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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Mustek DVD-V56L

13 user region code comments

April 13, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by , September 26 2002:

1. Switch on!
2. Be sure, that there is no DVD inside!Player of the w
3. Press "SETUP"
4. Press "NEXT"
5. Press "PREV"
6. Press "NEXT"
7. Now you will see in the upper right corner an little Menu. With UP an DOWN you can swith between the entrys and with LEFT and RIGHT you can change them
8. Change your Regioncode with LEFT or RIGHT to 255 and it will be REGIONCODE FREE (e.g. from 2 to 255)
9. Change the entrys 3001 and 4001 to 3000 and 4000, and Macrovision 3 and 4 will be turned off.

// [Dennis199]

PostRegion code hack posted by , September 26 2002:

1. Switch on!
2. Be sure, that there is no DVD inside!Player of the w
3. Press "SETUP"
4. Press "NEXT"
5. Press "PREV"
6. Press "NEXT"
7. Now you will see in the upper right corner an little Menu. With UP an DOWN you can swith between the entrys and with LEFT and RIGHT you can change them
8. Change your Regioncode with LEFT or RIGHT to 255 and it will be REGIONCODE FREE (e.g. from 2 to 255)
9. Change the entrys 3001 and 4001 to 3000 and 4000, and Macrovision 3 and 4 will be turned off.

// [Dennis199]

PostRegion code hack posted by John, October 15 2002:

Turn power on with disc tray empty.
Press "SETUP"
Press "NEXT"
Press "PREV"
Press "NEXT"
Press "PREV"
New menu in upper right corner.
UP and DOWN select function, LEFT and RIGHT to change.
Set to 255 for multizone
Change 3001 and 4001 to 3000 and 4000 to turn off macrovision.
Works on DVD-V56L-5C New Zealand Zone 4

PostRegion code posted by MadBob, December 01 2002:

Do the Region Hack as above and then alter the 3001 > 3000, 4001 > 4000, 5001 > 5000,

this is for the latest DVD-V56L 2C, Firmware 25500, works great to disable Macrovision 3,4 & 5.

PostRegion code hack posted by Stealth, July 30 2003:

This hack works for Mustek DVD V56L-5C
1-Empty Tray.
2-Press Setup on Remote
3-Press Next
4-Press Prev
5-Press Next
6-Press Prev
7-On Right Upper Corner will be written Ver#
8-Press Left or Right to get to number 255 (which is for region free - these version numbers correspond to region number)
9-Turn off and on.

PostRegion code hack posted by oneofthebros, August 12 2003:

SAME for a Transonic 56L !!!

PostRegion code hack posted by StusMad, November 08 2003:

Mustek DVD V56 2C

Took a while to realise but no-one has said that with this hack...

Press: Setup on the REMOTE
Press: Next/Prev/Next/Prev on the PLAYER!

Rest is same as.

Well, worked for me that way anyhow :)


PostRegion code hack posted by Pedro Martins, November 18 2003:

It is just like this guys said but, they forgot to mention that the NEXT PREVIOUS NEXT PREVIOUS, thing must be done really quick.

Bye, Portuguese compliments

PostRegion code posted by jon, December 16 2003:

does the macrovision hack work with the DVD-V56L 5C or just the 2C - cheers

PostRegion code hack posted by Jim, December 27 2003:

I used the method posted by John (October 15 2002), but found the Macrovision options offered only 3001 and 5001. I changed these to 3000 and 5000 and Macrovision protection was removed. No problems copying a DVD to a VCR. Note that the earlier hacks listed here show :


With my player (V56L-5C) an additional PREV must be added as per John's method referred to above. I activated these on the PLAYER not the remote.

PostRegion code posted by Frank, February 16 2004:

Can somebody tell me whether the codes are also for
DVD-V 56 L-2E?

PostRegion code hack posted by Ripper, March 03 2004:

I have 2 of these players - a 56L 2C and a 56L 5C. The "2C" and "5C" only refer to the audio output, either 2 channel normal stereo or 5.1 surround. The above hack works for either model, and I hacked both by pressing PREV and NEXT on the REMOTE. The reason for the difficulties using the remote is because these Mustek players don't respond to it very well - I had to make sure that the remote was exactly in line with the player and at the same level. Hope this helps.

PostRegion code posted by Andrzej, April 13 2004:

My DVD-V 56 L-2E has two hack possibilities only: 255 and 3000. I am not sure but it looks the Macrovision hack does not work or I do not understand what should happen when I change from 3001 to 3000.

Can somebody tell me whether is possible to restore defaults to kill PASSWORD (I simply forget my passowrd settings)?

My DVD-V 56 L-2E has difficulties with JPEG - I see black screen only.

Is it possible to update firmware?

Kind Regards

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