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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Philips PET1002

7 user region code comments

June 02, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by scaramanga, May 16 2006:

See Pet 1000

Good luck

PostRegion code hack posted by Armadillo, May 25 2006:

Just tried the hack listed for the PET1000 on my PET1002/37. Works great.

PostRegion code posted by Realistic, May 29 2006:

I have just tried the hack from PET1000 on my PET1002/37, and it doesn't work.

PostRegion code hack posted by schlapp, August 12 2006:

Same as Philips PET 1000.

Maybe it did not work on one of the early series of the PET 1002 (as I was told in the store...), but this hack works just fine on the latest series like the one I just bought.

Below is the copy of the hack tested (and verified):

Switch the player on
Open the tray door
Press Setup on the remote control
Select "Preferences Page"
Press OK (This will select Audio)
Press 2,1,2,2,2,5
Press 0 when the screen displays region code
Press Setup to exit

PostRegion code hack posted by Scholty, November 27 2006:

Everything worked as posted earlier for the PET1002/37 on a Region1 player bought at Circuit City for $259.

Played PAL and NTSC DVD's and all conversion worked fine.


PostRegion code hack posted by BratGirl, March 10 2007:

* Switch player On and Open tray door
* Press Setup on the remote control
* Move menu selector down to Preferences and press Right arrow
* Press 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 and 5
* Press Left Arrow
* Press Down Arrow
* Press 0 when the screen displays region code
* Press Setup to exit

the other hacks here are missing an important step.

in the 3rd step above, YOU MUST press RIGHT ARROW. then it will work fine. the other hacks leave that step out.

PostRegion code hack posted by Virtual_Team, June 02 2007:

I have PET-1002/37,I tried hack from PET-1000 and it doesn`t work.
Below is the copy of hack from Insignia PDVD10 and it works great !

1. Power on
2. Open disc tray

With remote control:
3. Press Setup
4. Select Preferences
5. Enter 253135
6. Press Left Arrow
7. Press Down Arrow
(you should be seeing "REGION CODE 1" now)

8. Press 10/0 to set REGION CODE to 0
9. Press Setup (and it's done!)

Good luck !!!

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