What are Blu-ray and DVD region codes, country codes, multi-region or zone locks? Read DVD Player region codes and Blu-ray region codes.
DVD Player | Hacks | Updated | Add |
Lite-On LVW-5005 | 30 user region code comments |
January 29, 2007 | Post region code/hack comment |
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Enter Setup Move cursor to Exit on exit enter numerics 2 9 6 0 Select region or region free to your taste from the newly opened menu | |||
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There are a few hacks available for firmware revision 0063; they include one to remove Macrovision (to allow backup of protected VHS tapes), and one to enable a 3-hour LP recording mode. I have used both of these, and they work excellently; they serve to make a great product even better! The official firmware can be downloaded from here: http://www.liteonit.com/DC/english/download.htm Use the trial version of UltraEdit found here to make the modifications: http://www.ultraedit.com/downloads/ftpdetails.html The hacks can be found in this forum thread:;act=S...acrovision+hack ***Warning: this procedure involves editing a firmware file using a Hex Editor, which is a simple procedure for experienced users, but should be done with extreme caution if you are unfamiliar with it. There is a possibility of making your recorder inoperable if the wrong changes are made and flashed to the unit. Please read the forum thread very carefully before proceeding and direct any questions to the knowledgeable members at that forum. Good luck!**** | |||
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Ready-made files (NTSC version) are available at: www.digitalFAQ.com/reviews/liteon.htm No need to edit your own files anymore. If you have PAL files, contact the site owner. | |||
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This hack is for the UK version of Liteon lvw5005: http://www.softwareunlimited.co.uk/(lk5 ... dified.zip not sure if makes region free but can be done with remote: 1. Enter set-up screen 2. Move cursor to 'Exit' 3. Using remote key 2,9,6,0 4. On pop-up menu select 'Region Free' | |||
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This Region code hack works 100% in USA version LVW-5005A manufactured in 2004. Thank You, CaTcHmG. 1. Enter set-up screen by pressing setup on the Remote Control. 2. Move cursor to 'Exit' 3. Using remote control: key 2,9,6,0 4. On pop-up menu select 'Region Free' 5. Hit Setup again to go close setup menu. Congratulations! Your player is Region Free. | |||
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installed the macro hack and the optional 3hr recording and works 100%. cant tell any difference in the quality of the recording between 2/3hr either. well pleased with the result --was afraid to load it on a 3 day old machine but glad i did now. mine came from dab's in the u.k and was manufactured in jan 04 so no prob withthe firmware re april 04 on manufature. regards | |||
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the macrovison removal trick doesnt work on most films as it checks the macrovision signal every so often in the film... I have tried this on some Dsiney films and it does start to record but after a few minutes it comes up with 'Copy Protected' and stops recording... We need a macrovison firmware hack to make this recorder work properly.... | |||
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Ok folks, those people whose machines were manufactured in Oct. 2004 USA the offsets were changed. Get the 0091 firmware from liteon. Apply the 3 hr and macrovision hacks as follows. This is for the 5005 NTSC only. For the 3 hr hack: Find '00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 1B' and replace with '00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 1F' add 4 to location x'A7' and add 4 to location X'EB' For the macrovision hack: Find '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00' and replace with '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01' add 1 to location x'47' and add 1 to location x'EB' If you are applying both hacks you end up adding 5 to location x'EB' We have not tried the macrovision hack for PAL but you can try it by Find '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00' and replace with '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01' for PAL Remember this is at your own risk, but the NTSC hack works with USA machines dated Oct. 2004. | |||
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Other hack posted by pj4900, January 06 2005: Ok folks, those people whose machines were manufactured in Oct. 2004 USA the offsets were changed. Get the 0091 firmware from liteon. Apply the 3 hr and macrovision hacks as follows. This is for the 5005 NTSC only. For the 3 hr hack: Find '00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 1B' and replace with '00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 1F' add 4 to location x'A7' and add 4 to location X'EB' For the macrovision hack: Find '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00' and replace with '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01' add 1 to location x'47' and add 1 to location x'EB' If you are applying both hacks you end up adding 5 to location x'EB' We have not tried the macrovision hack for PAL but you can try it by Find '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00' and replace with '55 53 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01' for PAL Remember this is at your own risk, but the NTSC hack works with USA machines dated Oct. 2004. im just letting people know that what pj4900 says about the pal fw, works when u change 55 53 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 to 55 53 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 thanks pj4900 | |||
