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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
LG 5630

6 user region code comments

January 21, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Fitnessman, January 22 2003:

ENABLE SVCD ON LG DA-5630 home cinema
(tryed with PAL system, NTSC no info - maybe)

1, Power on your DVD without disk (display "NO DISK")
2, Press PAUSE
3, Press on remote control: 1,4,7,2 (you're in service mode: first write the origin characters)and
4, Press UP ARROW (^) key 6 times - on display (in the first row) you see the origin 00 characters
5, Press PROGRAM and 6 keys after press PROGRAM and 5 (the 00 characters changed FE)
6, Press ENTER and RETURN
7, Turn power off and power on the DVD player

It's amazing! Your DVD can play the SVCD!!! :))

PostRegion code hack posted by wildmage, June 07 2003:

Confirmed the above hack - works a treat. Seems already in firmware but 'locked' as icon sghowing disc as "super VCD" appears when disc inserted.

PostRegion code hack posted by Arny, June 12 2003:

1. Power on the player with no disc in the drive.

2. Press the CD/DVD button on your remote; No Disc should come up on the display.

3. Press the Pause button on your remote.

4. Enter "3 1 4 1 5 9" on your remote; COdE should appear on the display, followed by whatever region is your default.

5. Enter "0" on the remote (0 = All regions, 1 = region 1, etc.)

6. Press the Pause button again on your remote.

7. Power the player off and then back on.

PostRegion code hack posted by Jack Collins, October 25 2003:

The hacks for convert a multiregion DVD LG DA 5630 works perfectly my system was purchased in Mexico City THANKS A LOT
Now I can enjoy DVD Region 1 & 4.

Warning before to try this hack you must open the tray with no disc or you wont be able to get the blue screen with the code region.

PostOther hack posted by Rafał, December 17 2003:

ENABLE Jpeg ON LG DA-5630 home cinema - How??

PostOther hack posted by Florian Fischer, January 21 2004:

I tried both Hacks with the LG DA-5630AD (PAL!) does AD mean a different system? Cause:

The first (SVCD) worked. The problem: all SVCDs play in black and white. VCDs and DVDs work as before.

The Region Hack didnt work at all..although I didtn really figure out what "open the tray before" means..cause I tried that too!

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