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10 user region code comments

August 01, 2009 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Xqbz23, June 18 2007:

This file worked for me on my new LG HT-302SD

Unpack the zip file and burn the folder to a disc.
I used Nero...

1. Burn the folder 'RMTM0000' to a CD-R making sure that the directories stay in order.

2. Insert the disk to your player

3. It loads..... After a few seconds it opens the tray

4. And a Region Select menu will come up.

5. Press "0" on the remote for multi-region. Then press the pause key.

PostRegion code hack posted by novaldex, August 18 2007:


I tried this last night on my brand new LG HT552 series. Came up very quickly with the region setting menu, and choosing Region '0' was saved during a power off.

Having looked through quite a few LG players before buying, I believe this will work for any HT3xx/5xx/9xx models that are relatively new to the market.

To those of you who are unsure (I was at first), this is just a program to change the region setting on your player. It doesn't perform any firmware updates or modifications.

PostRegion code hack posted by sdo666, December 10 2007:

hey guys, desperatly in need of this hack. i followed the link and its dead! whatta bum! any chance either of you guys still have the file or know where to find it?

muchos gracias in advance

PostRegion code hack posted by Xqbz23, December 18 2007:

Updated link för


PostRegion code hack posted by munson, December 30 2007:

i cant get this to work at all

has any1 been succesful yet?

PostRegion code hack posted by crimmo, August 04 2008:


I followed instructions and menu came up on screen. It said 'Region Edit' and 'Region Code 2'. I input 0 and pause but when I tried a new dvd it would not work.

Am I missing something?


PostRegion code hack posted by Outlaw13, August 10 2008:

For crimmo:

I did the same thing at first and didn't work. Try "Enter" after you type "0" in the new region code. Because when pressing the "Pause" button it just closes the region code menu, right?

Works perfect on LG HT762TZ also, default region code 2.

PostRegion code posted by LdyRvnHrt, October 21 2008:

CONFIRMED!!!! This file also works for the LG HT353SD


PostRegion code hack posted by phanselmo, December 06 2008:

Hello Guys,

The second link is also down. Could somebody please update it again?


PostRegion code hack posted by Bewgy, August 01 2009:

I hacked my LT HT 304.

Got the software at

You cannot use win / mac to burn the CD but have to use a proper software. I used a free trial of Nero

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