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What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.

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Omni DVC6700

5 user region code comments

April 10, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Muzza, April 17 2005:

Please open the tacy, don;t close it.
in remote, press "2812"...(need to try serval time) then a menu will appear...change region to "9".
It will change to multi-region

PostRegion code hack posted by David Shaw, July 24 2005:

Omni DVC 6700H we opened the tray and left it open then typed in 2812 and brought up the region code. You then use the enter key to change the region area code. It works!!!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by Carol, August 17 2005:

Wow!! I can't believe it was this easy!! Just follow the instructions above and it works...enter 2812 into your remote control while the video channel on your TV is on with the disc tray on your omni open (did't try it any other way) then you will see the 'region' numbers up the top. Press 'enter' on your remote until you find that right number for you (I put my dvd onto '9' and I was able to use a 'region 1' dvd that I had bought for my husband for a birthday gift.) I still can't believe it was that easy...... : )))

PostRegion code hack posted by Suzi, December 22 2006:

The one above worked fine for me. You just have to make sure that you are pressing the 2812 in and that the spaces for each number are showing up on the tv screen because otherwise it wont work.. So simple!

PostRegion code hack posted by Mark W, April 10 2007:

I followed the instructions as listed above using the remote control and it worked.

Open disc tray
Select video channel (usual channel thast you watch dvds through)
enter the digits 2812 (menu will appear at top of screen.
Hit enter key on remote to alter region code number. Region code 9 allows me to play multi regions
Close disc tray and away you go

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