again to make sure.
Might be worth checking again see if you can do it if not rename the file as it was then redo the firmware upgrade.
best of luck.

PostRegion code hack posted by Help, December 27 2003:

I did rename the firmware update to the origional BIN file name (13111213.BIN) as indicated in the instructions.
Once the update was applied I looked again to see what info the P215 now displayed (using 13798888) and it shows current firmware as version 03113216.BIN (after successful update).

What firmware does your unit now display after update ?
And does your P215 have a "preference page" as suggested in the instructions ?

Thanks, (remove spamtrap to reply)

PostRegion code hack posted by Pete, December 29 2003:

Tried all Remote hacks on this site but nothin works, Followed link from this site to
Followed instructions to the letter exept using easy CD Creator not nero, so you have to change to ISO 9660 in file CD layout properties. and selected track at once close cd and 4x burn speed as recomended. It works took 5 mins including burning disc !
Watchin Monty Python Criterion collection region 1 cd as we speak.
Thanks for the links help u lot are great !

PostOther hack posted by Stephen Ford, December 30 2003:

Just applied this to my 215 made Oct 2003 (UK) with firmware PABC0021/13111213. Whilst I can access all the menus mentioned in the handset hacks I can change nothing so I did the firmware hack. Tis does allow manual changing of region but it looks like an older firmware several audio and video options are missing - componenet output now has the single option "Off" and no "Scart" output. Audio downmixing is also affected.

PostRegion code hack posted by Hacker, January 02 2004:

I followed the firmware hack - you have to unzip the files and burn the cd and not change any names etc. Once you CD is burnt put it into your DVD - you should get a screen asking if you want to upgrade, press play, the draw will open - press your right arrow key 4 times to get to the preference page, type in 1379 - you should see a screen saying region 2 - press the down arrow until you get 0 and voila you have a multiregion screen.

PostRegion code hack posted by analyst, January 04 2004:

Ronin DVD 215
Manuf: Oct 2003
Tried all handset hacks with no success.
Carried out firmware upgrade as above - excellent, only took a few seconds once CDRW made. Now plays all incl RCE disks.

Info requested by Mindrunner above:
Version: 0F.06.00.01
Servo: 00.00.F6.57

PostRegion code hack posted by john lewin, February 02 2004:

This is not ronin dvd p215 or 215f, but simply dvd-215 (from manufacturer’s model label)
I tried various combinations of code:

Drawer out – press setup – key 13698888
Other hackers then say scroll to version and use enter to then scroll to region code. Unfortunately the version or region code does not appear.
Tried 8561 from cold boot – drawer in / drawer out from initial screen or from setup menu – nothing at all

I did find that if the drawer is in or out appears to make no difference, but if I key 8888 with anything you name before it the result is a code is displayed, (PABC0021/13111213.[CAN’T READ THE NEXT BIT])

If I open setup and leave at default ‘general setup page’ and key numbers 1379, then I get a display, which I can’t alter:
Version 0F.06.00.01
Servo 00.00.F6.57
Region Code 2 (the 2 is on a band highlighted green), but I can’t change it – no way

Manufacturer’s label from the back:
Model DVD-215
OCT 2003
PABC034200428 VERSION:2.2

Anyone got any brilliant ideas before I just take it back to the shop, cos they told me it was multi-region

PostOther hack posted by Dave G, February 07 2004:

firmware and remote hacks go to here and follow instructions for ronin 215 and the 215f they work...

PostRegion code hack posted by megaload, February 13 2004:

change the number to 13798888 for newer models, reveals the hidden menu, however just trying to get to the version is causing me a headache..... watch this space!!!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by xx, February 14 2004:

For the latest firmware and remote hacks plus support to help you with upgrades and issues see

PostRegion code hack posted by BigJohn, February 20 2004:

Just thought I should point out that the info on is FREE.

The info on is fine, but if you need to use a CDR based hack they will charge you for providing the disc.

As far as I can tell, all they do is make sure the disc is the correct format and send it to you. It might be safer than doing it yourself, but seems a bit cheeky!!

If you're resonable competent with a PC then it seems silly to pay when you can do it yourself.

If you can't read the 'secret' number (revealed by 8888 or 6688 from the set up menu), then you can read it more easily if you have a movie playing in the background.

Anyway, I'm going to do it myself, so I'll let you know how I get on.

Watch this space...

PostRegion code hack posted by Woby Tide, February 27 2004:

Semi-stupidly on my behalf I only half read all the instructions. I went to the roninmediaworks site, checked that my serial number did indeed start PABC03 then carried on thinking it was PABC0330 (the 30 is the week it was built) mine I now know is PABC0342.

Anyway I download the firmware burnt the CD upgraded the firmware and the player was fine, if still region encoded!

Checking again though you spot the bit that says if the serial number on box is after PABC0330 (like mine is) then the following is all you need:

Remove any Disks
Press Setup
Go to Preference Page
Type 1379 (this will bring up the region code)
Change to 0 and press play to confirm the change.

Gah what an idiot. Anyway bargain player currentlt £25 at Richer Sounds so save yourself £5 that they charge for multi region and away you go!

PostRegion code hack posted by V-i-R-u-S-2-k, March 04 2004:



this is for the P215 and also the Standard 215 all in 1 firmware...


i tested this HACK on my OWN Ronin Oct 2003 215 and it works perfectly. *NOTE i have not tested on the P215 but it should work IF YOU DAMAGE YOUR SYSTEM IM NOT BEING HELD RESPONCIBLE WHAT WORKS FOR ME MAY NOT FOR YOU.

