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9 user region code comments

June 30, 2013 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Alan Cook, July 31 2007:

Turn the Player ON. Open the player's disc lid. Press 0, 0, 0, on the remote control. A Region Management dialogue is displayed on the LCD screen, complete with instructions! Press 0 on the remote to make the player region free. Press Pause on the remote to exit. The player is now region free.
I bought my player in Australia. This method appears to be the same as for other LG models.

PostRegion code hack posted by Dinsdale, September 10 2007:

Thanks Alan, your hack worked for me too.

PostRegion code hack posted by zitamay, October 18 2007:

It didn't work for me... Any help would be welcome along with any problems anyone has had with them. Thanks in advance.

PostRegion code posted by isis2381ice, November 30 2007:

Worked like a charm, thanks for the hack :-)

PostRegion code hack posted by vkm, February 02 2008:

LG DP271B june 2007
1. Power on the player with no disk in the drive.
2. Wait for the "No Disc" message to appear.
3. Press Pause on the Remote.
4. Enter 1, 4, 7, 2,
5. Region2
Eeprom 43 5A 00 C3 06 55 F0 00 (My code player)
6. Press Pause on the Remote.

PostRegion code hack posted by petatester, June 28 2008:

I have a LG DP271 wich has no "B" (bought in Spain in Jan 2008) and tried all of
the hacks of this forum, and also other models from LG and nothing, but I found
this page into another forum of this model:

Even its not referred to this model, I can certify that the option 3 of that page
I did that instructions to write the cd and when booting with that cd inside an
easy dialog was shown to change region. Selected 0 with the remote and
aparently nothing happened, simply dialog dissapeared. Reboot again without
that cd and tried a few dvds from different regions and worked ok. Divx features
didnt change. All works ok!
This hack only changes region.

PostRegion code hack posted by cazlamn, July 03 2008:

LG DP271 wich has no "B" (bought in France in June 2008)

Remove any discs and turn on the unit.
Press PAUSE from your remote.
Enter 314159
The hidden region code menu will now appear.
Set the new region - 0 for region free, 1 for region 1 etc
Press PAUSE to save.

PostRegion code hack posted by vips23, March 11 2009:

This worked fine for me..

LG DP 271B
Open Dic Lid Enter 0 0 0 (zeros) when you get the menu again select 0 (zero) and then select pause.. was very good and useful info.. it worked liked a charm for me.. thank you very much.. It really made me go crazy...all my expensive CD just would not play.. now it works fine.. I bought it in Dubai and now I am back in the US..


PostRegion code hack posted by cazlamn, June 30 2013:

download : at :

ZIP file and burn the ISO file (JorgoLG-DVX276hack.iso) on a CD (I use Imgburn)
-turn on the DVD player
-insert the CD
-close the tray
-wait till the on-screen region menu appears
-select "0" (zero) on the DVD remote (0=multi regions)
-select "pause"
-turn off the DVD player

The DVD should go back to normal operation and region free.

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