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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Pioneer DVR-930H

2 user region code comments

May 22, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by alexL, March 17 2006:

multiregion (region 0) firmware
download and burn image file

PostRegion code hack posted by dvdup, May 22 2006:

Size 72Mb
How to use:
Unzip file.
Write the ISO Image to a CD-R using Nero on the lowest speed(uncheck Joliet).
Service Disc based upgrades:

1. Switch on the recorder, open the disc tray, and insert the mod disc. DO NOT close the disc tray!
2. Press & hold "ONE TOCH COPY" & then press "DVD" - the disc tray will close, release the buttons.
3. After 1 minute the disc tray will open. Take out the disc. DO NOT close the disc tray!
4. The display will show DOWNLOAD-1, then DOWNLOAD-2, then DOWNLOAD-3. The disc tray will close & the recorder will switch into standby mode.
5. Switch the recorder back on . The setup navigator will appear, installation is complete. If the setup navigator fails to appear, please repeat the process from step 1.
6. Switch the recorder back off, the upgrade is complete.

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