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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Onkyo DV-SP500

2 user region code comments

December 23, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Victor Lazlo, July 14 2003:

Steps to change Region code:
1. open setup menu (with setup key)
2. select menu point 'General' (dt. 'Allgemein')
3. select sup-menu point 'Setup-Menu Mode' (dt.Setup-Menü-Modus)
4. at 'Setup-Menu Mode' select 'basic' (dt. Einsteiger)
5. confirm 'Basic' sellection with 'Enter' key
6. now push 'Display' key at your remote control, the present regent code will be displaid
7. to change the region code push 'Condition Memory' key (COND.M) at your remote control, afterwards a number key representing the region code you want to select
8. after a successful change, the disply of ther regional code will disappear
9. if pressing the 'Disply' key again the changed regional code will be shown.

Remark: Macrovision copyguard in gerneral will be switched off after that modification

PostRegion code hack posted by Jeroen, December 23 2003:

The hack described here does NOT work on either the SP500 or S555!!!!! This hack only works if you have a mod chip inside your player from this site:
Check this .doc file:

It says the exact same thing as the hack described above.

To make this player regionfree, you'll have to buy a modchip from the site mentioned above or check this site:, this page to be exact :
The chip is about 70 euro (without shipping costs)

There is no remote hack available for the Onkyo SP500/S555, that's why I bought the chip. It works great. It switched region automatically and it works great with RCE disks. You can also lock the player on a specific region.

If you need info about the hack, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

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