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Philips DVD730

5 user region code comments

March 30, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Larry, July 09 2001:

1. Press Play on remote, followed by 2 , 7 , 4
2. When the display reads '____ _____' enter 005 000 128 156 using remote.
3. Press Play on the remote.
Your player is now a Region 1 only player.

To return to region 2 only do the following:
1. Press Play on the remote, followed by 2 , 7 , 4
2. When the display reads '____ _____' enter 002 128 156
Your player is now a region 2 only player.

PostRegion code hack posted by Silvereagle, July 16 2001:

You can play SVCD on your Philips.
- have no disk in
- press PLAY
- enter 159 011 000 085 256 (the 6 is not shown)
- press PLAY
- screen should become red
- you are able to play SVCD!, but only one point
remember, audio must be 48kHz for having no trouble
with sync.

Hack should work on all players of serie DVD7xx

PostRegion code hack posted by Adam Heeley, December 09 2001:

This code allows the 7xx machines to play ANY REGION DISCS, and as a bonus, in the PAL display format too:-

1. Press PLAY and enter the code 274. Your "player" should display ______ ______.

2. Enter the code 222 222 005 255 and press play. Your screen should go RED.

3. Leave the red screen on for 20 seconds.

4. Turn the player off with the main power switch (NOT STANDBY!) and turn on after 10 seconds.

You should now be able to play ANY DVD in the PAL display mode.
(If 274 doesn't work, try 159)

PostRegion code posted by MaNaRa, January 15 2003:

1. Press Play on remote, followed by 2 , 7 , 4
2. When the display reads '____ _____' enter 222 222 001 000 using remote.
3. Press Play on the remote.
4. Turn Off 20 sec.

ya puedes copiar del DVD al video VHS

PostRegion code hack posted by Reijndert, March 30 2003:

for hacks and new firmware versions for your philips DVD player.

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