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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Pioneer DV-360

19 user region code comments

February 10, 2025 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Nick, June 17 2003:

I've just used the DV-454 (DV-350) hack on my new DV-360 purchased in Germany. It seemed to work fine. Machine now reports Region *, and my Region 1 and 2 discs play fine.

For the record I used OmniRemote 2.08 on a Visor Edge.

PostRegion code hack posted by Mr. BIG, June 22 2003:

I used this code to make my Pioneer DV-360 regionfree
in just one press off a button

Memo (Name: Category-TV):
Button name-Enter
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-0
0000 0069 0044 0000 0155 00ac 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 0400 0155 00ac 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 0400
Button name-7
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-8
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-9
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-4
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-5
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-6
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-1
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-2
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-3
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Channel up
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Channel dn
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Last
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Volume up
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Volume dn
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Mute
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Power
0000 0067 0000 0000
Button name-Favorite
0000 0067 0000 0000

Tool omniremote 2.08 PALM Vx OS 3.5
DVD player Pioneer DV-360-S Region 2 (bought in holland)

Just install omniremote (DONT CHANGE ANY THING)
import the code in omniremote. useing
Advanced -> databases -> import category
(it says 19 ir codes imported)
sit in the front of your dvd player (aprox 1m)
press 0

REGION: 1-6 free (checked) Skip Protection: still active SCREEN: the player will use now 60 Hz output
(all recent sony tv`s will be oke) MACROVISION: unknown

PostRegion code hack posted by Truchomac, June 29 2003:

Thanks MR BIG, the hack work on my pioneer with the zones:
1,2,& 4. (others zones not tested).
I hacked with an old Palm IIIx.
DV-360 Rom Version: 1.116_SglBsc
Buyed in Spain 06/2003

PostRegion code hack posted by Richard Bonfield, July 09 2003:

I used the following hex code successfully to make my DV-360 multi-region. The code was loaded into a Pronto remote using Prontoedit, and it worked first time. Press the pronto button with the DVD tray ejected, and the player will reboot.

0000 0067 0050 0000 0154 00af 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0014 045d 0154 00ae 0016 0040 0016 0040 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0016 0040 0014 045d 0154 00ae 0016 0040 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0016 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0014 00af

Thanks to the original poster of this code.

PostRegion code hack posted by Sacha, July 21 2003:

For my DV-360s which I bought in Switzerland the hack from Richard Bonfield worked the first time. Many thanks.
Firmware Rev. "1.116_SglBsc"

I wish there was a firmware with better SVCD support...

PostOther hack posted by Sacha, July 24 2003:

Sorry, I made a false statement in my previous post. The SVCD support of this player seems very good. It has problems reading my memorex CD-RWs where I put my SVCDs on. So it seems to be a bit picky about CD-RWs.


PostRegion code hack posted by fenix^, September 02 2003:

this file works for me with iPAQ 2210 and TV remote controller 5.5.
it includes the code in Region code hack posted by Richard Bonfield at July 09 2003

PostRegion code hack posted by Jimmy, September 15 2003:

I made my -360 region free with my IBM A31 laptop and the built in IR port.
Used the instructions from QuickSilver Pionner-454.
Worked like a dream.

PostRegion code hack posted by NickoH, November 12 2003:

First I've tried the Quicksilver trick with the IrDA port of a HP Omnibook 6100 laptop.
The port was recognized as COM2 and WinLIRC could communicate with it.
But no way to send anything to the DVD player.
Even tried to learn a key from the original remote, the key was learnt allright, but no way to transmit the signal to the player.
Perhaps the IR LED of the Omnibook is not suitable for that, don't know (tried *several* times, at different distances).

Then I borrowed a Visor from a friend (PalmOS 3.1), installed Omniremote 2.09 and the codes posted by Bill, and it worked at the first try.

Now the player shows region "0", and region 1 DVDs can be read (player was originally region 2).
Firmware is 1.206Sg|Bsc

Thanks a lot for the codes, guys !

PostRegion code hack posted by Alex, November 23 2003:

I tried winlirc method with the code given by Peter (March 2003)

Can be found here :

After sending the signal a lot of time, more than 10, the dvd turned off and region 0 appeared instead of region 2 (setup > initial menu> options press display button).

Thx Peter :)

PostRegion code hack posted by humanoid, December 29 2003:


Just managed to make my DV-360 codefree. I tried the code posted by Mr. BIG, of June 22 2003, and it DID NOT work before I erased all those space characters at the lines' ends. After that, it worked with one single button push on my palm handheld.


PostRegion code hack posted by Gerry Mitchell, December 29 2003:

dont know!

