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6 user region code comments

January 26, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Vicky, June 20 2007:

Same as for the LG RC195. Turn on TV and player, press home key on player remote; in setup, scroll down to the padlock icon (when you get to the "padlock" option on your remote, leave it there, don't go to the menu to the right which has three options--rating, password, area code. Leave it on "lock", press 0000000 and you will be region free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Hiro UK, June 30 2007:

The hack above (0000000) didn't work on my Region 2 machine, but the alternative method for the RC199H did:

Press the HOME button on the remote, go to Setup and select Start. From the TV options go to TV Aspect and highlight the 16:9 Wide option (must be 16:9 0ption). Now enter 1397139 using the number keys to access the system configuration information.

To change the values of these options hit the ENTER button and then use the left/right arrow keys to select OPTION 5. Change it's current value to ff using the up/down keys. Now power off with the remote and then power back on. Your recorder should now be region free. To check go back into the system configuration information where Region Code should now be 0.

PostRegion code hack posted by Maxa, July 15 2007:

Suggestion: Could you please add here the original values of options if "someone" accidentally changes not only number 5 but also some other options without writing down original ones?

PostRegion code hack posted by Laus, August 20 2007:


PostRegion code posted by Ca$$, September 04 2007:

Sorry, not a hack, but some people were asking for the original values.

Before attempting the hack on this model I made a note of everything. Hope this helps:

Recorder Combi: Europe Region Code: 2
DVD SW Ver: 061215c LSI SW Ver: LG054
VCR Ver: 04(0611137b0) Loader Ver: SD09
CPRM Key --- Unique
EUID: 00e09119 00000001

Option 1: 03 Option 2: 06
Option 3: 92 Option 4: FF
Option 5: A4 Option 6: C0
Option 7: F9 Option 8: 68

Checksum: 2265 045F 26c4

"Enter" to Edit Option - "0xE0" to Init
Setup - "0xDF" to exit

PostRegion code hack posted by Lijael, January 26 2009:

As posted by Vicky: This worked great on my RC299 - within seconds the machine put up a 'Congratulations, your player is now region free' message. It was so fast and simple :)

Region code hack posted by Vicky, June 20 2007:
Same as for the LG RC195. Turn on TV and player, press home key on player remote; in setup, scroll down to the padlock icon (when you get to the "padlock" option on your remote, leave it there, don't go to the menu to the right which has three options--rating, password, area code. Leave it on "lock", press 0000000 and you will be region free.

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