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Roadstar DVD-2010H

3 user region code comments

May 31, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Giandena, January 16 2003:

See hack for Centrum Libra:

PostOther hack posted by Cunctator, February 07 2003:

There are two firmware version of the Roadstar 2010H, the first (and oldest) one can be modified following the hack of the Centrum "Libra" and works for any "omega" chipset dvd.

The second type of firmware (the newest) is different, in order to access a secret menu follow this procedure using only the RC:

- power up the player
- wait for "no disc"
- press 7, 7, SELECT (or ENTER)

a info menu appears, some voices can be modified but i have no further informations....

PostRegion code hack posted by DVD lover, May 31 2003:

Roadstar 2012H

This is a new model available in Europe ( Switzerland)

To make it Region-free:
1. Make sure no disc is inside the tray and tray is closed (it doesn't matter even if it is open)
2. Press SETUP
3. Press NEXT, PREV, NEXT, PREV in order.
4. Now you'll see "Ver x" (where x is the Region code)
5. Now press RIGHT to browse through the regions 1-6, after the region 6, if you press again then it will show region 255
6. Press SETUP again to save the settings with the Region 255. This will now play all the regions.

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