PostRegion code hack posted by sjöberg, January 09 2004:

Hej. jag har nyligen köpt en DV-360. Nu undrar jag om någon kan hjälpa mej med anvisningar hur jag kör den regionfri med enbart fjärrkontrollen. Jag har ingen handdator, och heller ingen kunskap om hur sådana skall användas.
/ Sjöberg

PostRegion code hack posted by henry, January 20 2004:

dv-360 audio-dvd player not for computer but for tv

PostRegion code hack posted by R, February 14 2004:

Hi guys,

Just thought I'd let you know how I got on with the hack as it was this board where I got most info from. Firstly my XP machine doesnt have an Irda so I had to dust off my PII win98 machine. I tried messing around with Winlirc and the ccf from
the ir was sending but there was no response from the DVD player. After a night of reinstalling win 98 and messing around with various settings I gave up (defeatest I know!). So I though I'd pop a long to my local Superfi. They were going to charge me £ I said errr no thank you. They were then going to charge me £10 so I thought, if it saves all that messing about then so be it. fortunately they couldnt get it to work, their remote must have been buggered! So I took it away as region 2 with £10 still in my pocket! I thought this must be a sign to try the WINLIRC method I did.

I got it to work on the 2nd attempt. What I had to do was to unistall the Irda drivers that Win 98 had put on for me and edit MSPORTS.INF

(below taken from )

Make two changes to MSPORTS.INF file:
;Add the following line to support the IR port
%*PNP0510.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, *PNP0510 ; Generic IR device/Comm

;Add the following line to provide a device description for PNP0510
*PNP0510.DeviceDesc = "Generic Ir Serial Port"

Go into device manager and remove the devices associated with the

original Windows 98 configuration:

- IrDa Network Adapter
- Virtual COM/PRT ports
- Infrared device

Reboot your PC and Windows 98 should now install a 'Generic Ir Serial

Port' and assign a true COM port.

On rebooting it did not install the generic Ir serial. I had to do that manually in Control Panel > Add HArdware

Once it is installed shutdown any Ir monitoring devices e.g Irmon and the like. Run WINLIRC, load the CCF from the link at the top.
In WINLRC use these settings:-
correct com port
speed: 115200
Receiver typee: RX Device
virtual pulse: 300
Transmitter settings: TX

and bingo...multi region here we come!

Thanks to Peter for his original post and to Quiksilver..the best thing is the £10 is still in my pocket hehe!

PostOther hack posted by maina davide, April 04 2004:

dvix firmware for pioneer dv 360 s installing on cd rom

PostRegion code hack posted by popol, June 08 2004:

I post this to tell everyone that using the codes provided by Nick, I succeded.
Omniremote is not that easy to use, just a couple of things to understand before sending the codes, but it worked with my Pioneer DV-360 (zone 2) bought on april 04, a palm m500 and omni remote 2.02.
What is usefull to know is that the codes must first be exported from the TV-type remote of remote control. Then they can be edited in the notes of the palm, to make the changes following the codes provided by nick, and then re-imported in remote control.
I did so and after several sendings to my dvd player, it worked fine (while nothing seemed to happen to the player).
It now read dvds from zone 1 and 2 (I have not tried yet with other zones).
So thanks to everyone.

PostRegion code hack posted by low, May 10 2007:

I would like to know how to play a region one dvd on my player

PostRegion code hack posted by PioneerIR, February 10 2025:

Create "" file using instructions by Jack T in Pioneer dv-434 thread.

Instead of building the infrared LED transmitter in the diagram Shiro shows for Pioneer dv-354 it's easier to use a USB version of IR LED to send the signal. See or for examples. Install the drivers that come with the IR device, or use IRtoy.dll as a driver.

Also visit for the latest version of winlirc.exe

Comments for Pioneer dv-434 (Jack T) and for Pioneer dv-410, and Pioneer 454 (Bernie, Knut) have more details.

Used Winlirc 0.9 with IRtoy.dll, file, and IRdroid USB connected to a laptop running windows 7 to make a region 2 Pioneer dv-360 region free. Windows 7 Device Manager should detect the IRdroid device and the COM port it is assigned to. Check winlirc's configuration, it should show the same COM port number. If not, change it to match the one Device Manager found.

Turn the Pioneer 360 on, with no disc, and wait for the front display to show "NO DISC".

Run winlirc, icon appears in taskbar, right-click for main window. Set "remote" to "pioneer" and set "code" to "region", then click on "Send Code" to transmit the signal. The player should switch itself off. When turned on again it should play pal and ntsc DVDs from any region.

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