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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Philips DVDR985

6 user region code comments

August 12, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Jonas Ländin, October 31 2002:

First of all i recommend everyone with this player to install the latest firmware (FF11h)
which can be found here:

Just follow the instructions in the readme file included in the archive.

Here's a short descripton of fixes included in firmware FF11h:

Philips DVDR980/DVDR985 FF11h Firmware Upgrade
Suitable for Philips DVDR980 and DVDR985 recorders

Features & Fixes:

Includes all fixes and enhancements of previous versions (including FF9o) +

For American DVDR985 models:

Fixes a number of timer and clock related problems

For European DVDR980 and DVDR985 models:

Adds SP+ (2.5 hours) and EP+ (6 hours) recording modes
Adds MP3-CD playback
Adds CinemaLink support, for better communication with CinemaLink equiped TVs and receivers

Regionhack for all Philips DVD players
The good news is that this hack works (should work) with all known firmwares and models.
Also other good news is that this hack supports all regions. In other words: After entering
the code, you can play any disc from any region. The best news about this hack is that
RCE protected discs should be no problem!!

The bad news is that you need a special remote to use it. That's the only bad news ;)

How the hack works
First you have to issue a special IR command RC6, codeset 4, key 235 (decimal).
Then the rest of the code should be entered normally. So the code is

RC6 code 121 212 005 255 PLAY

You can send the RC6 command using a certain type of programmable remote control.
If you want to know if it can be done using your programmable remote, you'll have to
find out yourself. I don't have the means and time to find out if a certain type can
be used or not. The ones I know the RC6 command works with, are listed here.

OneForAll (URC7560)
OneForAll (URC4300)
Palm (V)
Philips Pronto
Philips SBC RU880

At first, remember that region coding only applies to the playback of pre-recorded DVD-Video discs;
DVD+RW discs that you record yourself are not region-coded and can be played in any DVD player worldwide
(providing that it supports either the PAL or NTSC format that was used for recording). To make your
Philips DVD+RW video recorder region free, you can follow the instructions on the web sites below,
however some changes apply. Follow the instructions on that pages, but replace the code string
"222 222 005 255" with "121 212 005 255", which is the correct one for region-patching the DVD+RW video recorder.

IMPORTANT!!! (Else your player/recorder won't accept the special IR command RC6, codeset 4, key 235)
You have to set the recorder's remote control settings in the Setup menu to "DVD player"
instead of "DVD recorder", otherwise it will not recognize the special RC command to go into service mode
(and the 12 dashes will not appear on the FTD display).

PostRegion code hack posted by neofit, November 25 2002:

To add to the above hack: it worked for me with the OneForAll Topline 8 (URC-8550) remote control.

PostRegion code posted by nicky, February 17 2003:

blank someone knows as to disabilitare the copy protect on this digital recorder them from being able cosi to have of the copies of emergency to disabilitare macrovision or cgsm or other hello.

PostRegion code hack posted by Badnews, March 03 2003:

New dvds may not work after hack.Screen comes on saying DVD player can not be region free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Badnews, March 04 2003:

If you want to reset your Philips dvdr985 back to factory region so it will play new dvds.Hold down the power button on the remote while pointing at dvdr and at the same time unplug the dvdr985. wait 15sc,then plug it back in. also you can use the remote that came with the 985 to get the dashes just push play with no disk in dvdr,then push 159

PostOther hack posted by we wa, August 12 2003:

Received ff12t firmware cd in the mail, just as i was about to mail the unit back to the san jose repair facility. would not update. so i went to and downloaded universal upgrade 3 cd cue image and that loaded successfully.

still shows 'no disc' for dvd-r discs, of which much of my collection.

have yet to try recording, as i bought it for the supposed faroujda dcdi quality playback, region free and all the input/outputs on the back.

so far i'm very disappointed and my $99 philips dvd727 blows this thing out of the water.

will be mailing it in to the repair facility to see if they can resolve the 'no disc' and 'disc error' messages i get on like 30%+ of dvds i try to play on it, prerecorded or copies.

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