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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
LG 5722N

6 user region code comments

April 28, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Márcio dos Santos Xavier, February 07 2003:

Power on the player with no disk in the drive

Press "PAUSE" on the remote

Enter "3 1 4 1 5 9" on the remote (the word COdE appears on the display)

Enter "0" on the remote (0 = All Regions, 1 = Region 1, 2 = Region 2, etc.)

Press "PAUSE" on the remote

Power the player off and then back on

PostOther hack posted by Márcio dos Santos Xavier, February 07 2003:

How to see VCD in this player? Here we go

1 - Power up the dvd with no disc
2 - Press Pause and then press 1,4,7,2
3 - Press up arrow 3 times,
4 - Press Program 6, Program 5
5 - Press Enter
6 - Press Return
7 - Power off and power on the player


PostRegion code hack posted by Serafim Rocha, December 09 2003:

Como ver o "system information" do DVD.

1- Tecla "setup"
2- Tecla seta p/ baixo até "Formato de tela"
3- Tecla seta p/ direita e cursor em "16:9 wide"
4- Tecle na sequencia: 1,3,9,7,1,3,9
5- Tecla "enter"

Na tela da TV aparecerá o system information.

PostOther hack posted by Julie Lopes, January 14 2004:

Help-me im like one hack for play divx!

PostOther hack posted by fred, April 12 2004:

VCD – DVD no LG 5722N
Power on the player with no disk in the drive - Ligue o aparelho sem nenhum disco.
STOP + PAUSE + 1 + 4 + 7 + 2
Press up arrow 3 times – (Seta para cima 3X), + 4 + PROGRAM + 5
Press Enter – Aperte enter
Power off and power on the player – Desligue e depois religue

VCD PLAYER = PROM OPTION: 42 52 02 4E 12 55 00 00

PostRegion code hack posted by Lu, April 28 2004:

Márcio, your hack worked fine.
Thank you.
from Brazil.

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