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Philips BDP3200

11 user region code comments

December 09, 2015 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by eclipse1995, May 28 2011:

DVD region

1.Power on with no disc in tray
2.Press HOME
3.Enter 1389310

To check the current region

1.Power on with no disc inside
2.Press HOME
3.Enter 8520

PostRegion code hack posted by peterdegrootst, December 24 2011:


I bought a Philips BDP3200 (region 2)

The hack works with the philips remote provided with the DVD player.

NOTE: After step 1-3 I had to hit 'Enter'.

The hack was checked by me using the helpful code that is also provided in the comment above. I then checked if the player is now region free by playing a region 1 DVD 'Rahxephon'. A great anime series.

I will post once again when i have a region 1 Blue Ray so i can check if it is also blue ray region free :)

PostRegion code hack posted by brame, January 08 2012:

Philips BDP 3200

I buy my device in China

I would like to have the code for using my blu ray in Europa

Could you please send me the good one ?

Valerie BRAME

PostRegion code hack posted by outland, June 20 2012:

1.Power on with no disc in tray
2.Press HOME
3.Enter 1389310

To check the current region

1.Power on with no disc inside
2.Press HOME
3.Enter 8520

This hack also worked for me on a Region 4, model

The good thing is that with this hack I am able to play DVDs
that are PAL encoded DVDs! Great option for those that have

PostRegion code hack posted by blurayfan, July 15 2012:

I managed to unlock a confirmed region A Something Weird Blu Ray with the following hack:

with the disc in the open tray, go to Set Up and the Advanced option, select Restore Default Settings and load up the disc. If a message appears saying that the disc is the wrong region, press Top Menu on the remote and the disc menu should load and the disc should be playable.

I've had this player for some time and this is the first Region A disc I have tried in it. When I first loaded the disc and it showed the wrong region message I didn't proceed any further and tried the above later so I'm not sure if restoring the default settings changes anything or not. Perhaps other users would like to try a disc and find out. I've previously enabled the player to region 1 DVD with the usual code via the remote so it now ssems to play both region 2/B and 1/A on DVD and Blu Ray. I hope this helps others.

PostRegion code hack posted by blurayfan, July 16 2012:

Correction to previous post - despite all appearances, including the region code message that appears when the disc is loaded, the disc that was tried seems to be region free although it has been confirmed previously by others as region A. Please therefore assume that the above information is not valid to play locked A discs on the BDP3200. Although listed as region A locked, Something Weird discs issued to date seem to be a mix of region free and region A locked. Apologies for any confusion.

PostRegion code hack posted by Tangram, September 22 2012:

I've bought this blu-ray player today as a replacement for my previous
Philips BD player (bdp3000). The region hack mentioned above is still
valid. I only would like to remark that you have to press the enter/ok button
after the numbers.

Here a the specs of the unit:
Modelname: bdp3200M2/12
Stroke ver: /12
Player sw: hq 00006531
Loader sw: 6d0700 8550 0700
Region code bd(b) dvd(0) (after het hack, yes it worked)

I live in The Netherlands, bought the unit for just €65.- and just finished
watching the R1 release of Bridge at Remagen

PostRegion code hack posted by davewhit, October 03 2012:

Philips BDP 3250

1 No Disk in player
2 Press Home
3 Enter 1389310

This hacked worked on my Philips as I checked with 8520 before and DVD
was region 2, once I entered code region 0 was displayed

PostRegion code hack posted by K4ren68, December 21 2012:

Code to change to multi region

PostRegion code hack posted by elsapoveda, November 28 2015:

This hack didn't work for me. At least, not completely.

My player region codes were BD(B) DVD(2).
Now they are BD(B) DVD(0). So, for DVD is region free but not for Blu-ray.

PostRegion code hack posted by gnome150, December 09 2015:

i have found that to make this hack work you must resart the player for it to work

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