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Ditto! These 3rd party D/L sites are a great idea, but too bad they only allow a handful of downloads before going inoperative. With no prior hex editing experience, I tried several times to understand and follow the firmware editing instructions. The best I got was 94% before I got the "upgrade failed" screen. Fortunately, the 5005 appears to recover well by automatically reloading the original fw, so be sure to have it on hand! The clearest instructions on editing the fw appear here: http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=103379&page=4&pp=25 However, I'm confused on this part: For 0xA7 I added 4 to 5c to get 60. For 0xEB I added 4 to 0e to get 12. Does this mean to replace "5c" with "60" and "0e" with "12"? But if I'm using hex values, wouldn't I have to replace "5c" with "3c" (not "60"), which is the hex way to express the number 60? I'm using UltraEdit32. I believe that I am correct in using the "Goto Line/Page" command to locate the "0x47" and "0xEB" locations. The other editing changes appear to be straightforward. I know I must be close to getting it, I just need someone knowledgeable to walk me through it. | |||
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Liteon 5005 Since so many people are confused about different values in their firmware, please do this hack. this is the the one that works with all kinds of values. (this is for a US region machine): 55 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 (00) - change to ....... 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 (1B) - change to ....... 1F At 0x47, add 1 to the value that's there At 0xEB, add 5 to the value that's there At 0xA7, add 4 to the value that's the THIS DOES WORK FOR 1091 ALS0 !! BUT FIRST GET THE VER FOR YOUR 5OO5 !!! IT IS VERY #SN DEPENDENT use the calculator in windows to add (BO + 1=B1)AS EXAMP. | |||
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MACROVISION HACK REVISITED! (Mine was manufactured 6/2004) Thanks to WormGuy and his hack comment for macrovision. I was misinterpreting it when I read it, so I thought I would post how I was srewing it up and how I eventually figured it out (assuming others read it wrong like I did). I'm copying my store-bought DVDs to DVD-R. The one thing that was not mentioned in the previous hack post was that you can NOT switch the source once you begin recording. Therefore, the simple way to disable macrovision is to do this: 1) Do all of your connections between the DVD Recorder and the unit you are recording from- EXCEPT do not connect the video cable to the unit you are recording from. 2) When you begin recording, choose the source you are going to record from. You'll notice that it will be a blank screen, or fuzz (because you don't have the video cable plugged in yet). 3) Hit RECORD, then after one second, hit PAUSE. 4) Plug the video cable in and UNPAUSE after you have cued up the point where you want to start recording from your Macrovision source. YOU CAN NOT USE STOP- YOU MUST PAUSE ONLY. You should now be able to record from the device without problem- until you press STOP, then you have to do it all over again. Works GREAT. WormGuy had a great idea of using a non-macrovision protected JPG file (intead of my blank screen/fuzz idea)- then switch it out after the PAUSE, put in your macrovision-protected DVD, then UNPAUSE to continue recording. It will become your thumbnail in your menu. My DVD device does not read JPG files, so it doesn't work for me. Thanks WormGuy! Others please comment on if this works for you or if you have any questions. | |||
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Hi Update on my previous hack post. I have had a few emails about this hack. You should note that this is for the UK player only as far as I know. Also I used the old official firmware LNFBE076.DSU from liteon (they now have newer versions on thier site) and updated my system with that, then I used the hacked version after that and it work out. I used nero express to burn a standard data disk not an image disk, no folders just added the file and used memorex cd/rw. I would add that if you can not updated the firmware with the official one (which I stll have if anyone needs it)then I would say that your machine has already a newer firmware and can not go back to an older version. If it is possible to go back to an older version then I hope someone will let me know so I can then pass it on. Like I said if anyone needs the old official firmware and wants to try that first then I would be happy to email it to them. Well I hope that helps. Cheers Bynot. | |||
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OK this is so simple it is pathetic... This is what I did. I used a video editing software program to create a slideshow DVD that lasts 10 seconds, that's it. The entire slideshow is a black screen, just make a .jpg or .bmp in Photshop or Paint or whatever. Now, put the slideshow DVD in the source DVD player and hit PLAY. CLick record on the 5005, pause it after 1-2 seconds, DO NOT HIT STOP, just pause. Then simply replace the slideshow DVD with the commercial DVD or commercial VHS tape (MUST be from th same input), press PLAY and then the pause/restart button on the 5005. That's all there is to it... I am backing up everything! quite simple, no fancy firmware, or fancy wire pulling, so simple. | |||
