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April 13, 2020 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Murray, April 13 2020:

I used this hack on a All In One Remote model URC1240.

1 - Hold the Setup button on the remote until the red power light blinks twice.
2 - enter code 994 on the remote. The red light should blink twice
3 - Press Setup again - the red light should blink once more.
4 - Enter the 5 digit function code to program the numbers on the remote as follows. Eg For key 1 enter 00191
5 - enter the key number you are programming - eg 1. The red light should blink twice.
6 - repeat whole sequence for each of the following keys.

Now program button 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 with the
following codes:
1. 00191
2. 00120
3. 00065
4. 00180
5. 00143
6. 00155
7. 00122
8. 00117
9. 00129
0. 00123

Example (button 1 on the control):
Hold [Setup] until remote Power led blinks twice -> press 994 (power button blinks twice) -> press
[Setup](power button blinks once) -> press 00191 -> press 1 (power light should blink twice).

Once all the keys are programmed, we can perform the multi region procedure.

1. - Switch on DVD player, make sure the disk tray is empty.
2. - Press the One For All Remote buttons in the following
sequence, with a one second pause between each....
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

3. - The player should restart and then it should be DVD region free, This process may take a minute or two. Do not be in a hurry.

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