PostRegion code hack posted by dude, March 18 2004:

Hey shahid,

You guarantee it do you? So when I fuck up my dvd player, you'll give me a new one?

PostRegion code hack posted by xx, April 03 2004:

New 2004 models remote hacks now available on
All remote hacks as well as support supplied free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Daggers, April 12 2004:

I tried the hacks listed but it would not work. I have just bought a RONIN 215 which was manufactured in 2004. I have found the crack to make it multi-region and it WORKS.

For players manufactured in 2004 (shown on back of player):

a. Open the CD/DVD tray.

b. Press the number "9735" in order on the remote controller.

c. You should now have access to the region menu and can choose your required region.

It really was that simple!!

PostRegion code hack posted by chris, April 13 2004:

I can confirm the code that Dagger entered on the 12th April WORKS!!!!
My DVD was manufactured Jan 2004, just bought today from WHS

PostOther hack posted by Sharon, April 14 2004:

Nope, tried 9735 all different ways but still no luck. I've also tried 8561 and 13698888. I really don't understand WHY I can't go multi on this player as the other 3 Ronins I have were a doddle to change. Anyone else have any suggestions?

PostRegion code hack posted by mick, April 18 2004:

daggers, you're a star. bought my ronin dvd215 from WH Smith this week...tried the earlie hacks with no luck, but yours worked instantly. you're right, it really is that simple! cheers mate

PostRegion code hack posted by Nev, April 27 2004:

My Ronin DVD-215 has a s/n starting PABC 0339 (week 39 of 2003 I guess) so the "Setup/Preferences/1379" hack should work. BUT.... I see the "Region Code 2" but cannot change it to 0. I can't be the only one with this problem... Any clues how to change it? Thanks

PostRegion code hack posted by Nev, April 28 2004:

Following on from my previous post I downloaded and applied the CD firmware upgrade as detailed previously on this page. Guess what! It works! Despite the serial number of my machine suggesting that only a code number was the only hack required. Thanks to all those that posted the details for the CD upgrade.



PostOther hack posted by phryo, May 05 2004:

Ronin 215 players with sticky date label on the back have firmware versions:-

Oct 03 have version 2.2
Jan 04 have version 1.0

The newer players have a lower version number than the older ones.

PostRegion code hack posted by Alan, May 06 2004:

I have purchased a Ronin DVD 215, no P or F. Manufactured January 2004.

No other hacks work except for the one posted By James Daggers.

Just turn on, open the tray, enter the code and the region codes appear on the right of the screen, Yippee.

Now using the remote arrow keys, select the right key and then scroll to region 0, press the 'Play' key in the centre of the arrows to select and save the region 0 setting.

Exit set up.

Easy as that.

Thanks James

PostRegion code hack posted by dopeyone, June 07 2004:


I have just bought the RONIN 215. Its an Oct 2003 Model; Version: 2.2; Serial No: PABC034208045.

I can either try putting in '13698888' but dont have an ENTER button on the remote!!! or try putting in '1379' but cannot change the region code from '2' to '0'.

Help required- dont understand the its about using cd-r's/firmware etc etc.

Any ideas? Thanks.

PostRegion code hack posted by pablodaddy, June 08 2004:

For later models e.g. PABC041....

Open CD Drawer
Press "Setup" on handset
Press 9735 on handset
Select "Region" from menu
Set region to 0
Exit setup menu

PostRegion code hack posted by Dino the Eagle, June 09 2004:

Region code hack for Ronin 215 Manufactured July 03

Don't know if this works on 'P' or 'F'

With thanks to Brian & Barry who submitted 2 parts which are combined below:

Before doing this hack it is worth familiarising yourself with the Menu on this machine and to work out how to switch between the setup menu and the preferences menu.

1 Open DVD draw

2 Press 'Setup' button on the remote control

3 Enter 13698888 on the remote control, a line will appear at the bottom of the TV screen in black reading something like: "PABC0021/13111213.B5"
*Ignore this and go to step 4*

4 Go to preferences and enter 1379 on the remote control, Region Number will appear

5 Scroll down until '0' appears

6 Press 'Setup' Hey presto! You now have a multi region DVD Player

I've just done it this afternoon and have watched The Usual Suspects Region 1 DVD with no problems at all.

PostRegion code hack posted by Palle Hansen, March 11 2005:

I want to change my region code so that I can play all sorts of DVD

PostRegion code hack posted by robert flower, June 16 2005:


PostRegion code hack posted by poptatrt, July 05 2005:

Have tried the hack

Open cd draw
press setup
type 13698888
move along to preferences
type 1379
grey box appears showing region
But i am unable to change the region at all. No matter what I press....
Any Ideas!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by dennbenn, January 29 2006:

Hi folks,Ihave a Ronin215F DVD player. Just typed in the 8561 code and voila!!!! Have access to American as well as european dvd's....Cheers.

PostRegion code hack posted by chornaey, February 10 2007:

Do this if you have an older model - mines from around 2000 - PAB0017....

open tray
enter 13698888
version appears on menu
goto version
press right to highlight the region number
enter 1379
use up/down to change region
goto main menu
exit setup

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