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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Panasonic DVD-S700

26 user region code comments

December 14, 2024 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by LordCarpsalot, March 04 2015:

Requires DVD player remote plus an alternate Panasonic remote with a pause button

1.Power on
2.Open tray
3.DVD Remote: Audio-1-9-8-2-Subtitle
4.Alternate Remote: Pause
5.DVD Remote: 0

PostRegion code posted by Bob, December 26 2018:

The posted hack doesn't work.

PostRegion code hack posted by JIM, December 29 2018:

please give a new hack for panasonic S700 , the hack given doesn't work with new model.

PostRegion code hack posted by pb300mm, March 28 2019:

hack does work on American Pana for use in Australia..stay cool

PostRegion code hack posted by Mick1, December 30 2019:

This hack works brilliantly. Bought the latest version (2019 model in brochure) of DVD-S700 region 2 only. Put in region
1 DVD and nothing. Followed the hack exactly as described. Put in region 1 DVD and viola!

PostRegion code hack posted by Sarteco, May 30 2020:

The hack posted worded like a charm.
I used a samsung tv remote for the other remote.
When you type the hack it says « operationnot available » but it works well.

PostRegion code hack posted by dma, July 21 2020:

For information, the hack posted here by LordCarpsalot also works perfectly when using the remote of a Sony TV connected to the player through "Bravia Sync" as alternate remote (yes, the Samsung DVD player activate Bravia Sync!).

PostRegion code posted by micarne, December 29 2020:

I just purchased the DVD-S700EG-K version and the hack posted does not work. I want to to convert it to zone 0. One
comment is that thé hack works éven though thé screen shows that this operation does not work. I am unable to get any
accèss to région codes. Any ideas for this modèl?

PostRegion code hack posted by Mungo G, December 30 2020:

I have used this hack successfully with two TVs. I used the Panasonic TV remote as the 'Alternative
Remote' when plugged into a Panasonic TV. On the second DVD player, the Panasonic remote would not
work when connected to a Sony TV, so I used the Sony TV remote and it the worked! The make of the
'Alternative Remote' may be the answer of the hack not working.

PostRegion code posted by Ron, March 30 2021:

My model is Panasonic S700GT-k.
The code didn't work at first. Enter the code as quickly as possible for several time. Then the
hack works smoothly.
(use Panasonic TV remote as alternate remote)

PostRegion code hack posted by shin, March 31 2021:

3.DVD遙控器:依照順序點擊 Audio-1-9-8-2-Subtitle
4.電視遙控器: 按 暫停
5.DVD遙控器:按 0


PostRegion code hack posted by dp, April 29 2021:

Following the mentioned procedure on a Panasonic s700EG-K I can get to the "CUSTOM PAGE":
1.Power on
2.Open tray
3.DVD Remote: Audio-1-9-8-2-Subtitle
4.Alternate Remote: Pause
5.DVD Remote: 0

In there I can see the current region on top (here's what is written: "S700EG-K REGION 2 Y17 V14" but
I can only move through 3 options with the scroll button:
Exit setup

And cannot change anything.
Any suggestion on how to move on, pls?

PostRegion code hack posted by thedoog, August 16 2021:

I've tried this hack and either I'm too slow on keying the sequence or it is not working. My unit was manufactured August 2020. It has the Region 1 code. I'm using an old Panasonic Remote for the Alternate Remote. Any ideas???

PostRegion code hack posted by Melody, October 10 2021:

Used code like they said.
Cant get it to work.
Panasonic S700. Wont let
me get on to change
anything. HELP HELP

PostRegion code hack posted by Brenda, October 11 2021:

Belgium dvd player american dvd disc

PostRegion code hack posted by Damian, March 28 2022:

Works exactly as described! Didn’t initially when using Samsung remote as second one but did with Panasonic one! Well impressed,
now watching a region 1 DVD on a region 2 player. Excellent 👍

PostRegion code hack posted by fatula nohami, May 06 2022:


R1 now plays R2 and R3

Used an old panasonic dvd remote

don't forget you have to go back to your main remote and press 0 to complete the process

PostRegion code hack posted by dani, June 20 2022:

Works on Panasonic DVD-S700EG-K.

I've used the android app "Universal DVD Remote Control" as a remote. You need to set it up first, it
will make you try several configurations, the third "PANADVD2" worked for me.

Confirm that you have the app working by tapping the "Eject" button: the tray should open/close.

Now, while the is tray open press the following button sequence entirely within the app:


The button sequence is the same of the original post, thanks for sharing!

PostRegion code hack posted by John, October 29 2022:

just wanted to post to say that the method in the previous post with the android app worked for me too
with the same model Panasonic DVD-S700EG-K

you do not need a second remote using this method which is very useful

I had bought this dvd player specifically hoping it might already be region free as I specifically
needed a new player with a HDMI socket to play my old non region 2 dvds

It arrived region 2 locked though so this hack was super useful

PostRegion code hack posted by Crazyboy69, May 21 2023:

The hack described here works great, in 2023. One thing to note, none of my other remotes did the job. I also had to download the android app on my phone. It's called "Universal DVD Remote Control" and it has blue/navy colored icon. Perform a minor configuration and see if it turns on your DVD player (select from a number of available sub options for Panasonic type, one of tyhe should work). So yeah, for everyone saying that it doesn't work - use the proper remote control as your alternative remote or download the app from Google Play Store.

PostRegion code posted by Jodo, July 24 2023:

Hack of the OP from 2015 works like a charm, just bought the player from amazon germany. I used a Panasonic Blu-ray remote for the 'pause'. Thumbs up! :o)

PostRegion code hack posted by Ben, December 13 2023:

Many thanks for this hack which worked well with a new DVD-S700 bought in England, now enabled to play
American DVDs

PostRegion code hack posted by Jason, June 04 2024:

How to allow Region 1 dads on a Region 2 player

PostRegion code hack posted by William , October 24 2024:

The hack described works!
I bought the Panasonic DVD player on (October 2024) and it could only read region 2 DVD’s, now it can read all regions!
I just followed the instructions using the original remote control and a Philips universal remote control as alternative (when pressing
The speed with which you follow the sequence doesn’t matter, and also it doesn’t matter if you keep getting messages “operation not
available”: the hack works anyway; just follow exactly all the instructions:-)
Thanks to whom posted the hack!

PostRegion code hack posted by 1planet1region, October 31 2024:

This hack works with 1 panasonic remote if it has 2 separate PAUSE and PLAY buttons. NOT with the "dvd player" remote that comes with the s700 player and has a combined Play/Pause button, >/II. A panasonic N2QAHB000012 remote works, and any panasonic bluray remote should work too. The steps are the same as before. Ignore any "operation not available" messages on the tv screen when pressing the buttons
Open tray, Audio, 1982, Subtitle, Pause (NOT Play/Pause),0
Tested on a region 2 player. Now the s700 plays dvds from anywhere (Ntsc and Pal).

PostRegion code posted by , December 14 2024:

Dec 2024 purchased from Amazon USA. Thought it was not working as screen said “operation not available” for every input but like
previous post said it actually worked, playing region 1 and 2 OK

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