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Pioneer DV-LX50

3 user region code comments

October 17, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Big C, April 16 2009:

If you live in North America or Japan and own a DV-58AV or DV-800AV respectivly, then you need to do this via special firmware. See for full details. If you live elsewhere in the world and own a DV-LX50, you can do this via a special IR service code. See for details.

PostRegion code posted by Big C, July 12 2009:

New firmware has just been released that adds multi-system, multi-region, the ability to start movies without menus, copyright warnings, and coming attractions, and switchable black level. It can be found at

PostRegion code posted by Big C, October 17 2009:

Hakan just released StM V1.2 based on YGD8827A. It can be found at . It fixes some DivX issues. I'm not into DivX, but it also fixes a problem where SACD and SuperBass interfere with each other.

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