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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Nintaus n9808

16 user region code comments

May 20, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Lars E, January 18 2003:

1. Open the drive tray.
2. Using the remote control, key in the following:
9, 9, 2, 6, followed by the region number required.

PostRegion code hack posted by Noel, July 01 2003:

The 9808 ships region free, and using the remote as per other hacks does nothing!Macrovision remains active.

PostRegion code posted by Deem Brianson, July 04 2003:

I bought my Nintaus n9808 from JB HiFi, Brighton (Vic, Melb, Aust). Macro was active on it. I took it back, where the guy brought out a cd and loaded it in to my machine. He selected "upgrade" from the disc, hit the play button. The screen read "upgrading". Shortly after, he ejected the tray, the screen still read "upgrading". A coupla minutes later, it was done. I asked him where he got the cd from. Needless to say, the look he gave me told me he wasn't gonna tell me!
I was also informed that the trick of ejecting the tray & punching in numbers only worked on the older models (of which I've have).
So, I hope this info helps. There IS software out there to rectify this, I just don't know where to get it. MAYBE somewhere like Kazaa to see if anyone else has it. The cd he used was labelled (by hand) "9808 Macro".
Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by John Trentow, July 26 2003:

I have been doing some research. See this page
The code that they list to see the secret version menu item seems to work (You can even set the region code to something else from the default of "0"). This leads me to suspect that this machine is in actual fact a CyberHome CH-DVD 402. They even have a MTK.BIN which I downloaded and made a CD as per the directions. I then put it in the DVD player and it said that it would update if I pushed "play". I then took the disk out as I did not want to possibly destroy my DVD player permanently! However, if anyone is desperate to remove the macrovision, you may want to try it. But THIS MAY MAKE YOUR DVD PLAYER TOTALLY UNUSABLE!!!!!! You have been warned, and I won't dare use the CD. From looking inside the player I can see a MediaTek chipset: MT1376GE and MT1336E. MediaTek software updates may work. But it is difficult to know which is the correct software version without possibly destroying a DVD player!

PostRegion code hack posted by Jaz808, July 27 2003:

Dont try the CyberHome CH-DVD 402 Firmware as it will kill the Nintuas n9808
It tried it and now the n9808 is dead so back to the shop it goes
Someone had to try

PostRegion code posted by Peter Swiatkowski, July 28 2003:

I'm not sure if there's a download/upload area associated with DVD Player Hack List discussions.

If anyone can provide the CD loadable firmware patch for the N9808, I'm happy to host it on the web site.

PostRegion code posted by Peter Swiatkowski, August 02 2003:

I've placed the macrovision suppressed firmware for the Nintaus N9808 DVD player at I'll leave it there until the end of August and hope someone will offer it a more appropriate permanent web presence.


To create the firmware update CD...
- Extract the MTK.BIN file from the zip archive.
- Burn MTK.BIN onto a (blank) CD-R, using ISO-Level 1, Mode 1, no Multisession (!), naming it (the CD) MEDIATEK!

Using the CD to update the player firmware...
- Turn the power on, insert the update CD and close the tray.
- Follow the instructions on your TV screen (ie press PLAY to start the update; either the front panel PLAY button or the one on the remote can be used).
- DO NOT press any keys during the actual update process, nor should the player be switched off or should the power supply be interrupted by any means!
- The tray opens automatically a few seconds after the update starts. Remove the CD and wait for the player to reset itself - just under minute after starting the update - and the player will close its tray. This minute can feel like a long time but you must resist the urge to intervene; or you may end up with a dead n9808.

This worked for me, but I'm not sure whether there is more than one version of the n9808, so use this firmware at you own risk.

Note that the player is region free out of the box. The macrovision supressed firmware leaves the player region free.

As near as I can tell neither verion of the firmware is RCE immune. One RCE disc I tried to play (both before and after the upgrade) just kept displaying the disc's "This disc is not formatted to play in this region" screen. Anyone got any ideas about this?

I don't know of any original firmware for this player so there's no going back.

