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Philips PD9030

8 user region code comments

May 23, 2018 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by ianjoneill, July 12 2011:

This is the same hack as the PD7060.

1. Turn on player
2. Open Tray
3. Press SETUP
4. Press RIGHT 3 times to get to Prefer(ences)
5. Press 9-6-5-3 in sequence on the remote
6. A screen will appear showing player information and the current region code, press UP/DOWN until you reach 0
8. Press SETUP to exit

PostRegion code posted by kasi, March 06 2012:

this hack works! thanks a lot!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by rcrook321, July 25 2012:

This hack works great because you don't even need the remote control

With no disc in the machine from the blue start up screen, press next, previous, next, previous, next, next, previous and a configuration menu appears.

PostRegion code hack posted by The_Midget, October 18 2012:

I just picked up a Philips PD9030 today to replace my now deceased portable.

I attempted to use both the hacks listed here, but neither of them worked. I checked the model and it is PD9030/12, and did further searches with no luck. Then I noticed that the manufacture date listed on the back is August 2012 -- which is after the dates of the listed hacks, so it seems like there might be slight changes since then, so I have been playing around with various permutations and have found repeatable steps that are similar to the existing hacks, but slightly different, but it works for me every time:

1. Turn on the power.
2. Press Eject to open the tray door and remove any DVD.
3. Close the tray (without a DVD inside) and wait until you see the NO DISC message.
4. Press 9653 on remote to get hidden menu.
5. Scroll up to REGION using the up arrow on the remote (or the control directly on the device).
6. Activate this choice (REGION) by pressing the play/pause button on the remote (or on the device).
7. Scroll up to TEST 0 using the up arrow on the remote (or the control directly on the device).
8. Select TEST 0 (giving region-free/all regions) by pressing the play/pause button on the remote (or on the device).
9. Scroll down to EXIT SETUP using the down arrow on the remote (or the control directly on the device).
10. Select EXIT SETUP by pressing the play/pause button on the remote (or on the device).
11. The hidden menu disappears and after a moment you will see the NO DISC message again.

You can now proceed to use the device as a region-free player.

[Note: If it is true that a slight change was made to the necessary steps, then people are advised to try all the hacks mentioned here, in case the age of their device causes them to need one of the alternate methods.]

PostRegion code hack posted by keith035, April 17 2014:

I purchase DVDs internationally and would like to play them on my DVD player. Philips PD9030.

PostRegion code posted by posphilipsuser, August 24 2014:

I have tried all of these hacks (and others I have found on other sites) to no avail. Doesn't help, I'm sure, that the remote control doesn't work.

I'm using a PD9030/37

Just wanted to say thanks to all those who posted. People who take the time to do this make other peoples lives easier. I just wish the hacks worked for me but, in the meantime: Thanks.

PostRegion code hack posted by bobbot, October 10 2014:

I used the hack posted by The_Midget on October 18 2012 on a PD9030/79 and
managed to make it region free - but I had to press 9653 twice to get the hidden
menu (perhaps I did not press one of the keys hard enough)
However all is good and thanks to those patient souls who uncover these hacks!

PostRegion code hack posted by Maria4, May 23 2018:

I have the PD9030/37 and was able to change the region using the next previous next previous, etc. from rcrook321. Thanks
so much!

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