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I wrote a program that will automatically perform the hacks for Macrovision / Region Free/ 3Hr Mode for all current and future version of ILO and LiteON DVD Recorder Firmwares. you can download it here... http://ilohacker.tripod.com Regards- Mr. Wizard | |||
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Sucessfully hacked 1091 firmware for the Lite-on LVW-5005. https://www.sharemation.com/spaman/LNFA1091-Hacked/LNFA1091.ESU?uniq=-bwfp7e | |||
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Successfully cracked LNHA1098 firmware for LVW-5005. https://www.sharemation.com/spaman/LNHA1098-Hacked/LNHA1098.ES3?uniq=-bwa1zm With either the 1091 or the 1098, please verify which firmware your machine needs by going to Lite-on's web site and entering your recorder's S/N. Then download the correct version and burn it to a data CD. Place data CD into DVD burner and follow instructions. Be sure to wait for the recorder to tell you to turn the machine off and back on. You should have region free, 3 hr LP mode and disabled macrovision. Both versions were created using ILOHack ver. 1.3. Both tested good. | |||
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Just goto Lite on's Web site, http://www.liteonit.com/DC/english/download/index.asp Enter the S/N for your unit, and download the firmware for your unit. Go get ILOHack 1.3 from Mr. Wizard (listed above) and download it. Unpack the firmware (WinZip if needed) to a directory on on your computer and unpack ILOHack. Run ILO Hack 1.3 and point to your firmware. ILO Hack will modify the firmware and place the hacked version under your directory in a folder called Hacked. Burn the Hacked firmware to a Data CD. Place the Data CD in the DVD recorder and follow the directions on the screen. Be sure to wait for the firmware upgrade to finish and tell you to power down and restart the unit. That should be it! | |||
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Hello EveryOne, This is good for those who have difficulty in downloading from LiteOn website and their recorder are NTSC. Try to change the 3rd set of numbers so everyone has different No. or at least everybody not using the same SN numbers. This trick is to get the latest firmware for your Recorder. To go directly to download firmware: http://www.liteonit.com/DC/english/download.htm Select Download > Click the top SN styles choice given > select USA/Canada > type-in 0102-1840-0082-G2BC (omit all dashes). You can change the 3rd set series up to 0097 or/and change the 4th set into G3BC to have your unique SN. Remember, the trick here is for you to get LNFA1098 Firmware and I know LNFA1091 can works too BUT we preferred the latest one. Do not install LNFA1098 BUT Extract it to a folder. Extract ILOHack13.zip and click open ILOHack.exe and click Select Firmware File button > locate your extracted LNFA1098. When done hacking, find your hacked firmware in a Harked folder (the same file name but bigger in file size). Burn that hacked firmware into CD-ROM (ISO) and install in Recorder. Follow the Recorder given instructions. Remember, make sure choose the bigger file because the smaller file wouldn't work. The good firmware is inside the Hacked folder. Good Luck! | |||
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WAY TO PLAY DVD THAT PLAY, AND DON'T PLAY, PLAY AND DON'T PLAY.. Hello! I have been a lite-on-5005 frustrated owner since i bought it, mainly because of the "fluctuating" incompatibility between my dvd (rca drc300n) and the dvd I copied on my lite on. Sometimes, my rca plays the lite-on copy, and sometimes it does not (it simply does not read it, and turn, and turn...) It is not supposed to be that way! Wether it should work or not! I use verbatim dvd, and at first I supposed that it was a dvd compatibility stuff. But, even when I changed the dvd type, it went the same way. One day it works, one day it jams. Till today! I had the idea (don't know why) to play first a commercial movie on my rca dvd and AFTER that, I put the lite-on copy in my DVD, and it works! As if my DVD has to learn first how to operate a commercial copy, to play the copy as it should... I am not certain that this should apply to all the dvd owners who are not very satisfied with the lite-on compatibility, but try it. I do not know how this is possible, but it works for me. Remember that lite-on is chinese, so mystery is part of its conception, and functioning... | |||
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Hello J, John Fako, Cyreziac, et al, YES, you must install both if you want: 3 Hrs LP Recording, Region FREE, Macrovision hacks & Worry-FREE Compatibility DVD. The Correct way: 1. Download LNFA1098.ESU.0102.184x.zip and LNFA1000.E30.0102.184x.zip. 2. Extract INFA1098 in a folder. Open ILOHack.exe and click Select Firmware File button > locate your extracted LNFA1098. When done hacking, find your hacked firmware in a Harked folder (the same file name but bigger in file size). Burn that hacked firmware into CD-ROM (ISO) and install in Recorder. Continue and follow the Recorder given instructions. 3. Extract and Burn LNFA1000 into CD-ROM (ISO) then install in Recorder. Continue and follow the Recorder given instructions. DO NOT put the two firmware into a single CD BUT you may use CD-+RW. If difficulty in finding ILOHack.exe click here: http://ilohacker.tripod.com/ For additional info look my hack of Feb. 22nd (scroll above) Good Luck! | |||