PostRegion code posted by Robert Kroes, August 22 2003:

The firmware upgrade using Peter Swiatkowski's MTK.BIN ( worked perfectly for me.

NOTE: To my knowledge there are two versions of the N9808. The older version I believe has karaoke functionality. The newer (current?) version does not. I have tested this on the later.

So, if you own an N9808 with karaoke, then you may want to rethink whether or not to apply this firmware upgrade. In any case I suspect the "9926" remote control hack might work on that model. Ofcourse I don't know that for certain. Perhaps someone with that model could comment?

PostRegion code hack posted by Paul, September 14 2003:

it is possible to change region code with remote.
press setup 1 3 6 9 left left left right on your remote.
a new menu item will appear called version where you are able to change region code.

PostOther hack posted by Raavin, October 07 2003:

I'm hosting the 9808 hack file on a new site called nintausfan. It includes other Nintaus hacks as well as some reviews, specs and photos. Check it out at

PostRegion code posted by uberrandom, October 10 2003:

Peter Swiatkowski's MTK.BIN ( firmware upgrade and instructions worked perfectly for me.

I wasn't quite sure whether the CD name was MEDIATEK! or just MEDIATEK. In the end I went for the plain MEDIATEK without the ! on the end.

I also didn't take the CD out after the tray ejected. After a minute or so the N9808 retracted the tray and asked about doing the upgrade again. I just pressed open and took the CD out.

(My N9808 unit does not have karaoke.)

My N9809 is now macrovision free!

I have no interest whatsoever in copying DVDs to VCR. All I wanted to do was plug the DVD player through my VCR so I could use my TV/Stereo for any AV input without having to unplug cables at the back of the cabinet.

Many thanks to Peter for the MTK.bin file and instructions.

Thanks also to the fearless Jaz808 for trying the CyberHome hack that failed.

And finally thanks to DVDRHELP for this forum.

- uberrandom

PostRegion code hack posted by Steve, October 12 2003:

Thank you Raavin for your site,
I have been looking for "" for some time.

By the way, there seem to be at least 2 completely different models called N9808, European , and Australian, do you know if Peter Swiatkowski is in Europe or Oz as this would help to determine which machine it is for.
Thanks Again.

PostRegion code posted by Peter Swiatkowski, December 21 2003:

I'm glad to have been able to make the macrovision suppressed N9808 firmware available here, and gratified that so many people have been able to use it successfully.

For reference, I'm in (Melbourne, Victoria) Australia.

I recently picked up another N9808 and used the update CD I'd used successfully previously. Unfortunately I've ended up with a dead player. Turning on the power lights up the blue power LED, but there are no on-screen or front panel displays.

This suggests to me - allowing for a possible one-off glitch - that recent batches of this player may have been changed significantly from those available a few months ago.

I'd be interested to hear of any recent experiences from others who may have experienced similar problems. Information on (pre-flash) firmware version info may help in identifying model variants.

PostRegion code posted by Jim, January 05 2004:

I have opened a recent purchase (5ht Jan from jbhi Melbourne) and have found the mediatek chips same as the centrex CTD2200 that cannot be macrovision hacked (yet) according to

ie be careful out there!

PostOther hack posted by Raavin, February 01 2004:

Updated my page address. You can still access the old site but this is the one that will be updated.

It now has an associated forum so questions can be addressed in more detail. I'm also going to open it up a bit for other players too as I have recently purchased another cheap player from JBHifi (go melbourne!!) so I'll be expanding to cover anything I find out about that player.

When I bought the new player (a conia) I asked about the 9808 and the guy said it coulddn't be macrovision unlocked. Not sure whether that was a reference to the lack of remote control hacking or the new hardware.

I haven't actually added anything to the new site yet but I'll do it over the next couple of weeks.



PostOther hack posted by gogoyubari, May 20 2004:

MTK.BIN ( firmware upgrade totally screwed my player. I followed all the instructions. After the disc ejected, I tried to close the tray, and it did not respond. I turned the power on and off many times, and now, it wont even turn on at all. :( Don't use this!!!

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