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Philips MX3900D

5 user region code comments

May 03, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Andy Stewart, November 04 2003:

I too have had problems implementing the RC6 and 'play 159'

I was wondering could someone tell me if there is a specific palce
to start the hack? Should a disc be in the machine or not? should i
been in systems menu when i attempt the hacks etc etc....

Your help would be very much appreciated thank you.

PostRegion code hack posted by DAKYR LIMADALKYKO, November 04 2003:

procurar informações sobre philips no site
abraços DAKYR LIMA

PostRegion code hack posted by lal, February 05 2004:

I tested this hack myself and it works fine.For all region
Switch off the System.
Make sure the tray is empty
Switch on the power by pressing the DISC button in remote
'NO DISC' will be displayed
keep on pressing the following without any pause.
and ignore the hand sign in the screen
(For Region 1)
(for region 5)

159 is must for all regions
The next three digits signifies Region,System,Language Code respectively
First number is the region code eg 1 = Region 1 ,2 = Region 2 etc
Second number is the TV system where 1= NTSC ,2=PAL ,and 3 =AUTO
Third is the Menu/Audio Subtitle Language.
111 means Region 1,NTSC,English
531 means Region 5,AUTO,English
521 means Region 5,PAL,English

The next three digits will be constant for this particular model.i.e.001 for MX3900D

The next three are the 'AFS' number that tells the MPEG board what model it's fitted in

001 = LX3900D/LX3500 /MX3660
and the last two is the OEM derivative where Philips = 08

Use the 'Play 159 Play' command the resets the change at any point of time and if the region has been changed by mistake...this command bring it back to the last setting

PostRegion code hack posted by codymc, March 14 2004:

the hack for the mx3950d works for the 3900 I just tried it.

The key is to have the unit on Disc one. Once it stops going through all the trays looking for discs it usually stops on 5, press disc skip until it displays disc one.

then use these steps (posted under 3950 -- Thanks to Fabio Ramos!)

How to make your MX3950D region free, including RCE discs (straight from Philips)

1) Turn the set on ensuring no discs are inside the unit
2) Press "disc/media" button on the remote
3) Set display to disc 1 - wait for the "No Disc" display
4) Press the "disc menu" button on the remote control
5) Enter the following numbers slowly on the remote "1 5 9" (A light will flash in the bottom right of the display as each digit is registered)
6) "-0-0-0-0" appears on the display if done correctly
7) Enter "222222005255" on the remote
8) Press "disc menu" on the remote
9) Wait for "done" display
10) Press "Standby"
11) Restart unit - press "disc/media"

PostOther hack posted by strannik18, May 03 2004:

Region code hack posted by codymc, March 14 2004
Worked for me perfectly. Thanks.

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