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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Philips DVDR3455H

6 user region code comments

October 20, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by caveman_0_1, June 12 2006:

Seems to be the same hack as for DVDR3355. I've tried like 5 different hacks and one of them worked, I'm pretty sure it is this one, please correct me if I'm wrong.

- Power on
- Open tray
- Press 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 on remote
- Press OK



PostRegion code posted by zelium, September 01 2006:

above hack (0086000 by using the remote) does not work.

I bought a Philips 3455H on Aug 30, 2006 and found that the hack for 3455h listed here no longer works.

Checking the bios version by pressing 00009 from the remote does not work either (So, I could not check the version of the bios that I am using now).

If I found the hack work for the lastest version, I will post it here.

PostRegion code hack posted by caveman_0_1, October 26 2006:

I've tried below steps and it works with the latest firmware (19.10) from philips site.

- Power on
- Switch to DVD mode
- Open tray
- Press 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 on remote
- Press OK
- Power off the unit using remote (<- important step)



PostRegion code hack posted by fatoil, November 13 2006:

I bought it from Bestbuy Canada last month, and the hack from cavemen_0_1 works perfectly for me :)

PostRegion code hack posted by David Jalali, November 22 2006:

I bought my Philips DVDR 3455H/55 from Walmart for under $300 on Nov 15th, 2006

I can confirm the following DVD hack makes the player/recorder play ALL region dvds! Even my Region code two dvd's that I have from Germany AND that are in PAL format!! This player plays back region code 2 PAL dvds on a normal US Tv!!!


- Power On.
- Open DVD tray.
- Press: 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 on remote.
- turn player off.

You now have a coode-free dvd player!!!

One note; I believe ALL Philips DVD-Recorders can handle a NTSC - AND - PAL signals. That was how my old Philips DVDR3400H(German model) worked. Although I have not tested it on this (US)unit yet.

PostRegion code hack posted by oshaun, October 20 2007:

just wanted to say I purchased a unit DVDR3455H/37 on Oct 10, 2007 and the hack mentioned by md above worked for me

- Power on
- Switch to DVD mode
- Open tray
- Press 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 on remote
- Press OK
- Power off the unit using remote (<- important step)


according to the info on my unit to check the BIOS info you must

-Press SETUP
-Press 3 2 1 on remote
-Press Select

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