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6 user region code comments

August 10, 2008 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by RacHack, April 25 2005:

Hi guys,
I finally could find a hack to this player. I used the hack for Targa DP5100x and it worked fine. This is it I made:

1) Download the file Kpjc19_1.dvd from: This file consisting of four bytes of data (hex 17 17 8C 00), ensure of this. If it’s 5MB, you did something wrong and it doesn’t work, it should be four bytes long.
2)Now create a folder on your desktop called RMTM0000 (that is 4 zeros at the end by the way all letters are upper case). Inside this folder create another folder called SCARLET, again all uppercase.
3)Now copy the kpjc19_1.dvd file from your desktop and paste it into SCARLET folder. Exactly as it was, do not rename it.
4)Now burn the RMTM0000 folder to a CD-R (I used a CD-R Princo, 700 MB, I burn it to a speed of 24x, and Nero software). Ensure that you born this as data CD and finalize/close the disc.
5)After this is finished place the CD into your player and close the try. You will get a blue screen telling you the unit is region 2, press 0 for all region, then press Pause button on your remote control, then power off the player, wait a few second and start the player. Now your player is region free.
You can get the same hack without doing all the folder thing if you download the file FreeZoneLG6053.exe from
It is a self-executing RAR format file. What you extract from this file is a disc image in BIN/CUE format. Use a CD burning program to create a CD this image. Don’t just make a data CD with these two files on it. When you burn this CD you can find in it the same directory structure than you could read above. Now continuous with the step number 5, explained up

PostRegion code hack posted by Sharp, April 29 2005:

Hack works GREAT!!! Thank you

PostRegion code hack posted by Lene, April 26 2006:

Does this hack also work for the LG LH-CX246S?

PostRegion code hack posted by Hoodlums, November 23 2006:

I recently changed my system LG LH-CX247 to multi region from region 4 by following the instructions at the following link:
I can now play any region DVD.
Good Luck

PostRegion code hack posted by Yansky, July 09 2008:

You can still download the exe from here: ... LG6053.exe

PostRegion code hack posted by Outlaw13, August 10 2008:

I can confirm that the link provided by Yansky works perfect on an LG HT762TZ.

The archive contains an image ready to be burned on a CD and inserted into your DVD player. It will be ejected in couple of seconds from the unit and the region code edit menu will appear. Just hit "0" and "Enter" on your remote, take out the CD before closing the tray, hit "Pause" to exit the region code edit menu and turn on and off the unit. Not sure if you really need this last step, like rebooting your PC, but it's just the way we got used to work around these gadgets....something is not working....reboot it...:))

Good luck and enjoy any region DVD's from now on!!!!

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