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Nextbase DVD 9000

6 user region code comments

September 11, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Salva, October 19 2002:

Nextbase DVD 9000 Region code and Macrovision hack posted by Salva at 2002-10-19 10:16:21:

1. Open the player's tray.
2. Using the remote control, key in 8, 4, 2, 1.
3. The On Screen Display changes to region code and Macrovision setting.
4. Select the desired region code (9 = all regions) and Macrovision setting with Enter.
5. Close the player's tray.

PostRegion code hack posted by Salva, October 27 2002:

Nextbase DVD 9000

This are the steps. But the remote control must point at the remot sensor,
in order for the DVD playaer to funktion correctly.

Angle: Aproximately 30° from each direction.
Distance: Max. of 7m from the front of the remote sensor.

1. Open the player's tray.
2. Using the remote control, key in 8, 4, 2, 1.
3. The On Screen Display changes to region code and Macrovision setting.
4. Select the desired region code (9 = all regions) and Macrovision setting with Enter.
5. Close the player's tray.

Have fun

PostRegion code hack posted by Paul, February 17 2003:

It simply does not work on my machine. I contacted the submitter of this hack directly, and we even compared firmware versions, and they were the same. Yet when I point my remote at the DVD player and key in the numbers provided (8,4,2,1), absolutely nothing happens. Go figure. Since the submitter is in Europe, perhaps the model sold there is significantly different.

PostRegion code hack posted by Salva, December 13 2003:

Nextbase DVD 9000

Region code and Macrovision hack posted by Salva at 2002-10-19 10:16:21:

Code Free -Region Free/Macrovisionfree

Hello, my ROM version is SILICON V1_01 Za9U (Press
the OSD button with the tray open to see the version number on your TV.)
this are the correct steps. But the remote control must point at the remot sensor,
in order for the DVD playaer to funktion correctly.

Angle: Aproximately 30° from each direction.
Distance: Max. of 7m from the front of the remote sensor.

1. Turn your TV on.
2. Open the player's tray.
3. Using the remote control, enter one of this key: 8, 4, 2, 1 or 6, 8, 6, 9 or 1, 2, 3, 4.
4. On your TV you can see The menu for region code and Macrovision setting.
5. Select the desired region code (9 = all regions) and Macrovision setting with Enter.
6. Close the player's tray.

Have fun

PostOther hack posted by Shudushi, January 02 2004:

It seems that there are different versions of the DVD 9000 player.
I live in Austria and the hack does not work for me.
I am also not able to see a ROM version on the tv-screen. When I open the cd-tray and press the OSD button on my remote control nothing happens.

PostRegion code hack posted by Toffy, September 11 2005:

My firmware version of the Nextbase DVD 9000 is SILICON V1_01 Za9n -> This was obtained by following:
1. Power ON Player
2. EJECT tray
3. Press OSD button
However, I could'nt get the Region code and Macrovision hack working which involved pressing keys 8,4,2,1. What's my problem. Any solutions? -- Got this player at FRY's, probably in 2002. This player plays CDs, MP3s, ACDs, VCDs perfectly.. but gives trouble playing DVDs..It gives msg. "NO DISC" on trying to put in DVD..

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