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Medion MD 40570

2 user region code comments

April 02, 2006 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by clayts, June 06 2004:

Ensure there is no disc in the tray

Press OPEN on the remote

Press CLOSE on the remote

Press STOP on the remote

Key in 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 on the remote

Press MUTE on the remote

Press 0 on the remote for all regions, 1 for just region 1, 2 for just region 2 and so on...

Once the hack is completed a message will pop up on screen - "Set Region Free" for "0".

This hack from those nice people at Area 450

PostRegion code hack posted by Bman416, April 02 2006:

If the previous hach does not work for your Medion try this one! I discovered this bye accident but it does work!

First power up your recorder/player.
Make sure it says NO DISC

On remote press STOP
Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then press desired region you wish
to set aka 0 for region free and 1 for USA and so on!!

Hope this works for those of you who couldn't get the previous to work!!!!

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