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MiCO A-980

5 user region code comments

June 11, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by John Hall, June 09 2001:

To access the "secret" menu/setup:-
On the remote press 7, then 7 again, then enter.

Region free=13
Macrovision disable is on the second page of the menu, I think it gets set to 0 to disable.

PostRegion code hack posted by dean thomas, January 10 2002:

for my mico to enter the secret menu you must enter 74 then enter from there enter0 to disable the macrovision

PostRegion code hack posted by Bob, January 31 2002:

on the start screen , the one with the DVD Video MiCO Electric cloud picture, make sure no cd is in, press 7 7 select, and you will be in to the extra options.

thats what it is on my remote anyway.

PostRegion code hack posted by Steve1, June 27 2002:

This hack is for the MiCO Classica 20.
on the main screen.
on the handset press 2,9,1,8,enter.
this will get you into the hidden menu.
change the region code to 13, for multi region.
I dont know if you can change the macro to off or not, I havent tried yet.
then to get out of this menu, press the setup button.
ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

PostRegion code posted by Steve1, June 11 2003:

This is for the classica, when you've done the multi region hack go to the second page, and turn off on this menu, all done the macro is off.

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