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Panasonic DVD-F65

3 user region code comments

October 21, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostOther hack posted by brian3013, March 24 2004:

Love to know if there's an easier and more inexpensive (read: free) method for making this player region free. So far the cheapest alternative is renting a chipped remote for around $60.00 US from the UK. Any software applications that can be put on CD and run on the unit itself? I'll keep looking and hoping... thanx!

PostOther hack posted by melodywhore, April 26 2005:

I did a bit of searching last night trying to find out if there are any hacks available to make this unit multi-region and the only thing that I seemed to come across is the rental of the special remote from the UK. I also tried some of the front panel methods from the other Panasonic models and produced zero results. I finally decided to contact Panasonic support and asked if there was an easy way to clear out the Position Memory without having to go through my entire collection to find the right disk... and there is a way to initialize the unit from the front panel which leads me to believe there is probably a way to get into the service menu by some button combination, but I have yet to find it. Here are the instructions given to initialize the unit:

In reference to your inquiry, a reset will clear up your settings. While stopped, press and hold the rewind button and the pause button on the unit and then also press and hold [<OPEN/CLOSE] on the unit until "Initialized" disappears from the television. Turn the unit off and on again. All settings will return to the default values.

So at least we have somewhat of a start here. If I find anything further, I'll post it here.

PostRegion code hack posted by Avalon, October 21 2006:

All you need is a One For All remote and your remote that came with the system.

Please also note.. it plays the different regions fine.. but if you do not have a compatible tv it will be choppy. There may be adapters out there for your TV but Im not sure!


One For All Remote setup:

Select |DVD| then hold down the Set (or Magic) button until it blinks 2x.

Enter 490 or 0490 (if your One For All takes 4 #'s)

One For All is now set... onto the DVD hack!


On the Panasonic remote (make sure DVD player is on! And try to enter as fast as possible):

**Panasonic Remote**
Enter, 6 | >=10 | <<

**Switch to One For All**
Click |Set| ONCE and enter '143'

**Panasonic Remote**
Audio | 8 | 1 | Subtitle | 4

It took me a couple times for this to work. If it works properly it will reset itself after a couple seconds and you're good to go!!

If you get a FT02 code on your player, just hit cancel on the remote!

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