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What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.

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Philips BDP2190

6 user region code comments

May 04, 2019 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by benhur, January 05 2017:

To check the current region:
1. Power on with no disc inside 
2. Press HOME 
3. Enter 8520 

To change DVD region:
1. Power on with no disc in tray 
2. Press HOME 
3. Enter 138 931 0

0 in last digit above means 'Region free'
Last digit can be any region between 1-7.
Check region as mentioned above again to confirm.

PostRegion code hack posted by sampu99, January 30 2017:

So we were able to use this Hack to Reset Region code of the Philips BDP2185 this morning. Thankd for the info! NICE :)

PostRegion code hack posted by Bigwheels, July 08 2017:

I can confirm this works on a UK model BDP2190/05.
I checked the region info It reads BD/B DVD/2.
After 3 or 4 goes at the hack it worked.
I then got BD/B DVD/0

PostRegion code hack posted by Jim, November 02 2018:

We followed the instructions, and it worked like a charm! Thanks a lot! We changed to region 0, and this is in November 2018!

PostRegion code hack posted by PETER, November 28 2018:

this worked on my Phillips BDP 3000 blue ray player

PostRegion code hack posted by Johannes, May 04 2019:


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