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6 user region code comments

January 12, 2013 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by John, September 04 2005:

Actually this is for LHT250SC but it should be he same:
Power on
wait "no disk" to appear
open tray
press 0 four times
"region edit" and "region code" appear with the default code
press 0 for region free
"region code" should now be 0
power off


PostRegion code hack posted by john, February 13 2006:

please send me a link with software about my dvd LG

PostRegion code posted by m, March 31 2007:

Beware that this region free hack does not work with the newer firmware EA0505063_0l. Works well after downgrade to EA0505063_0e.

PostRegion code hack posted by joeshmow, July 04 2007:

This file worked for me on my new LG LH-T250SC while the above mentioned hack did NOT. Maybe because of my firmware version (which I don't know how to check)

Unpack the zip file and burn the folder to a disc.
I used Nero...

1. Burn the folder 'RMTM0000' to a CD-R making sure that the directories stay in order.

2. Insert the disk to your player

3. It loads..... After a few seconds it opens the tray

4. And a Region Select menu will come up.

5. Press "0" on the remote for multi-region. Then press the pause key (or maybe the enter key).

* Region 0 MUST appear in both of the definitions on screen

PostRegion code hack posted by RAYNEE, July 23 2007:


PostRegion code posted by sasapop, January 12 2013:

service menu

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