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Philips MX3700D

6 user region code comments

December 26, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Gabriel Klyber, March 15 2003:

From mx3800d hacks, these work on mx3700d:

Check that "Play 159 Play" resets the counter to 25 in the top left corner of your screen then the screen goes dark blue for a second and back to normal.

For region 1 press "Play 159 111 002 08 Play"

For region 2 press "Play 159 221 002 08 Play"

Each time a number appears in top left corner of screen which shows how many times it has been changed. After each change the screen goes dark blue for a second then back to normal.

It appears this hack will work on the following models
by changing the 002 for


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Region code hack posted by John Doe at December 04 2002:
With the help of the hack posted bij John Hope I've figured out the following fact:

Everything is the same as written in the hack that John posted (press play 159 play).

For region 3 press "play 159 331 002 08 play"
This I have tested and it works well.
The following regions I didn't try yet, but I think they work too.

For region 4 press "play 159 441 002 08 play"

For region 5 press "play 159 551 002 08 play"

For region 6 press "play 159 661 002 08 play"

Enjoy it!

PostRegion code hack posted by Carlos*ARGENTINA, April 24 2003:

The post of Gabriel is in part WRONG!!!!
Be carefull or you destroy your DVD

The first hack fully functional!!!
*El primer hack totalmente funcional!!!

I have Philips MX3600d DVD locked to region to 1.
*Tengo un DVD Philips MX3600D Home Theater que estaba blockeado en Zona 1.-
This hack run good in MX3700d and MX3800d!!!
I made it all region free by entering code from remote control..
follow step by step:
1.NO disc in the tray
2.power on dvd
3.Presione en el control remoto

region 1 => PLAY 1 5 9 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 8 PLAY
region 2 => PLAY 1 5 9 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 8 PLAY

"Hasta aca es correcto, pero no para los que tienen zona 4"

Region 3 => PLAY 1 5 9 3 3 1 0 0 2 0 8 PLAY
Region 4 => PLAY 1 5 9 4 3 1 0 0 2 0 8 PLAY

La logica no es 111, 221, 331, 441, 551, 661 como posteo anteriormente GABRIEL.-
"NO Poner (NOT) / BAD => PLAY 1 5 9 4 4 1 0 0 2 0 8 PLAY"

El 1er Nro. es la ZONA (1,2,3,4,5,6)
El 2do nro. es la NORMA (1-NTSC, 2-PAL, 3-AUTO)
El 3ro Nro. dejadlo en "1"

"Yo lo he probado y funciona a la perfección"

RESET command - P L A Y 1 5 9 P L A Y


PostRegion code hack posted by JP, July 07 2003:

I've made my LX3750W successfully region-free, and since the set has the same DVD-player as the MX3700D, this will also work for the MX3700D:

1. Start up the player (in disc mode) with no disc in the tray.
2. Press Play on the player.
3. Press 159 023 793 90 on the remote.
4. Press Play on the remote.
5. You'll see a message flashing on your screen, saying something like "DVD player has been set to region 0"
6. When the image on the TV returns, power down the player.
7. Wait 10 seconds.
8. Start up the player again

I've tested it with region 1,2 and 4 discs, also with RCE checking discs, all played successfull.
I've had to try it a few times, press the numbers not too quickly.

PostRegion code hack posted by michael davids, March 18 2004:

Same hacks as mx3800d or as lx3500d will work

PostRegion code hack posted by Ed M, December 25 2005:

For the MX 3700D
This works with NTSC TV
Play 159 Play to reset counter to 25
To change to region 1 Play 159 111 002 08 Play
To change to region 2 Play 159 211 002 08 Play

To change to region 2 Play 159 221 002 08 Play

There are no indications on TV until second Play is entered and then screen goes blank for a few seconds. The numbers have to be entered at a slow steady pace with 2 seconds between groups. No need to power off when changing between regions. Have not been able to figure out if it is possible to go to an all region 0.

PostRegion code hack posted by Ed M, December 26 2005:

For MX 3700D
After several attempts the Play 159 023 793 90 Play did work. Seems like it takes just the right amount of time between pressing numbers to make this work. Did not have to power down. Played both region 1 and region 2 dvd on NTSC TV.

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