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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
LG BP540

6 user region code comments

October 02, 2021 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by BabyZ, February 25 2019:

I successfully unlocked my LG BP540 using the same PostRegion code hack as posted for the LG B440 by BlueRaymond,
June 10 2018, copied verbatim below:

1) Create a folder: Violet0000

2) Inside /Violet0000 create a subfolder: Rubicon

3) Download the MontBlanc.txt file here:

4) Save it in the Rubicon folder as a .dvd file called MontBlanc.dvd (note: DO NOT save it as a
text file. Change the file extension. If you cannot see the file extension, select "All File
Types" on the extensions tab of the download window)

5) Your folder stucture should be like this: /Violet0000/Rubicon/MontBlanc.dvd

6) Drag and drop the Violet0000 folder (/Violet0000/Rubicon/MontBlanc.dvd) to your prefered CDR
burner software.

7) Insert the CDR into your player. A black menu screen will appear with the current region
code and a place to select a new region code. Select 0 for universal region.

PS.: If you can't download montblanc-txt file from the link above, try the link below:!CQFz2TAK!1BO7aSN--BFL_sEhneyfVgiQ3ZUzHGinvlycQEvdmpw

PostRegion code hack posted by Adam, December 21 2020:

Worked great on my LG BP530 as well ... many thanks!

PostRegion code hack posted by Dr408517, February 19 2021:

This process bricked my unit.

PostRegion code hack posted by Dr408517, February 20 2021:

Ok, not bricked, thank heavens. Got system to factory reset and perform latest update. Will continue to try to get this to work

PostRegion code hack posted by 한국사람, July 15 2021:

Thank you very much!
I bought a used Japanese Blu-ray
Display BP540 and couldn't play
the DVD of Korean local code 3,
but I succeeded by burning
Montblanc.dvd to a CD as above.
At first, I tried to burn it on
DVD-RW and failed, But I re-
tried to do on CD-R, succeeded!
I burned CR-R on Windows 10.
Thank you twice.
일본 중고 블루레이디스플레이 BP540을 구
입하여 지역코드가 맞지 않아 한국 지역코
드 3의 DVD를 플레이할 수 없었는데, 위
의 방법대로 Montblanc.dvd를 CD에 구
워 넣어 성공하였습니다. 처음에 DVD-RW
에 구워서 시도하여 실패하였습니다만,
CD-R에 구워 재차 시도하여 성공하였습니
윈도우 10에서 CR-R을 구웠습니다.
재차 감사드립니다.

PostRegion code posted by biohazard421, October 02 2021:

tried, disc spins up and screen just says check disc

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