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Insignia NS-DRVCR

6 user region code comments

December 16, 2011 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by aRroGaNt wOrKs, September 18 2006:

on remote press "Home" button...

go to Start and press "Enter"...

scroll down until the LOCK is highlighted...

press "0" (zero) 8 times...

you should get a message that the player is now region-free!

-aRroGaNt wOrKs

PostRegion code posted by Rapan, January 13 2007:

This hack doesn't work for me. I was wondering if anybody found another hack. Also, this machine doesn't play vcd's and I'm trying to find out how to activate vcd playback. Thanks in advance.

PostRegion code hack posted by canekid, January 17 2007:

There are actually two different hacks.

1) Go to:
2) Download the file
3) Unzip it to a new directory
4) Burn the Directory and sub directories to a CD-R
5) If you follow the directions in the readme.txt file in the file, you can't go wrong.
6) Insert the CD-R and wait for it to read it
7) A screen will come up showing your current region and ask what you would like to change it to?
8) Press the numerical 0 one time and enter.

This was lifted from the LG RC199H hack entry. This hack works and is very temporary. When you remote shut off or unplug the unit, the region 1 reverts back and you loose the update. This is different but not a bad option for some. No voiding warranty with this hack...

Another hack, lifted from the same model on another site: , actually works. However this is getting under the software hood and is monkey business.

The Hack: Click the home button on the remote, goto the Setup page, highlight the 16X9 aspect ratio and enter in this coded sequence: 1 3 9 7 1 3 9

Change Option 5: from 90 to ff. Exit and remote power cycle. Region 0 will stick. This does not enable any other features. More testing is to follow.

The options page is new to me. It can really mess you up if you poke around.

As options are discovered I will try to keep you posted.

PostRegion code posted by Rapan, January 18 2007:

Wow, thanks again Canekid! You are amazing! Now I'll have to keep trying different codes to get vcd's to work. For those who didn't know how to exit after changing the code, just hit the return key and power off to save settings. It's cool that this $199 player that some of us got during 2006's Labor Day Sale for $70 @Bestbuy shares the same code as the LG RC199H that goes for $299. Once again, thanks Canekid!!! You made my day!

PostRegion code posted by PresidioBoy, February 24 2007:


The Hack:
Click the HOME button on the remote,
Click the Setup page,
Click Start
Click TV Aspect
Highlight the 16X9 wide aspect ratio
Enter on remote control in this coded sequence:
1 3 9 7 1 3 9

Edit specific "Options"

Option 2: 35 (enables Divx/Xvid playback)
Option 4: ff (enables VCD and SVCD Playback)
Option 5: ff (enables region free (region 0) DVD playback)
Option 5: 09 (enables region 1 (North America) DVD Playback)
Option 6: ce (enable Insignia Brand Startup Logo on boot)
Option 6: c0 (enable LG Brand Startup Logo on boot)

PostRegion code hack posted by rapan, December 16 2011:

Using the machine's buttons, holding the play/pause button &
record button for 3 seconds will bring the secret menu as I
found out watching my nephew push it accidentally. This will
be helpful if you accidentally changed settings and the remote
does not work anymore on the machine. Problem now is that all
my original settings are screwed up so I'd appreciate it if
someone could post what they are so I can fix my machine
though I think it's on its last legs as "Unknown disc" keeps
popping up. Thanks. Btw, dubbing button acts as an 'enter'
button so use it to enter and exit, then power off to save

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