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Panasonic DMR-EX87

2 user region code comments

December 16, 2010 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by The Refugee, January 27 2009:

I just want to see my seriebox which region code is 1 and it's not working in my machine.

PostRegion code hack posted by jah0073, December 16 2010:

Set up the DVD button on the "one for all" Remote to control the player using code 0490. The instructions on how to do this are on in "one for all"
remotes manual

Here are is the steps to program the Magic Keys.

1 Press the DVD device key.
2 Press and hold down the M (MAGIC) key until the red LED underneath the POWER key blinks twice (the red LED will blink once then twice).
3 Press 9 9 4. The red LED underneath the POWER key will blink twice.
4 Press the M (MAGIC) key once.
5 Enter the 5-digit function code (use 00191).
6 Press the 1 key and the code will be assigned.
7 The DVD device key will blink twice.

Repeat this using the code and corresponding key until all keys are programmed.

Then program keys 0-9 with the remote control codes below. "one for all" refers to this as "Key Magic"

key 1, code 00191
key 2, code 00120
key 3, code 00065
key 4, code 00180
key 5, code 00143
key 6, code 00155
key 7, code 00122
key 8, code 00117
key 9, code 00129
key 0, code 00123

Switch on the player using the remote. Make sure there is no disc in it.

Press the "one for all" remote buttons in the following sequence with about a second pause between presses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

The player will reboot, (basically switch off and then back on)

Place a different region DVD in the drive and it should play.

Tested and working as of today 16/12/2010

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