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Suggest to all Liteon DVD-Recorder owners, regardless of model, that they check with the website www.liteonusersgroup.org.uk--------They have no connection with Liteon itself-----just Liteon owners seeking help and Information in all parts of the world for their particular problems or experiences, Pro & Con----Moderator Shaun has a wealth of Info on this Company, including Hacks & Upgrades for all regions & all models, including 5005 | |||
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CORRECTION on URL: Sorry, but the correct URL is www.liteonusers.org.uk | |||
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Just used ILO vers. 1.5b and Liteon system firmware LNFA1098.ES5.0102.184x to get MV, 3 hr LP and region free. Worked great, just follow steps on ilo website. Able to make dvd copy of vhs tapes w/o problems. | |||
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EP mode, Region and Macrovision hack. Download the following 2 files from www.liteonit.com, need to provide the Serial Number: LNFA1098.ES5.0102.184x.zip uncompress to LNFA1098.ES5 LNFA1000.E30.0102.184x.zip uncompress to LNFA1000.E30 Download ILOHack15.zip from http://ilohacker.tripod.com Run ILOHack.exe Click Select Firmware File Locate the file LNFA1098.ES5 The hacked file is saved into Hacked\LNFA1098.ES5 Burn onto a cd-r/rw in ISO this file Hacked\LNFA1098.ES5 Upgrade the system firmware: Burn onto a cd-r/rw in ISO the "hacked file LNFA1098.ES5 Put the cd-r/rw into the player and power cycle it Hit OK to continue The percentage progress will display on the player After it is done, the cd-r/rw will be ejected. Upgrade the drive firmware: Burn onto a cd-r/rw in ISO this file LNFA1000.E30 Put the cd-r/rw into the player and power cycle it Hit OK to continue The percentage progress will display on the player After it is done, the cd-r/rw will be ejected. Check for EP recording mode (3 hours): Press Setup Move cursor to Record and select it Should see Quality with EP mode Check for Region free: Press Setup button Move cursor to 'Exit' Press 2 9 6 0 On pop-up menu select 'Region Free' Check for Macrovision Disable: Record from a VHS tape player with known Macrovision. | |||
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Hi Prasad, Follow the well written instructions of Th Th - except use this: http://www.liteonit.com/DC/english/download.htm to download faster. Read also my post of Feb 22 and March 16th. If the file is corrupted - download again and use the good one. You don't have to see what's inside! - Just extract it to a folder (only remember the name and location) and let ILOHack.exe extract it (or find it) for you and make the correct hack file to be install in your Recorder after you burn it into a CD-RAM. That 1098 zip file ended there and no more use. If the instruction are too complicated - why not have it printed (all of them) and study it to make sure you learned it completely then proceed to hack. Remember, anything you do wrong in the installing process and you can easily revert it to your factory firmware by choosing DEFAULT. Don't tell me you cannot find it! Any advise is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my Recorder. Good luck on your hacking venture as we all are enjoying ours. I hope my encouragement helps you. Cheers! Everio | |||
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Well, the hack posted by Mr. Wizard is completely awesome. Follow the instructions as described on his website (see above for website) and waaalaaahhh. you have 3 hour recording time, macro and region free !! I am sure this was no easy task for him. so, I sent $20 donation. I saved many times that amount not buying another one that had already been hack upgraded. | |||
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Hi The Hack for Region free Liteon 5005 model Australian works just fine as listed by others. Go to setup move cursor to exit press 2960, a window will pop up saying your region code, move cursor over to that region a new window will pop up, showing region free and regions 1 to 6 select region Free. go back to exit and your finished its that simple. | |||
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Do firmware hacks increase dvd compability? such as create the possibility to read Xvid or divX videos? Tried the region free codes, works like a charm! Thx | |||
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When I updated my firmware in my LVW-5005 it worked fine. After starting up the machine again I went into SETUP and wrote down the new SN which was slightly different than the old one. I then checked to see if I still had the 3-hour LP mode but alas, it was gone. So I used the IloHack to modify the file and burned it onto disk and tried loading that into the machine. And that's when I got the readout, "put CD in". What I did then was go back to the LiteOn website and download the firmware again but this time I used the new SN that I had just recorded after the latest update. After downloading the file, I hacked it with IloHack and then burned this new hacked file onto a CD-RW disc. I put it into the machine and VOILA, it worked. I had the latest firmware plus the 3-hour LP mode. I also got the Region Free setting using the 2960-hack in the Setup screen. I haven't tested the machine to see if MV is enabled or not. |
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