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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Panasonic DVD-S48EB-K

3 user region code comments

November 02, 2014 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by kriskaos, August 09 2012:

This hack requires the S48 remote plus a universal remote configured for the S48 with a separate 'Pause' button (or another Panasonic DVD remote with a separate 'Pause' button may work).

I used a cheap universal remote.

1. Select DVD device on remote.

2. Hold magic button until the DVD button blinks twice.

3. Enter device code 0490 (DVD button blinks twice)

Neither the 'Play/Pause' nor 'Frame' buttons on the S48 remote work for this hack.

1. Power on.

2. Open tray.

3. Using the S48 remote press Audio, 1, 9, 8, 2, Subtitle

4. Using the other remote (URC 7562) press Pause.

5. Using the S48 remote press 0.

The DVD front panel should now show the text "on".

The DVD should now be region-free.

PostRegion code hack posted by spook65, December 12 2012:

DVD-S48EG-K (Region 2)

This is the process for unlocking, the Panasonic DVD-S48 for

Please note, you will need a universal remote control which
has a PAUSE button in order to unlock this player.

1. Turn the power ON
2. Open the disc tray
3. Using the remotes, press AUDIO 1 9 8 2 SUBTITLE PAUSE 0
4. Switch the player to STANDBY and then switch ON again.

The display should read ON after you enter PAUSE 0.
If this doesn't happen, switch the player off and start the
sequence again.

The remote supplied with Panasonic player has a PLAY/PAUSE
button rather than a separate PAUSE button. If you use the
PLAY/PAUSE button, the tray will close and the unlock
sequence will be aborted.

To get round this, you need a universal remote set-up to use
with the DVD player. After pressing SUBTITLE on the
Panasonic remote, quickly press the PAUSE button on the
universal remote, then press 0 on the Panasonic remote to
complete to unlock code entry.

PostRegion code hack posted by Ysh, November 02 2014:

Region code

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