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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
LG RH266

5 user region code comments

December 29, 2008 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Dan Durbaca, July 18 2007:

Hey.. I used the hack from the lg rh 277h modell:

Pressing arrow key (on dvd) and clear key (on remote) for 6 seconds.. Then go to op6 -> changed it from 24 to 8f.. then pressed ok on remote (to write changes) and finally turned off the dvd (didnt found other way of exiting the menu)...

PostRegion code hack posted by johnash, December 28 2007:

I can confirm this region hack worked on my LG RH266 bought in Spain. In case they get changed accidentally (you should write down all your codes before you start... just in case!)here are the original codes on my machine: yours may be different!

OP1 43
OP2 00
OP3 51
OP4 f0
OP5 0a
OP6 24 (I Changed this to 8f for REGION FREE, pressed ENTER and RETURN)
OP7 05
OP8 13
OP9 00
OPA 00

PostRegion code hack posted by Jofryday, February 29 2008:

Option 1
Open Door Tray (with RCU)
or insert alternative region coded DVD disc
Press Zero(0) key on remote 7 times

Option 2
Press Setup Key on Remote
move cursor to "LOCK" icon using down arrow on remote
press Zero on remote 7 times

option 3
go to LG region Free to get a free firmware upgrade

i accept no responsibilities for these hacks and am not in any way connected to LG


PostRegion code hack posted by puftu, March 16 2008:

Puedo confirmar que a mi me ha funcionado de la siguiente forma:
1 Presionar durante seis segundos las teclas Open/close en el DVD y la tecla Clear en el mando.
2 Cambiar, después de haber escritos los códigos originales, el OP6 a 8f
Codigos originales en mi aparato
OP1 43
OP2 00
OP3 60
OP4 f1
OP5 4ª
OP6 24 CAMBIAR A 8f  Presionar Enter en el mando Presiona Menu/List en el mando
OP7 06
OP8 12
OP9 00
OPA 00
3 Salir presionando en el mando primero la tecla Enter y después la tecla Menu/List
Es muy importante antes de comenzar nada, escribir los códigos originales

PostRegion code hack posted by helcor, December 29 2008:

Hi, For anybody who wants to get into the OP6 Menu you will need to press clear
on the remote and eject (not play as stated in the hack) on the DVD player for
more than 6 seconds. This will bring you to the OP Menu and then you can arrow
left or right to get OP6 and arrow up or down to scroll through the digits.

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