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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Oritron DVD600

7 user region code comments

December 15, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Arthur, June 13 2001:

Region Hack (start with no disk)
MUTE (unlock all regions)

VCD Hack (music cd first)

PostRegion code hack posted by Arthur, June 13 2001:

Region Hack (start with no disk)
MUTE (unlock all regions)

VCD Hack (music cd first)

PostRegion code hack posted by scott snyder III, September 03 2001:

Enable vcd (manufactured sept 2000)

turn Player Off, then On
Insert Music CD and wait until it reads CD
Press STOP
Press MENU
Press 1 (instead of 9)
Press the 1-ALL key (or Index, or right of PAUSE)
Press OPEN
The menu should appear and press 1 or 2 to enable/disable VCD.

PostRegion code posted by Catalin, November 16 2002:

I have figured out a secret combination of keys on the front panel of the unit:

switch on the DVD player while pressing the PLAY key (on the front panel). You will see that the unit is starting a sort of test with all kinds of messages being shown up on the display.I guess this also works for Oritron DVD 200, 600 and other similar DVD player based on the STI558 chip (or so). You could to the same thing while pressing both play and stop buttons and check what is happening. MAYBE SOMEBODY OUT THERE CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO DISABLE ONCE END FOREVER THAT ANNOYING MACROVISION

PostOther hack posted by Bob_2600_Hacker, March 19 2003:

In response to catlin's post by powering on dvd600 while pushing play it erases and resets the EEPROM of the dvd rendering all the hacks entered disabled.

PostOther hack posted by Jeremy Harkcom, September 14 2003:


Hack to enable you to see the firmware version installed.

Press setup or menu (depending on handset)
once display appears press setup or menu again.

You now have firmware version.

Same applies to the Crown CDV661.

See here for example output from an Oritron unit



PostRegion code hack posted by radioman, December 15 2003:

this is for a playstation 2 hack fist of all u need to buy a ps2 remote control and then u put no disk in and u press the mute key then 2 then 678 then u put a vcd or ps2 copied game in them it should come up red saying no disk but them on the control u press 1 6 7 mute pause stop 3 then u take out the disk and then it will go back to were u were and then u press mute then switch off the ps2 buy the manes then when u turn back on u will find that u can play copies !!!!! good luck

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