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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Pioneer DV-434

2 user region code comments

September 12, 2010 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by slp068, August 28 2004:

I used the hack listed for the Pioneer DV-454 and it seems to have worked just fine. Just used it and am now watching a Region 2 Pal disc on my Region 1 NTSC player. See the hack for the Pioneer DV-454 on this site.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jack T, September 12 2010:

I succesfully made my Pioneer DV-434 region free by using the hack listed for the Pioneer DV-454.
Step 1. Create an IR transmitter

A basic schematic for a simple IR transmitter circuit is at ...

This is referenced in several other postings but, there is some conjecture as to which terminal the circuits are connected. (Some sugested the NP4148 should be conected to the RX pin instead of the DTR) etc. I found that the following worked for me...

PIN3 o--(NP4148)-----(RESISTOR)----
(TXD) |
PIN5 O--(IR LED)-----(RED LED)-----

Most of the info on the net suggested using 3.3k Ohm or 4.7k Ohm resistors. I only had 4x 220 Ohm resistors so, I wired them up in series to make a 880 Ohm total. This appeared to work fine (at least long enough to achieve the desired aim!)

I inserted the red LED to verify that the circuit was actually transmitting.

The important thing about this step is ensuring that the NP4148 and the Light Emitting Diodes are oriented correctly before soldering.

I found several sites such as which detailed the pinouts for the serial connectors.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Step 2. Source a copy of WinLIRC

Go to and download a copy of WinLIRC.

I used ver 0.6.8 on Windows XP.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Step 3. Create a Config file for WinLIRC

Create a file called and save it in the folder where all of your WinLIRC files are stored. Copy and paste the following into the file:
# pioneer Region Hack
# converted and adjusted from PRONTO Hex-Codes
# by peter
begin remote
name pioneer
eps 30
aeps 100
ptrail 0
repeat 0 0
gap 35000
begin raw_codes
name region
8575 4211 576 1547 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
8575 4211 576 1547 576 1547
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 493
576 493 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 1547
end raw_codes
end remote
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Step 4. Physical preparations

Plug in your IR transmitter into your PC's serial port and position as close to the front of the DVD player. (Less than 1.5m is often mentioned in other postings on the web).

Ensure that the DVD player is switched off
Step 5. Initialise WinLIRC

When you first run WinLIRC, you will most likely see an error message advising that WinLIRC can not initialise.

When this occurs, select RECONFIGURE and change the following values:

PORT: COM1 (unless you are using some other port)
SPEED: 115200
Reciever type: RX Device
Virtual pulse: 300
Config: Use the name of the config file that you created at step 3.
Transmitter Setting: TX
Step 6. Transmit via WinLIRC

On the main WinLIRC window, select the following:

Remote: pioneer
Code: region
Repeats: 0


You should the red LED on the transmitter illuminate briefly which indicates that the IR LED is also transmitting.
Step 6. Watch DVDs from other regions

Turn the DVD player on. Insert DVD from any given region. Press PLAY and enjoy.

Final comments:

In my case, I performed step 6 twice before it worked. I think that this was because I had not physically positioned the IR transmitter properly.

Thanks to those contributors in the DV-454 section of this web site such as Peter(09 Jan 2003).

A similar approach to what I have suggested can also be found at...

Good luck.
Jack T

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