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Matsui 225

8 user region code comments

May 04, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by mike, July 10 2003:

Turn unit on.
Open the Disc Tray.
On the remote control type 349734.
Press the number of the Region you require, 0 to 6. (0 = All Regions)

The unit will now play multi-region DVDs.
If the unit is reset or the power left off for a prolonged period of time it might default back to Region 2. Simply repeat above to regain Multi Region capability.

PostRegion code hack posted by Phoenix, October 22 2003:

Jsut wanted to say Thanx. I had two brand new UK Region 2 players from an auction. This Worked great. Two region free players for under £40 not bad :D

PostOther hack posted by Garf Leung, February 23 2004:

VCD viewing (Change from .dat to .mpeg)
1 You need a PC with CD rewriter and 2 CD-RW (or more)
2 Put your VCD or Disc 1 in the CD Rom drive
3 Open/go to your CD Rom drive then open the folder called MPEGAV
4 Inside will contain some files with .dat or DAT file
5 Copy all of them in the Hard-disk drive then change the extension/rename to from .dat to .mpeg (can be done at copying stage if your CD copying software allow rename)
6 Use your CD copying software to create a CD Rom (ISO)/Data CD
7 Add all the .dat files from the Hard-disk drive to copy list
8 Burn the CD-RW
9 Then do the same with other VCD and repeat step 2 to 8
Now you can play the CD-RW with Matsui 225 DVD player (or any other player that plays CD RW with Mpeg files *Not tested on other model*)!
* If you want to play any other VCD just erase the CD-RW and do the same again *
* At least now you’re not wasting any CD-R *

PostRegion code hack posted by Jim Burr, March 18 2004:

I have a MATSUI 225 and I cannot get the Hack to work. I follow the instructions, but no data appears on my screen and DVD will not allow multi-region. I have seen others having this same problem, but have not seen a solution. Can any of you advise?

PostRegion code hack posted by Scrotius, April 08 2004:

The hack just worked for me and a mate who has the same player yesterday.
I was a bit confused too at first.
When I typed in the code 349734 I expected a region menu to appear but nothing happened. So I thought it wasn't working. Then I just typed the whole lot together including the region code 0.
So basically;
Open the disc try.
Type 3497340 (zero for muti region) on the remote.
You should see the words 'Region Full' appear on the top left of the screen. Your now all set.

PostRegion code hack posted by DavidN, April 09 2004:

For those having problems with the 3497340 hack, make sure that in the Menu the Colour Standard option is set to AUTO and not PAL.

If it is set to PAL, even though the hack has been accepted, the 225 will not play NTSC i.e. Region 1 discs.

PostRegion code hack posted by Doug, April 12 2004:

I also had problems with the following hack:-

Turn unit on.
Open the Disc Tray.
On the remote control type 349734.
Press the number of the Region you require, 0 to 6. (0 = All Regions)

Before you try the above go on the DVD menue and reset the factory settings then follow the above steps and it worked for me first time!

PostOther hack posted by xLegionx, May 04 2005:

Hmm, the hack worked to some extent for me... I put the DVD in and it starts to play without a problem (Twin Peaks - Fire walk with me, Region 3), meny comes up and all is fine, but as soon as the actual movie starts the sound disappears, very annoying. What am I doing wrong? My TV handles both pal and ntsc... Grateful for help.

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