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Magnavox MDV456

3 user region code comments

March 08, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostOther hack posted by BlackJack, November 28 2004:

I just bought this DVD Player from Best Buy for a great price and it works great! Please someone find the region-free code for this DVD Player. :)

PostRegion code hack posted by Donb, December 31 2004:

I'm in the same boat as the other posters. I got this player a few weeks ago. Tried just about all the Magnavox region hacks posted for the other models and none seem to work. A post for another Magnavox model said it was several months after buying the DVD player that a hack showed up here. This seems to be a new model (oldest message here on Nov 17), so we may have a long wait before someone discovers the hack. I have a feeling that one certainly should exist for this model, so I'm optimistic.

PostRegion code hack posted by gucht6, March 08 2005:

I also need the region free code for this model!
The codes for MDV455, 458 or other models seem not working...
pls someone, please!

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