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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Philips PD9000

7 user region code comments

August 03, 2011 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by anu, June 29 2010:

How to break region for Philips PD9000D/37

1. Turn on player.
2. Open disc tray.
3. Wait till 'Open' appears on screen
4. Type 9 6 5 3
5. Press up or down button to reach REGION option
6. Press OK button
7. Scroll UP/Down to TEST0 , press OK
8. Press setup again to exit

PostRegion code hack posted by karss, September 23 2010:

Hey does this hack work? has it been tried?

PostRegion code posted by karss, September 27 2010:

Hey has anyone tried this or any other hack for this player?
please let me know...urgent! Thanks

PostRegion code hack posted by TD4D, September 29 2010:

This hack works. I bought a PD9000 today and I needed to use my region 4 and 1 DVDs. I followed the directions and it worked perfectly. Thankyou.

PostRegion code posted by asitek, October 19 2010:

how do i type "9 6 5 3" when there is no numeric pad ??? thanX

PostRegion code hack posted by Kittygirl, November 04 2010:

The hack works perfectly!

PostRegion code hack posted by sja454, August 03 2011:

They must have changed things. I tried the above hack and it didn't work so I tried other Philips hacks that were listed. Here is the one that worked for me

1. Turn on power.
2. Open drive tray/lid.
3. Press SETUP on remote.
4. Press RIGHT ARROW button 3 times.
5. Press 9-6-5-3 in this order on remote.
6. This should bring you to the region code screen. Use UP and DOWN buttons on remote to select region (or 0 for region free).
7. Press SETUP button on remote

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