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LG DV450

5 user region code comments

October 17, 2017 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by stig1phs, October 30 2009:

Switch on
Press 000 on remote
screen shows "current Eprom set for region:...."
Enter region code to set (0 for multi-region)
Press Pause to Save

Tested and works on a Region 2 unit

PostRegion code hack posted by w.f.k, February 06 2010:

Is it DV450 or DVX450? those 000 or 0000 or 000000 pause things doesn´t work on my player.

Download rar:

burn it to CD

I used nero burning rom 8
data mode 1
ISO 9660+Joliet
Level 1,
Iso 9660 (standard ISO CD-ROM)
[V] allow patch depth of more than 8 directories
[V] allow more than 255 characters in path
[ ] do not add the `;1`ISO file version extension
[V] allow more than 64 characters for joliet names


joliet: My Disc

maybe u don´t need all this but this was my first cd what I burned and it works:

Burn the folder 'RMTM0000' to a CD-R making sure that the directories stay in order.

Insert the disk to your player(u see white screen with blue box)

Select desired region (0 for all regions)

pres "pause" to save

PostRegion code hack posted by Jason1976, February 06 2010:


PostRegion code hack posted by Tobi, July 22 2010:

The region code hack for DV454 works perfectly on LG DV450:
1: Press "Open" button on the player
2: Press "pause" button on the remote
3: Press "3" "1" "4" "1" "5" "9" button on the remote
4: You can check on the TV screen as now you can set your region code.
5. Press "0" button on the remote to select "Multiregion".
6. Press "pause" button on the remote.
7. Swith Off the player and wait for a few sec.
8. Swith On the player and it works.

PostRegion code hack posted by Peetrus, October 17 2017:

What about DVX450?

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