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Panasonic DVD-RV20

5 user region code comments

April 09, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Helge, August 25 2003:

You'll need to chip modify. Try or !

PostRegion code hack posted by Chris walker, May 05 2005:

I have come across a region hack for this model on a russian web site:

I have attempted to use babelfish to translate it and this is the result:

DVD multiregion upgrade

Instruction of the user For models Panasonic RV20, Panasonic RV40, Panasonic RV60, Yamaha S -796 Special features multiregion upgrade on PIC controller: The selection of region is produced by pushing of the corresponding knob on the panel DU (Remote Control) DVD of pleyera, when apparatus is located in regime Stand By, i.e., it is switched off. Selected region Digital button Region 1 1 Region 2 2 Region 3 3 Region 4 4 Region 5 5 Region 6 6

Instruction on switching of the regions 1. to include apparatus without the disk by button "Power ON/OFF" (on the panel DU or on pleyere itself). 2. on the display of apparatus will appear the inscription: "NO DISC ' after the appearance of inscription to again turn off apparatus. 3. to harvest on the panel DU the button, which corresponds to the selected region (see the Table) the pause between turning off of apparatus and pushing of knob on the panel must not be more than 1 minute, and pressed button should be not less than 1 s., otherwise region will not be switched. Such limitations are made so that not there would be random switching of the regions (for example, when apparatus is simply switched off). 4. after region is selected, one should again include 5. DVD pleyer by button "Power ON/OFF". Included pleyer should be not later, than 1 min after the selection of region. To establish disk into pleyer - and to look film. To verify what region it is established possible thus: y)Na of front panel to harvest kn. "PAUSE" 2) retaining this button, to harvest "OPEN/CLOSE" 3) retaining both buttons, to harvest kn. "6" on the panel DU - on the display of apparatus will appear information of the type 2 P6 02 6 first number it indicates the number of the region

I'm not sure I understand this. Perhaps someone can help?

PostRegion code hack posted by sembarto, August 11 2005:

Using the dvd's remote you have to press stand-by, 0, enter and play, and the player will become multi-regioned

PostRegion code hack posted by teody, May 29 2006:

how could i apply the hack?

PostRegion code hack posted by kirsty fisher, April 09 2007:

region free hack

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