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Insignia NS-WBRDVD

17 user region code comments

January 28, 2012 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Mr_Angry, November 07 2010:

1. Open the DVD tray.
2. Hold down the home/setup key
3. While holding down the home/setup key enter 9113.
4. You should see a hidden configuration menu appear.

From this hidden configuration menu you can set all DVD movies to be region free and then you just select whether or not you want region A, B or C for your Blu-ray titles.

My remote is in Chinese so I believe I translated the correct key (home/setup) but if that does not work try other keys in the lower left hand corner of the remote; I do know the 9113 code is correct.

PostRegion code hack posted by cleon21, November 22 2010:

The 9113 hack on the remote definitely works here in Canada. I bought the
player from Future Shop for $125, applied the hack and bingo, not only do I get
to choose what DVD region I want, but – most impressive – I can also choose
what Blu-ray region I want. I've never heard of a machine being able to do that
before through a remote hack. No maximum number of changes, either. Only
drawback, the machine defaults to region 1/A when you turn it off, so you have
to manually set it to your desired foreign region whenever you want to play a
DVD or Blu-ray from another continent. Small price to pay for such a versatile
machine, however. You get Netflix, too.

PostRegion code hack posted by daftpunk, November 22 2010:

close but no cigar, unfortunately

pushing the setup key while punching "9113" does not work on the player I bought in the US.

What does seem to (partly) work is just punching in "9113" on the remote, this bring up the form where I see the secret menu to set the temp region code, so far everyhting goes great, but when I "ok" the region menu
and try out the region 2 dvd the player spits out the dvd.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?

PostRegion code hack posted by cleon21, November 23 2010:

Is the disc in the machine when you're doing it? Don't do that. Leave the tray
empty and try.

PostRegion code hack posted by onevoice1575, November 23 2010:

I was searching for the code to allow my USA DVD player to accept other regions. I was on the hacks code listing. Found my Magnavox MWD200F DVD player, but it just refers me to different forums.

Am I doing something wrong?

How can I program my DVD to play region 2 dvds, along with my region 1?

Any help would be great.



PostRegion code hack posted by daftpunk, November 24 2010:

No, it doesn't look like whether the disc is in the open tray or not makes a difference. The menu appears ok but doesn't seem to change anything in the region seetings.

PostRegion code hack posted by cleon21, November 24 2010:

Did you do the firmware upgrade when it prompted you (the first time you
hooked up the machine to the Net)? I did, and the hack worked after that.

PostRegion code hack posted by daftpunk, November 25 2010:

I already updated the firmware sucessfully.

Although the form comes up, I have 2 questions about it:
1) on my remote, with the disk tray open, if I push the "setup" button on the lowerleft while punching "9113" absolutely nothing happens, whereas when I just "9113" with the disk tray open the region menu comes up, is that indeed the correct way to bring up the menu?
2) To play region-2 dvd discs on the player, I set the dvd region to "2" and the blu-ray to "b", the I ok the form by pushing the "arrow down" key and "enter", and then I put the region-2 DVD in the tray and try to play it, is that the right way?

PostRegion code hack posted by cleon21, November 26 2010:

Try doing it with the tray empty and closed. This is what worked for me:

1. Turn on the player.
2. Press the home/setup button and release. Enter 9-1-1-3 on the number
3. "Configure player" appears in the wheel menu to the left of the screen.
Using the up or down arrow button on your remote, navigate to it and press
4. Three menus appear on a blue screen in the centre of the screen: DVD
Region, BD Region, and BD Profile. Select the one you want and press enter.
5. A grey screen appears in the centre showing the various regions. Navigate
to the one you want and press enter.
6. Exit the grey menu by pressing the left arrow key, then press it again to
exit the blue menu. The screen will appear as it did in step 3 before you
pressed enter.
7. Open the drawer and put in your foreign disc. Wait a little bit. When it's
ready, the disc's main menu appears. Play it like you would any disc.
8. Voilà! Consider yourself fortunate: You're now able to play foreign DVDs
and Blu-rays on your basic North American player.

P.S. Remember that you have to do this every time you want to play a foreign
DVD, because when it's shut off the player automatically defaults to Region 1
for DVDs and Region A for Blu-rays (i.e. North America for DVD and the
Americas for Blu-ray). The "configure player" menu disappears sometimes,
too; to see it again, simply perform the "home/setup, 9-1-1-3" hack again).

PostRegion code hack posted by RoyT, November 29 2010:

I can confirm that the comment posted by cleon21 Works!

Just bought this player on Black Friday at Best Buy in California for $89 (Model # Insignia NS-WBRDVD2.
First tried with opening the tray - didn't work.But you do the same thing with the tray closed it working.

Thank you.

PostRegion code hack posted by toshik, December 02 2010:

Everything works, moreover I got the player updated over the web and the region menu is still there.

PostRegion code hack posted by kbachelder, December 07 2010:

I purchased my unit about a year ago so it doesn't have the 2
at the end of the model number like the new units have. Mine
is simply a NS-WBRDVD. I have the latest firmware (marked
August 2010 on the website).

However, when I follow cleon21's instructions I don't get the
"Configure player" in the ribbon on the left.

I can get the menu that Mr_Angry described but as others have
said that appears to let you change the setting but it doesn't

PostRegion code hack posted by toshik, February 11 2011:

Installation of the latest firmware with Napster option takes the hack away!

PostRegion code hack posted by Bud-man, February 12 2011:

You must be mistaking, this player does not have Napsterm wich it had You Tube thou

PostRegion code hack posted by Charles Paris, February 20 2011:

Confirmed! February 2011 firmware disables region change menu. Can be rolled back to August 2010 firmware

PostRegion code posted by insignianetflix, June 23 2011:

Any updates as to a new hack for the February 2011 firmware? Reverting to the previous firmware release has an undesirable effect on my Netflix streaming. Thanks!

PostRegion code hack posted by toshik, January 28 2012:

Since August 2010 firware was taken off the manufactures's site you can do a search using the file name
or download it here:

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